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Everything posted by miss1

  1. hey gareth we are getting a miniature schnauzer, have had them all my life. we lost our 2 old girls in jan they were 15 and 14 yrs old i wouldnt be flying a puppy down as would like to meet the pup in its first environment, but would llike the puppy between 8-10 weeks age, but if this isnt best for the puppy then are happy to get it a little bit older
  2. fantastic thankyou for your advice, there is so much conflicting info going around from different places it is hard to dertimine whats what. thanks again
  3. hi all iam new to this forum and i want to say that i have been having a read through on a lot of the topics and the advice and support given on this forum by members is fantastic, congrats to all !!! :cool: anyway i will hopefuly be purchasing my new puppy in a few months and i have heard a rumor that some breeders do not let there puppies go to there new home untill 12 weeks of age. so i was wondering firstly if this was true and 2nd what opinion do most have on this as i was under the impression that the 12-8 weeks age of welcoming a puppy into its new homw can be crucial bonding time. all my previous dogs were adopted into our home between 6-8 weeks (this is going back 12 plus years ago) my family and i are responsible and loving dog owners and the bonds we had with our previous dogs were un-forgetable. as i said iam new so would appreciate all help and advice, thanks in advance
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