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Posts posted by alananddora

  1. I would make sure he cannot get the cats meals (out of sight out of mind) and then put his food down. If he does not eat it after 5 monutes pick it up and he goes hungry...

    The day after I am sure he will start eating his cookies..

  2. Hi All,

    Started out little one today on a BARF diet. My question is how much in terms of weight approximates 31/2 cups of dry food?

    Usually she eats 3.5 cups - 350 grams per day and tonight fed her 220 grams of BARF so around 450 grams per day. Considering the water content of the BARF I thought this ratio would be appropriate - 350 dry, 450 wet.

    She absolutely loved the BARF - sat licking the bowl after she had finished for almost 30 seconds before I pulled her off to the toilet!

    Just in case - Jasmine a 15 week old GSD.

    Also, does anyone have any good recipes for BARF? I bought the Dr Billingham patties today but want to make my own as well.



  3. Our 12 week old GSD had been biting and mouthing alot. I can honestly say that now that the above techniques have also worked for me. Everytime she mouths (or playful bites) I hold her muzzle look her in the eye and a firm NO. This has virtually eliminated this behaviour with me - of course she's still only 12 weeks and it will be ongoing process.... but in the morning or when I return home when she is most excited she now licks rather than mouths.

    My OH, however does not follow this process (consistently) and still receives the nip and mouthing of feet, trouser and hands.

  4. Congrats - I thought one was stressful enough but you guys are doing it the hard way...!

    Our little one is twelve weeks and a combination of overnight cratting, secure outside area (just had a proper dog run installed on Friday cost a bit of $$ but at least we now have peace of mind during the day when me and my OH are at work) and eagle eyes at night has almost cancelled out all inside no1's (she has never pooed inside!) accidents.

    As soon as we see her circling and running around snifing it is straight up - "toilet outside, toilet outside..." put her on her designated area and she generally pees straight away, with copious "good girl..". As soon as she is done it is straight back inside, so she does not connect peeing outside with being left outside.

    Crating for the whole night took about one week to achieve, she now happily goes to the crate at lights out (10pm) and holds all night to 6am. I think the secret to successful crating is during the evening associate all trips to her crate (door open to begin with) are rewarded.

    Over the weekend, we noticed she is now not circling but she is sitting at the door waiting to let outside!

    Consistency and positive reinforcement and you should be less stressful sooner than later! Good luck.

  5. Hi,

    At what age can a puppy be bathed at? Seen the threads on general bathing and we have some special dog shampoo/conditioner but were concerned as she is only 11 weeks this Thursday.

    Is there anything that says we cannot at this young age?



  6. Our GSD is also 11 weeks and has been a bit bitey. Some advise we received does seem to be working. When she gets into the high play drive and starts biting we hold her with one hand and the other on her muzzle. We started with up to 30 seconds and it is now down to 10 seconds and she recognises this happens when she gets to bitey, this stops her from biting and calms her down. I generally maintain eye contact, afterwards I release her leave her for a few seconds then after she has calmed give her a toy and then praise her for playing gently. Good luck.

  7. Hi All,

    Our little Jasmine is still a toilet machine but, she is holding all night long in the crate... thanks for the previous advise!

    Another quick enquiry. This weather this week in Sydney is going to have a few showers and it has shown that we do not have a safe area for her that will keep her dry and warm. I have made some short term arrangements for her but it by no means permanent (some strong tarp sheilding her from the wind and rain and a wooden dog house).

    Can anyone make any recommendations to handymen or other people they have used in the Sydney area for the construction of a good dog house? I have seen them before and could probably build it myself, if I could find good plans and instructions...

    What I am looking for is a pen that has an outside area, but also a dry, weather proof indoors area for her. Approx 7-10 sq m.

    Thanks in advance for any tips or recommendations.


  8. Thanks everyone for your replies.

    For the past three nights (Wed/Thur/Fri) she has held all night from 10pm to 6am - what a good puppy!! Without making a noise once she initially settles - key was our mini grandfather clock that has a good tick-tock...

    Last night we moved the crate from our bedroom to the lounge room, she whined for about 15 mins before settling for the whole night.

    Back to work Monday and we are hoping she maintains her great record!

    I have stopped the basic training (for now - except K's TOT) and now only give her treats when she goes to her crate. two treats just before bedtime and during the day today she has entered 3 times without prompting.



  9. Yep, I also think it is too cold outside for her.

    My better half has decided to sleep in the spare room, whilst I am happy to continue taking her to the toilet until she is able to hold for the night in the crate.

    I believe crating indoors far outstrips any benefits that may arise from outside i.e. short term sleep benefits (even that is questioned!)

    Plus I think she is far better off and relaxes very quickly and I am amazed how quickly she has taken to the crate, this morning I had to get her out as she did not want to leave it!


  10. As said if you think this will be the easy way until older think again.Toilet training starts now,what the pup learns now is what they follow through for life

    " toilet to go whenever she wants." exactly so you achieve no tiolet training at all & to retrain an older dog is not easy.

    Sleepness nights is part of getting a pup nothing is easy & there is no easy way out for achieving life long results

    That's is what I am afraid of... I think if I get my way then I will be in the spare room on puppy duty! But like you said Showdog it is for life....

    This needs careful thought...

    How long do the sleepless nights last on average?

  11. Thanks for the reply. That gives me a bit more confidence we are doing the right thing. Crate training does lend itself to letting the puppy get used to us giving her attention when she wants it during.

    Our yard is almost safe - I have to do a bit more work... but she is only 9 weeks old. Even though she was outside when at the breeders (albeit with 7 brothers and sisters.

  12. Hi All,

    Started a thread today regarding crate training puppy and the sleepless nights involved.

    Is keeping a puppy outside a fine thing to do ? Does it affect the puppy?

    We have a good dry area that is shielded from elements where she will be safe and a toilet. She will put outside late at night at bedtime and bought in early as we rise early at 5am.

    The other alternative is crating which ok she is inside but its a crate, whereas outside (and it being spring'ish) she has more room and a toilet to go whenever she wants.

    It is not our goal to have an outside dog, as her crate training will continue so that we can as an option keep her inside all night crated (rain, thunder, fireworks, winter etc...).

    What advice might you be able to offer us?



  13. A 9 week old puppy still needs 3 feeds a day. Don't cut it down to 2 yet! Their little stomachs can't hold all they need to grow and stay healthy in only 2 feeds.

    You will just have to weather this. Cutting her food to try and stop her waking you up is not on. I would consider that she will need to go out twice a night for another couple of weeks, then once a night for a few weeks more.

    Hmmm... I can continue with 3 feeds until 9.5 weeks but then unfortunately bills need to be paid and I have to return to work :) so it will have to 2 feeds per day. When we picked up the pup the breeder, who has been doing this since 1970 told us this was cool and we should only feed her later in the day (i.e. 7.30 or 8pm) due to bloat due to wanting to spend quality time with the puppy.

  14. ahhhhh! the delights fo a new puppy.

    How old is jasmine?

    How you manage her routine is very dependent on age.

    She is 9 weeks old... but already knows "sit", "down", "in your crate", "come"; her ability to pick stuff up is amazing.

    Started her on K9 Forde's TOT yesterday and she is respondning already as well.

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