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  1. Well maybe I wouldnt be so darn unpopular if I kept my mouth shut ;-) Hey... I'm the first to admit to perving on a good looker! True... true! :D Exactly My cousins were scared of dogs growing up! Both their parents are well to do and they are the prissy kind you might see taking ballet lessons even though they dont want to. One day the neighbours dog was barking through the fence and they were teasing him... so I said "Hey, don't do that or I'll throw you over the fence to him!"... they ran off crying and I got into trouble!! *LMAO* No... I havent. Have heard about it though. My oldest girl Kace has been my best friend since I was 14/15 years old and perhaps my only friend. She got me through a lot as well. I dont know what would have happened to me had I not had her! Dogs are great She is turning 10yo next March and people still mistake her for a puppy. This is a pic of her with my daughter. I will never have a dog as good as her again. When she goes I will be beside myself.
  2. Good idea... maybe I need to learn how to fence sit! O.K.... you got me :D Whos being the suck now! ;) I dont know! Seriously. Its just life. I dont know if I am strong or just a gas bag ;-) OMG! Excellent point! My luck she will be a lesbian and I'll never have grandchildren! You know... my father was very abusive... but I would rather a good upbrining and abusive father than being ignored and left to raise oneself! I find the most unbalanced people are the ones who have had a sheltered upbringing ;-) But I had two sets of parents... my human parents and my canine parents!!!! *LOL*
  3. Hey Dan... you're a guy, you know its true! *L* What is better than having a woman all to yourself? Its having several women all to yourself... isnt it? *L* Maybe someone should start up a dog lovers matchmaking site! *L* All the men on there would be popular little cookies. I love watching men at the dog shows being hounded by lonely women... no pun intended. Oh no... especially with everything I have been through. I almost died several times for that little creature. She is my world. Who would have thought people die because of childbirth in this day 'n' age!! It just saddens me to think that she will never love me as much as I love her and one day she is going to leave and make someone else happy and hopefully be a wonderful partner :D Like sending puppies to their new homes only on a bigger scale! When I realised how much you love your own children but how they just never love you back as much I apologised to my mother and gave her a hug! So sad.
  4. *LMFAO* :D I dont think my partner would mind! You know men! *LMAO* Dan... I go and check on my two legged baby every few minutes when she is in bed. She sleeps really well. I am just paranoid something will happen to her Babies are different to dogs... they are both more fragile and more robust. Its like the hardest part of raising puppies 24/7 for years and years ;) I'm going to be exhausted by the time Keira goes to school!
  5. Dan... sure does look like a well cared for doggy :D Yeah... the human puppy is much louder though! Funny thing though, she is less work and less sleepless nights! She is becoming a toddler though so she is into EVERYTHING without exception. And the tantrums she throws! *LOL* But she is too cute... Hey! I'm not a suck... I'm actually an irritating bitch
  6. Dan... I'm a Mum now... I was meant to start work in a vet surgery in 2004 but then discovered I was pregnant! Oops! The rescue and my bub keep me too busy I think your girl is going to be just fine :D Sounds like she has a loving owner. Meriment... you've read other posts by myself ;p Surely my tenacity and amazing ability to ALWAYS put my foot in it alerted you to my age!? ;-) I've just lived a lot in a short short time. Pampa... you are only as old as you feel :D You seem young and bright to me :p I thought you were closer to my own age... not through immaturity but through energy and outlook
  7. Here it is... I hope it works this time. *grumbles* EDITED: Yay! I got it! *L* Something went wrong before, I think the name was a problem.
  8. Yeah, I'm 24. Sorry, I'm not as good at communicating as you clearly are ;-) Nope... wish I was studying medicine! I think I am far more competant and compassionate than most G.Ps and hospital doctors. Um... I'm a special case When you have as many things go wrong with you as I did/do/have you end up knowing a lot of medical staff and they end up trusting your opinion *L* If they didnt my life would be too hard. I got to the stage that I could walk into emergency and they would know me immediately and take me out the back to a couch ready for my blood transfusion! *LMAO* Other people in the emergency would look at me funny when I walk in and the staff know me and we're having a good old chat (yet dont look too urgent). I think they all got a bit miffed because I was looked after immediately... little did they know I was probably close to death. I remember one time all the other nurses were busy and I got a newbie... she didnt know what to do and got annoyed that I thought I could just walk in and get blood (they always had blood there for me)... so she wasted a heap of time trying to get blood sample from me and having it analysed. 30 minutes later she comes back in a panic because my HB was lower than 70. I have never seen someone so frantic. *LOL* Oh... I have so many stories about stupid hospital people... that is why I only go for blood transfusions etc and dont stay. I do my own health care from home and only go in when on deaths door :D I was a vet nurse though Email her pic to me and I will put it up. aricaer at optusnet.com.au
  9. BTW... the types of stimulus (that may cause a Leiomyoma to become cancerous) in humans are usually pregnancy, the pill, hormone imbalance, trauma, disease and obesity. I would assume it is the same in animals. There is of course a genetic element as well.
