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  1. I'm having some trouble with my female Jack Russell, i have taught her since a puppy to fetch, sit, drop, beg, she even does a little "dance" for me. Today i went outside with some treats and thought I'd go over a few tricks with her, she gets really really excited and tries to do all her tricks at once. I tried to calm her down and just make her sit for a moment, but she begged and tried to shake all at the same time. It's rather frustrating, i think she's got it in her head that the treats will run away, unless she quickly does tricks :D Any idea's to get her to pay attention and do one trick at a time? ;)
  2. my dogs would lick the molasses when i used to feed it too my horses, i also find dogs to love chicken necks and frames.
  3. well i think this i have found the reason for my Amstaff's itchy feet, red ears, rashes on stomach, between toes. I think we have wandering dew in our garden.
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