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  1. Dani


    Its no better at its usual home than it is here I just found out. Will see how the ignoring thing goes... Thanks P.S Showdog I'm not house-sitting and I don't get frustrated at the dog either so your comment wasn't very helpful.
  2. Dani


    Ok. Its still gonna pee for awhile though right?
  3. Dani


    I'm looking after my friends puppy for a week, its older than 3 months and less than 6. Everytime I come home from being out it wizzes everywhere!!! I've only had her a day and my patience is already wearing thin. How do I train her out of this? I've never had a puppy before. Thanks.
  4. I want to be one too!! :rolleyes: And I'll be living in Brisbane soon too. Would love to hear from anyone that does it, how did they get into it?
  5. I am so sorry Falgall. RIP handsome boy
  6. Rest in peace Tyson. *Hugz* for you soniq and mhb
  7. I'm so sorry Ashley :rolleyes: RIP Kumo :rolleyes:
  8. Dani

    R.i.p Leo

    Rest in peace Leo I'm so sorry Mel
  9. Hi guys, Just an update on how Andrew's dog is doing - she has lost 4kg's so far!! Andrew also appreciates all the advice offered Cheers, Dani
  10. Dani

    Cosmo Jack

    Goodbye Cosmo Jack.
  11. Oh my god Christie. That poem sent me bawling too. It's so lovely
  12. Pheeble when I was younger one of my friends fathers used to shoot their unwanted kittens and puppies also. It was absolutely horrifying to me. However it was absolutely normal to his wife and children. The reason it was done? Too expensive to get the dog/cat desexed. Makes me so mad.
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