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Posts posted by Staffyluv

  1. Oh, I am so sorry to hear this - I had everything crossed for you both.

    The photo shoot is a great idea (my late husband bought me one, for my old boy when we first found out he had cancer)..

    Remember that Swazzie doesn't know what is happening to him, so just enjoy the time you have. Take time for the extra few minutes of dawdling around the park, so he can sniff a few minutes more. Make time for the extra cuddle before bed, the extra pat before going to work.

    All the best.

  2. One of my fosters was a table/counter surfer - I bought some of those citronella outdoor tealights from Woolies and took it out of the tin container.

    Then under the edge of all surfaces (just under the outside edge of the table and under the edge of the kitchen bench), I rubbed the candle - the smell of the citronella kept him away from the table and the kitchen benches..

    You could also use plain citronella oil but it is a stronger smell.

  3. Update

    So he had another ultrasound and they couldn't find cancer!!!

    He said despite the not eating his tummy had food in it,so he couldn't get a good enough look at all of it.

    He wants him back Monday morning to do another scan on an empty tummy ( poor dog he's only started eating chicken mince today)

    He think it is possibly some sort of gastrointestinal disease but won't know until they get a better look

    He's said there is still a smaller chance it could be cancer

    They may operate if they find something and if it's the gastro disease it's manageable longer term.

    We're very very hopeful.

    Rod was just lovely, very patient and Bru loved him on sight :-) there was lots of body wagging lol

    Thank you so much to all those who encouraged us to by a second opinion and see a specialist. Also for recommending the amazing BVSC.

    We're not out of any woods, but we go to bed tonight maybe able to sleep.

    That is very positive news - hopefully it is something they can fix with a round of antibiotics and Bru will be just fine.

    Everything crossed for you.

  4. I'm at BVSC now waiting on the ultrasound.

    They are lovely here , spoke with Rod Straw

    Feel sick but so happy he's been looked at.

    He is an amazing man and gave us so much wonderful advice years ago.

    You and the lad are in good hands.

  5. We got a cancellation at BVSC for tomorrow, our vet did referral just waiting on them to hurry on a get paperwork over to BVSC .

    I've been home all day, was getting teeny bits of food into him but just now he threw up all he ate today and maybe what he had yesterday .

    He's so sad and tired looking today I think- allthough still tail wagging .

    I was looking at pic of taken of him end of May and he's seems to have aged in face about 5 years- he looks like much older dog I think.

    Great news. Our canine oncologist was in Brisbane - Rod Straw and he is at BVSC :)

    He will be picking up on your mood and stress - I know it is easy to say (everyone used to tell me) but try to take it easy. Remember to breathe and be kind to yourself (it is a lot of stress to go through for the humans as well).

    Enjoy the time you have together and deal with each issue as it is comes to light.

  6. Thanks for all the kind words, it means a lot to me.

    We picked him up a few hours ago, he was happy to see us and wagging his massive tail as always.

    She did bloodwork and ultrasound . They couldn't find anything else in him that would cause the rapid weight loss and muscle loss. She said the wall was thicker than it should be around intestine and one other spot ( I can't rem I was too upset) which she said indicates cancer.

    She said at best a few months but it would be this week, if we can't get any weight on him, he lost 10kg in a matter of days.

    Have special diet and he ate a bit when we just fed him and the three year old just slipped him a sausage which he ate.

    No throwing up or burping but vet said he was doing the burp thing through the night.

    We got one week of pills and she said come back in a week get him weighted and looked at agin unless he goes downhill.

    I don't know, I am leaning towards a few days see how he is and then a second opinion .

    I am so happy he is home with you now.

    Please get a second opinion now - if it is cancer, maybe the specialist could do surgery.

    I had an 8 year old stafford who had multiple mast cell tumours - we were originally given a time frame of 12-18 months with surgery and chemo. We jumped up and down, got a second opinion, got a specialist on board and also contacted an holistic vet for diet and supplements. Ollie lived 6 years.. I'm not saying that is going to happen for you, each case is different.

    But getting that second opinion and running the relevant tests to be certain of what you are dealing with (instead of the vet thinks it is cancer) is so important.

    Knowing what you are dealing with is half the battle (what type of cancer, what stage it is at, is it systemic) - I wish you loads of luck.

  7. Dh just spoke with vet it's not good .

    Blood came back clear but they found mass in intestines and thinks it's cancer

    Said the op to determine if it is , is invasive and if it's is where it is means not much can be done

    Said meds are hard and prob won't do much.

    We have to get him on high energy diet to keep weight on him.

    I am going to get him soon and will ask questions


    I would be getting a second opinion on the surgery - just for peace of mind. Ask to see a specialist?

    The mass may be a blockage, not cancer (if the bloodwork came back clear).

    If he has a mass or blockage, then would feeding him up make it worse?

    Wishing you and him all the best.

  8. I love that someone with his profile is so behind this barbaric practice.

    If you want to eat animals, the least you can do is make their dispatch as quick and stress free as possible..

    I had to hide his stuff on FB because the images were very confronting (and upsetting)..

