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Posts posted by leannek

  1. BUMP, please consider, read here

    As a former EDBA committee member and a founding MDBA member, I can assure everyone that one of the purposes of the MDBA was to fight BSL, but not in the same way the EDBA did/does. The MDBA exists for ALL breeders who fit the criteria for membership, NOT just ANKC members, and it exists for all responsible pet owners, no matter what their breed, if they fulfil the criteria
  2. BUMP

    Thanks for raising this Erny :laugh:

    Email sent to the 88 members :D and I've also attached a list of the emails concatenated together, so they can be copied and pasted for a single email

    Will be contacting friends to send this off as well.

    Thanks Wendy. Steve (MDBA) has contributed as well. But we'll need more than that. We CAN head them off at the pass, if we get enough people driven to put pen to paper.

    Although individual letters are the best, I acknowledge that some people find that too hard (time poor; don't like writing letters .... mind you, I don't particularly like to write them either).

    So what I propose here is that every person who wants to help in at least one way could write a simple covering letter - something like the following :

    Covering email letter :

    "Dear Parliamentary Member

    I support and endorse the objections and content encompassed in the attached response to Government by Good for Dogs and would ask that you not only accept these points as though they were my own writing, but also take on board and heed the refutes and information it provides, as though it was I who was the author – BEFORE the

    Government proceeds to passing of yet even more laws that are flawed and which have the tendency to target the responsible people and not those who are the mainstay causes for community interference by their own dogs; and which do NOT and have not had any effect on the lowering of bite statistics; nor which embraces the ideology of “education”. “

    Attachment to email :

    With your email, attach the GoodforDogs response - the link for this is http://www.goodfordogs.org/blog/wp-content...nse_to_Bill.pdf .

    And this is the Member of Legislative Assembly contact list which will give you all the names, addresses and email addresses you can send to (the more the merrier).

    Legislative Assembly (Vic) Member Contact List

    Of course, the "GoodforDogs" well thought out response may actually make sense to you of what the proposals are and how they are likely to (adversively) affect us, to the degree that you might like to take from that and formulate your own individual response. That would be great, but at the very least, please respond to Government one way or the other. Better something than nothing at all.

    Cheers, and let's band together to fight this now. Once the law is passed the effort to change it when we see and experience the wrongs that it will cause, will be a far greater task than the one at hand.

  3. Thanks for raising this Erny :laugh:

    Email sent to the 88 members :D and I've also attached a list of the emails concatenated together, so they can be copied and pasted for a single email

    Will be contacting friends to send this off as well.

    Thanks Wendy. Steve (MDBA) has contributed as well. But we'll need more than that. We CAN head them off at the pass, if we get enough people driven to put pen to paper.

    Although individual letters are the best, I acknowledge that some people find that too hard (time poor; don't like writing letters .... mind you, I don't particularly like to write them either).

    So what I propose here is that every person who wants to help in at least one way could write a simple covering letter - something like the following :

    Covering email letter :

    "Dear Parliamentary Member

    I support and endorse the objections and content encompassed in the attached response to Government by Good for Dogs and would ask that you not only accept these points as though they were my own writing, but also take on board and heed the refutes and information it provides, as though it was I who was the author – BEFORE the

    Government proceeds to passing of yet even more laws that are flawed and which have the tendency to target the responsible people and not those who are the mainstay causes for community interference by their own dogs; and which do NOT and have not had any effect on the lowering of bite statistics; nor which embraces the ideology of “education”. “

    Attachment to email :

    With your email, attach the GoodforDogs response - the link for this is http://www.goodfordogs.org/blog/wp-content...nse_to_Bill.pdf .

    And this is the Member of Legislative Assembly contact list which will give you all the names, addresses and email addresses you can send to (the more the merrier).

    Legislative Assembly (Vic) Member Contact List

    Of course, the "GoodforDogs" well thought out response may actually make sense to you of what the proposals are and how they are likely to (adversively) affect us, to the degree that you might like to take from that and formulate your own individual response. That would be great, but at the very least, please respond to Government one way or the other. Better something than nothing at all.

    Cheers, and let's band together to fight this now. Once the law is passed the effort to change it when we see and experience the wrongs that it will cause, will be a far greater task than the one at hand.

  4. On the 5 litre bottle it says "can be diluted up to 6:1 for lesser problem areas".

    I sprayed my carpets and car at that rate and it worked perfectly - all doggies smells gone :(

    Hey guys,

    Just wondering how much people are diluting it down? I am thinking of starting off with the 500ml and seeing how that goes. Should i dilute it 3:1 (water:odourgo)? More?? Less??


  5. Sensational news Caz :cry:

    Tammy had her appointment with my vet today for a full check over and she has come through with flying colours! I was so thrilled, looks like we may have her for quite some time :cry::cry:

    She is now 9.7kg so thats 1.5kg gain since I picked her up just over a week ago :(, her heart sounds great, no sign of heart disease, lungs sound good, all her joints are fine, ears are clean. A blood screen was done while she was at the pound and that was all excellent too. What an amazing girl to be so healthy at the ripe old age of 16!

    Yes she has cataracts but seems to be able to see reasonably well. I'll put a night light in our room to aid her nighttime vision.

    The only problem she has is her teeth which are in dire need of attention. My vet feels she would cope just fine with a light GA for dental clean and polish and the benefits to her well worth it. It doesn't look like any teeth have to come out at this stage.

    So I am a very happy Vegemite tonight, yay for sweet little Tammy!!

  6. My story is similar to yours except I had no dog.

    I qualified as a potential owner with my preferred breeder and was so excited that I would be getting a new baby :D

    Unfortunately the litter was lost and I then had a choice of waiting for maybe another 6 to 12 months or going with another breeder.

    I opted to stay with my preferred breeder.

    In the wait time I became a foster carer and found that helped the time pass.

    I now have my precious boy who is 18 weeks old and was definitely worth waiting for.

    I think this is really a personal choice and depends on the reasons for your new baby.

    Personally, I wouldn't hesitate to do the same again, because I love my breeder.

    Good luck with whatever you decide :(

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