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  1. ifs shes a douge de bordoux x english she is also a english mastiff x douge de bourdoux......same f@*&ing thing besides you clealy have a prob with me as i cant stand the thought of cageing a pet, and i really dont give a shit
  2. well to me its like prison, my dogs well trained allready, and just because i aint a fan and WONT crate our dog doesnt mean shes gonna be " un-trained" we have looked into the history of our breed and mastiffs are general guard dogs. so therefore like the fremdom of swondering around our house and gardens, BECAUSE thats in there blood to do that. I think keeping a 85 kilo dog in a prison cell will be cruel and i dont care about other people thoughts on that, tallulah will be loved and trained very well as all my dogs have been, walking at my side with no lead, coming when called ect ect ect. maybe i just hate to see dogs in boxes although i am talking about my dog not yours remember, and your was bred for fighting !!! got link for you www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staffordshire_bull_terrier
  3. not a fan of the crate thing,,,we have made it clear to tallulah where her area is,, i feel that putting a dog in a crate isnt right, to me its suppose to be part of the family and i dogs in cages, crate's isnt right. makes them feel isloated and supresed. just my opinion.
  4. ok ill try and help. we have a 8 week old english mastiff. we have organised the back yard so she wont escape for a puppy adventure and catch something orrible. 1. your back yard should be fine as long as other dogs dont come in normaly,,,,they can catch parvo from sniffing where dogs piss and poop normaly,,,ie outside your yard. 2. 2 weeks is a long time to take off, she'll , he will be dependant on someone been with her 24/7. we leave tallulah bloo most days for a few hours, she has a area in the house thats fenced off ( garden trellace, it folds up nicly ) and she stays there, just tire her out before you go out sio she sleeps. serious your pups a gaurd dog by nature so she'll love the responsability. we have bought the book ( PUPPIES FOR DUMMIES) just like the windows for dummies book, it realy good loads of tips.
  5. aye the water spray works a treat,,,,out english mastiff is only just 8 weeks and she has a fondness of my wifes trouser legs and socks....a quick spray in the puppy eyeball, sorts it out. ( not really the eyeball :/ ) seriously my wife has only sprayed her twice and all she needs to do now is show her the spray gun. ta
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