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Posts posted by Kowai

  1. Sorry Kowai, our club here in Brisbane is currently the ONLY Australian canine disc club. :thumbsup: We'd love to have some more competition (esp. interstate) and there was going to be a Melbourne club at some stage but that seems to have stalled. I can point you in the direction of information though.

    Brisbane & Region K9 Disc Club - The "Getting Started" page has some good tips. You can contact our club from here (or PM me) to buy the discs we sell also.

    Australian Canine Disc Association - Information on rules, titles etc.

    OzCanineDisc - Yahoo group (aka email list) for chatting with other canine disc enthusiasts for training tips, brags etc.

    Awww what! Damn you Queenslanders! :laugh: Thanks for the info though!

  2. Hey BC how often do you go to shows? :)

    I'm in waves. Sometimes I will go every weekend for a month, then nothing for a month.

    My next trial is the Royal Melbourne 20th September, so we have a break until then. Even if I'm not entered I will still go sometimes to support friends.

    I will PM you with a good website so you know when they're all on.

    Great thank you! :thumbsup:

    It's cool to see that, if we're up to the level, we can gain a title fairly quickly :) I'm so excited about getting our CCD even though it might be awhile yet! :laugh:

    I'm hoping to also get into agility so we can gain, I think its the jumping dog title? I'm also looking at going for a WWPD - Working weight pull dog :rofl:

  3. I took Diesel to an ecollar seminar by K9 Force. At first he seemed to be working OK, but then he shut down and got quite stressed, refused to work. I admit that conditions were not ideal for training (about 37 degrees celsius) and there were a lot of flies around that he didn't like - actually I think he started thinking that the stim was flies :thumbsup: as he started getting hyper sensitive to any flies around. Probably some was my fault - my first time using an ecollar, unsure about using one, he probably would have been fine if it was someone more confident and experienced.

    I would never use one, couldn't use one, on my dogs. Thats a personal decision though and if others decide to use them then thats their choice.

  4. Oh man dropping is such an issue for my dog! We're almost up to trialling level and he still hates doing it for me! :thumbsup:

    I always teach drop originally from the sit position with the dog at my left hand side. Once they have that you proceed onto dropping from the standing position. Dropping is naturally easier for the dog from the sit position because they're already halfway there! :)

    Food is great for teaching them and for most dogs you can probably get them to drop without having to physically handle them - you just hold the food in front of their face, give them the command to drop, and slowly move your hand down to the ground and away from them along the ground and they should hopefully drop! Sometimes it helps to just put a hand on their rump so they keep their butt down :laugh:

    For some dogs food is a great reward for dropping... But it wont get them their in the first place - they'll just look at it and wonder what you're going on about! Physically assisting them at first to show them what you want is the trick. I start by kneeling down next to my dog, who is sitting on my left. I put my left arm around them, lightly resting my elbow on their back and holding their left leg with my hand. My right arm holds their right leg. I give them the command to drop and I gently and slowly pull out their front legs while putting some pressure on their back with my elbow. Once they're in the drop position I praise them and give them a treat.

    Most dogs get the idea very quickly and you'll be able to give them the command without having to kneel right down.

    Once they've gotten the concept and will drop for you then proceed onto dropping from stand position :)

  5. Kowai, I said I would "break a stay rather than leave my dog vulnerable to a dog I was concerned about." I don't give a stuff about dogs who break.

    However, if I ever had the slightest concern that the dog that broke was going to cause any sort of trouble then I'd be in there in a heartbeat.

    Oops sorry I wasn't meaning to take a go at you! Guess that came out wrong :D

  6. I must admit...i hate training in the rain. I have done so in the past - but don't like it much...tend to have problems with colds during or after - not to mention Wet Dog Syndrome!

    Training might be on tonight (Southsiders? any going?) - but i haven't decided if i will go...lol. I thought about using the dryzabone coats for me and the dogs...but the dogs will already be wet and covered in mud after playing about all day...so i'm not sure i even want them in my car! :whiteflag:

    But anyway...do you or will you train in the rain?

    I would but... Well.. You see...

    Zachariah doesn't -like- the rain!

    Anything heavier than a light drizzle and he instantly tries to run for cover or jump onto my lap! :o

  7. I'd do the same thing TO, break a stay rather than leave my dog vulnerable to a dog I was concerned about.

    I can be fairly confident I have a pass if we're on a pass prior to the stays, and I would never risk ruining that kind of reliability if I thought there was going to be a problem with another dog. Luckily I have only come across a few dogs breaking in CCD, and every one has gone straight to their owner.