    Sadly, I doubt they will ever stop this (I wish they could though).

  9. I always wonder why some (perhaps a lot) people find the consultation fee of a highly trained profession so objectionable. What goes into their training and the set up and running cost of a veterinary clinic must be astronomical. Personally I think it's a very fair charge.

    We expect our vets to be highly well trained professionals with the latest equipment in hygienic well staffed clinics etc etc.....this comes at a high cost.

    I'm just talking generally, not about any specific posters here.

    Big pat on the back for the vets from me. :thanks:

    +1 :)


  10. I've seen a few posts on forums where people have found a dog, and decided they are going to keep it without even attempting to find the owners. It blows my mind. Just because a dog is out roaming the streets doesn't necessarily mean it's been abandoned or that its previous owners are neglectful.

    It's the same as when people think their rescue dog has been abused simply because they are soft and react adversely to raised voices etc.

    I think sometimes saying your dog is stolen gets more attention and is more glamorous than simply saying your dog got out of your yard.

    I see people, all the time, on the facebook buy, swap & sell pages - find a dog and put the notice only on the page. When I suggest they take the dog to the pound or RSPCA, they won't 'risk' it because the dog might be PTS.

    They simply don't get that NOT every person has facebook or even the internet, so may never see their notice and only look at the local pound for their dog..

  11. Is your dog crate trained?


    When (age) did you crate train him/her?

    I found Ziggy as a 6 month old rescue - he was crate trained from the moment he came home (so are all our foster dogs, they vary in ages but they all get crate trained while they are here)

    Do they still sleep in their crate now they are older? If not where do they sleep?

    Not so much anymore - he prefers to sleep on the end of my bed but he still sleeps in it during the day time or if we go away somewhere and stay overnight or we are out for a long day.

    When did they stop using the crate?

    We still use it.

    Where is their crate in the house?

    It is in the lounge room but when I crate train foster dogs, the crate is in my bedroom.

    Does your dog use the crate only for sleeping?

    No, it is also used as a 'safe' place where he can go. If we are out and fireworks are going off (we have an idiot in the vicinity that lets them off regularly), or we have a dog here that is a bit much for him (he can hang in his crate to get away from it (I have had a couple of younger dogs/pups as fosters and they want to play non stop, so he has a place to go to get away from them).

    He will eat a bone in there or take a nap during the day.

    He will happily be in his crate if we have to go to a training event (the whole day with toilet breaks).

    Most of my fosters that have gone to their forever homes, still use crates.

  12. My sister had one of her Staffords stolen many years ago. She lives in a very small town on the far north coast of NSW and everyone knows everyone else.

    Her dog, Ellie used to walk down the road to the little bakery and they would give her a treat and then she would walk back home again.

    The young lass working in the bakery, felt sorry for Ellie being home alone all day and when she was dismissed from the bakery, she took Ellie home with her.

    It took 3 years, but my sister got Ellie back. Sadly by then, Ellie was very old and blind. Sister also had a new SBT, who was now about 18 months old.

    When she came back home, she was really freaked out, so my sister did the best thing for Ellie and sent her back to the people who stole her. Ellie was happy there, knew her way around, was very spoilt and well looked after. Sister had visiting rights up until Ellie passed away.

    I personally had a guy try and take Ziggy off me at the local leash free park. He claimed Zig was his dog, wash pushing me and pulling Zig's lead. When others got involved and told him he was wrong, he didn't believe them (lucky they all knew us). People called the police because the man started threatening me.

    When he drove off (before the police came), I put Zig in the car and took off in the other direction that he went and then went home.

    I went straight to the police and made a complaint (I had video footage of him and the incident and photos of his car rego etc that were all given to the police).

    When I went back to the park a few days later, the people I know said that he came back with three big guys looking for us, not long after we left that day.

    Police eventually convinced him that his missing dog was not my dog by comparing photographs of Zig and his dog (which look NOTHING alike - Zig is a brindle staffy cross with 4 white paws and a white chest blaze and his dog was a black staffy cross with only one white toe.. How he mixed up the two dogs is totally beyond me!)

    It was pretty awful while it was going on and I am glad it is over and he no longer things my dog is his.

  13. I have a doog belt and it is OK for a quick walk around the block but the pockets are small.

    I prefer my K9 Pro dog Link - my iPhone fits perfectly in the front pocket. Treats and ball in the main pocket and keys in the back pocket.

    The number one requirement when we designed these was that my phone HAD to fit in the front pocket, lol.

    I love that my phone fits perfectly and it is in the front pocket, so easy to get at when it rings.

  14. She is so cute Huski, I wish we had more time last week, so I could have had a cuddle.

    Hopefully next time.

    A couple of the girls who stayed back at the end got to have a cuddle (well, she jumped on them and licked them all over, lol).

    was really delighted with how she went on our trip down to Canberra, she was so good in the car, perfect in her crate and switched on nicely for me at the workshop :)

    I was debating about staying back a bit but Zig had done so well, staying in his crate for so long, I decided to just bring him home.

    Next time though - I will definitely stay back to meet her properly :)

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