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Posts posted by Gallomph

  1. I've had good success with a product called Solfac Pro. You can get it at a lot of rural supply stores. It can be used indoors and outdoors. It's approved for use in farms, houses, schools, hospitals, food processing establishments etc, so is pretty safe if used according to directions (eg. don't spray directly onto animals, food or drinks, let it dry before allowing animals/people back into the area, wear gloves/ wash hands after use...etc). It has a residual effect, so lasts for a couple of months. It's about $60 for 200ml, which would do about 200 square metres.

  2. I've been told : It's certainly possible to get it from raw meat. But a much more direct way to get it is from cat feces. Cats can carry this parasite without showing symptoms.

    NB. Humans can also catch it, pregnant women should avoid contact with cat feces (eg. emptying litter trays, gardening- wear gloves) because toxoplasmosis can cause spontaneous abortion.

  3. Steer clear of oleander! -it's very drought hardy/ tough, but it's leaves, sap etc are poisonous.

    Some kind of physical barrier or edging between the lawn and the garden beds is useful, so you can train the dog where he is allowed to go, and where not.

    Bromeliads are mostly subtropical & can be expensive- check that your location is appropriate for them before you buy.

    gardenexpress.com.au has a forum section where you could post asking for advice. There are nice helpful folk from all areas of oz who will be able to give you suggestions for your climate & situation.

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