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Willesden Goldens

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  1. Baxter and I like to play hide and seek. I'll tell him to sit and wait, then I hide in another room behind a curtain or couch, call him and then wait for him to sniff me out! My OH thinks we're crazy!
  2. I was given the advice that when the puppy nips you, let out a high pitched squeal. If you observe puppies playing, they let each other now its getting too rough with a squeal. It seemed to work effectively with our puppy.
  3. terrier x 3 - I learnt something interesting in puppy school last week which might shed some light on the problems you're having. Dogs go through fear periods around the age of 8-16wks and 6-14months. Your puppy might become panic stricken about something they've seen/heard/experienced many times before. The trainer said not to force the puppy to confront the thing he fears, but to be calm and non-fearful yourself. She said to treat the thing the puppy fears with disdain and he will take reassurance from you and not to over-protect or display too much concern. Our 11 mth puppy went through a period of barking in the middle of the night for no reason - we would go out to find his hackles up and barking at nothing. This lasted for about 2 weeks and then suddenly stopped. If we had have known the fear period info at the time, we wouldn't have been so worried. Hope this helps.
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