    Back to the OP - if you have a tendency to get nervous - sh*tloads of rescue remedy!!!! Let the judge know its your first trial and you're a bit nervous, it helped me a lot as I found they were all good at trying to put me at ease! Oh and don't forget to breathe - I got to the end of my fast pace and wondered why I was so out of breath, I don't think I took a breath between the startline and the fast pace.... :cry::o

    Now now you have to give some dogs a chance.. I guess triallings different but if I get a dog next to mine which I know has trouble staying I don't resent them.. I think they deserve the chance :p Of course though if the dog is going to be aggressive thats another story!

    I've had dogs break a few times next to Zach and he hasn't moved thank god! The one time he broke he came straight back to me the little bugger :whiteflag:

    If a dog broke and was just running around being stupid I wouldn't move back to my dog.. If it was going to attack my dog, thats a different story :cry:

  8. Okay heres a question :whiteflag: When you get your dog to sit stay and you walk away from them (for the recall exercise), and the judge tells you to about turn.. Do you turn and keep walking until they say halt or do you just turn and halt straight away?

    I was told by a judge once that we turn and keep walking until we're told to halt?

    If the judge does not say halt just keep walking until they tell you to

    Ah okay thank you! :o I found a copy of the rule book online too which I think will help me heaps with the funday.. Maybe if I do well I'll look at trialling sooner :cry:

  9. Arrive in plenty of time to check in, find your ring and set up. Set up somewhere fairly quiet and be sure to take a crate or mat your dog is familiar with. A chair for you, some water and treats and something high value to reward after ring time is good.

    Don't endlessly practice or tune your dog up before going in. If your dog doesn't know the exercises that morning, training then won't help.

    Focus on showing your dog a good time at his first trial. SMILE, be happy, reward your dog between exercises and try to make being in the ring a positive experience. Don't as I did, act like an undertaker leading a funeral procession and make your dog will want to be anywhere but with you.

    I do correct and use second commands in the ring but I ask the judge first. I trial as I train and there's no point allowing your dog to do poor work because you won't encourage or correct him.. you ain't going to pass anyway.

    Do say thanks to the judge and stewards (who are usually forgotten) and don't hang around in the ring.. there will be others waiting their turn.

    Think twice before taking your dog into the stays if you're not passing and he may break.. those on passes won't appreciate it if he blows their chances.

    Oh yeah its the worst thing during our fun days when one dog breaks and takes 3 dogs with them!

    I remember one time the dog next to mine broke and so did two others to its other side.. It even went up to my dog! :o Somehow Zach stayed glued to his spot! :whiteflag:

    Though my last funday he did break during his sit stay :cry: He normally never breaks!


    Okay heres a question :cry: When you get your dog to sit stay and you walk away from them (for the recall exercise), and the judge tells you to about turn.. Do you turn and keep walking until they say halt or do you just turn and halt straight away?

    I was told by a judge once that we turn and keep walking until we're told to halt?

  10. Actually I'm so thankful now that our clubs fundays at the level I'm at are run like CCD level obedience trials! Even those are terrifying!! Last time I accidently on the recall said "Come! Zach!" :whiteflag: Oops wrong way round.. I also tend to bounce when I do my turns :o

    I think we don't do so well because -I'm- the one making mistakes!!

    Is the passing mark for CCD 170/200 points? Also do you just have to make three passes for the CCD title?

  11. Thanks but I've already registered myself online :whiteflag: So I'm now a VCA member!

    Whats it like transitioning from club style training to trailing style training within the Werribee obedience club? How much help do you get in learning to trial?

    Great, just leave the registered number blank then.

    Trial style training at Werribee is great. This is where you start to get very one on one and picked on for all of the things you are doing wrong :o and you get many hints and advise on what to do.

    I will PM you.

    I do alot of things wrong haha! :cry:

    I need to practice so much! I havent had the chance to train much lately and the funday is this weekend! :cry:

  12. You give a command whenever the judge tells you to, such as a drop, stand, etc.

    Should not need to on a sit, but in CCD you can, just lose a couple of points.

    Dont correct your dog for anything. If you're doing a recall for example, and you dog does not come, just wait until the judges tells you what to do. Also heeling, if your lab is lagging, just keep going, dont correct at all. Keep moving and dont change your movement to adjust to your dog if they're not doing the right thing. This is an easy thing to fall for.

    Hope this helps, good luck and have fun. I know exactly how you feel. I started trialling 2 weeks ago and just got our CCD on thw weekend.

    Oh man!! :whiteflag: It all sounds so hard!

    I have the worst habit of talking to my dog.. Or saying his name.. Or just saying stuff at the wrong time! :o

  13. Well I just went and ordered Zach's weight pull harness online! :whiteflag:

    I'm thinking of going to the next weight pull event at the Malamute club to see how its all done and to talk to some people :o Its hard not to get conflicting information on the net about particular rules!

    Zach is getting a red harness with his name on it - can't wait to see it! It's pretty exciting!

    I need to learn how to train him too.. I would -hate- to do anything wrong which could result in Zach getting injured.

  14. That should be for office use I think. Your dogs rego will go AR1234. AR obviously stands for Associate Register

    Thats what I was thinking.. But I wish that they had've put next to it "For office use only" or something! :o

    I can just see it now.. Ms Laura Hall's Associate Thisis Sparta CCD.... *daydream* :cry: It's the dream to get a title one day..

    Watch your dreams!. At the beginning of this year, i was out tracking with my young dog, and my old dog (13 1/2 year lab) kicked up a stink. So I thought well, you old sod, I will give you a track. He did a very complicated track very well. I had stopped tracking him some time ago due to my very poor health, and had retired him. I laughingly said to my wife "wouldn't it be funny if he gets Tch? if any dog deserves it he does, he was really awesome". Well, he got track 3 4 5 in a row, had a slight hiccup and is now going for his Tch this weekend. Along the way I had a day with three pass cards when my poodle got TD in a day after a track on, and he got track three. Judges started saying nice things about my handling instead of slagging it and I learnt to relax tracking. I was so relaxed that when we did our first Tch track, he was having a slight munch at the start, i couldn't have cared less, because I had full confidence that he woud find the track. He has never missed so why worry now? I hope it spills on to obedience.

    BTW he really perked up with the tracking and attention too.

    Nice! :whiteflag:

    I'm still a novice.. I'm only just now sort of coming up to trialling level and it's my dream to atleast get the first level of titles! If I got anything more than that I'd be so happy! :cry:

  15. That should be for office use I think. Your dogs rego will go AR1234. AR obviously stands for Associate Register

    Thats what I was thinking.. But I wish that they had've put next to it "For office use only" or something! :whiteflag:

    I can just see it now.. Ms Laura Hall's Associate Thisis Sparta CCD.... *daydream* :o It's the dream to get a title one day..

  16. Are you near Werribee? We have a good Obedience club there :o (I have a husky too)

    I would recommend getting a training partner as you can only train one dog at a time. Food is great to use while training as I've noticed especially with my husky that she gets so distracted - she's so interested in -everything- thats going on where my other dog is more focused on me.

    Oops just saw that you'd already signed up! :whiteflag:

    A dogs never too old or too young to start learning :cry:

  17. Hey guys,

    I'm trying to fill out the form to register my dog as an associate dog with the VCA, however the form asks for a registration number and I'm not sure what thats referring to. All it says is that that number is preceded by the letters "AR" which signifies Associate Register.

    If someone could tell me what this means I'd really appreciate it :whiteflag:

  18. Could be linked with the RSPCA dislike of check chains as well...they don't believe in the use of check chains and consider them cruel etc. They also seem to be going with the idea of purely positive training...so perhaps they are stating that general run obedience, eg check chains and balanced training etc, is cruel compaired to what they agree with and so intend to run with that ideal?

    I used to think they were cruel until I started training at my club. Yes they -can- be cruel, if used incorrectly by idiots who lose their tempers! But if used properly, I don't believe they are.

  19. Oh yeah there is so much that you learn as a trainer when you go through the whole training experience with your dog.

    Like everyone else I reccommend either joining a club or getting a private instructor :provoke: I think that 99% of the time when the dog does something wrong, or misunderstands, its our fault as handlers - we have to learn as much if not more than the dog on how to work as a team.

    My dad keeps asking me about sending his puppy off to a training school like this, but I keep telling him its probably not a good idea.. I need to find him a trainer too, in the Northern NSW area.. So -impossible- finding anything dog related up there!

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