  10. Just noticed you said your 26... you just seem much better spoken (or written) than most 26yo men... just assumed you were much older and wiser than most 26yos. this coming from a 24yo ;-) The Leiomyosarcoma is just the technical term for a malignant fibroid They are very rare. It is more likely to be benign. It is more a case they start out benign and with some sort of stimulus can become malignant. Leiomyoma is the technical term for such type of tumour... fibroleiomyoma is a benign one, leiomyosarcoma being malignant (sarcoma meaning cancerous). There is no way to tell until you get the pathology results back :D I dont have a doctor, I take care of my own health care so I have no one to notify me. When I want my results I have to go to the nearest G.P. and ask them to get them in. I havent done that yet ;-) But I also had an echocardiogram done about the same time and haven't got the results either ;-) Pathetic... I know. Yes Sir! *salutes* I cant promise anything, my memory is shot ;-) BTW... sounds like you caught it reasonably early and it didnt sound aggressive... so even if it was malignant desexing should take care of it. You've done well. Dont be too worried :D She is doing well for an old girl, I hope you will have her for at least another six years :p
  11. If you want to know anything about Leiomyomas I think I know a fair bit *LOL* Basically those two tumours you mention are the same thing, only one is malignant the other benign. Just look up fibroid and forget the canine part... you wont find much searching for canine specific. It is almost the same thing as in humans... only the dog has a different uterine set up i.e. they have modified fallopian tubes that make up the 'horns of the uterus' where the pups attach... and the body of the uterus does not always house pups but can. Here... this link is very informative I guess... not that there is much to know about fibroids they are pretty straight forward. FIBROIDS
  12. Hey Dan! Good news Very happy to hear all is well. I had fibroids (the common name for fibroleiomyoma), so I can say if it was a fibroid (being the most common form of reproductive tumour I would be more surprised if it wasnt!) I can say from personal experience it wouldnt have caused her too much discomfort most of the time but having it gone will improve her quality of life for certain :D Fibroleiomyoma are re-occuring... so desexing is definitely a good idea. :D Even though they are not malignant they do have a rich blood flow so put unwanted strain on the heart... especially for an older girl. Very happy to hear all is well! Vet pathology is faster than human pathology as well!! *LOL* It took longer than a week to get my results back and eight months later I still havent been told the results cause I am too scared
  13. My thought from your description would be that it is pyometra with swelling that caused a prolapse or vise versa! Prolapse is yucky and uncomfortable but she will be feeling much better after desexing. It sounds like your girl is healthy otherwise so just try to relax for now. Either way the surgery will 'fix' either problem. Tumours are usually benign! Malignant tumours are rare when you consider just how common tumours are ... especially reproductive tumours. Good luck to both you and your girl! You'll find having a desexed girl so much more pleasent anyway... no more mess and fuss It is worth the money to have them done. Give her a big hug from all of us! BTW... she obviously knows she is loved... otherwise her condition wouldnt be so good! So dont beat yourself up about it... you know now from experience dont you You and your girl can be perfect embassadors for desexing pets!
  14. hey guys... I know what you are thinking... and no. I just happened to be patting him there in those vids He is equally aggressive when you touch him on the other side... and more so when you touch his body. That is why I said the vids are pretty useless and I didnt get what I wanted. My partner is impatient and I didnt have enough time. And the lady was asking stupid questions. She kept asking why the kids cant chase him and why he cant be on the lounge/bed etc. I had trouble trying to explain it differently each time in hopes she would understand. WHat happens is he is happy when he wants to interact or he is happy with the level of interaction HE wants. When you pass that border, whatever the border is he has set at that moment, he attacks. He was looking over away from me because he wanted the girls. When he meets a female, he immediately starts humping her and does not stop. No matter what. You pick the female up, he jumps up and tried to bite both person and dog. If you walk too close to him when he is cranky, he will come after you! I wish I had had better help on the day, but you can only get what you can Cant hold the camera and provoke him at the same time. May be able to get some video of him this week. I will get better help and show you different situations. I will show you what happens when - a female is near - he is picked up - he is yelled at by his mum - his mum tries to feed him a treat You know a wagging tail doesnt necessarily mean the dog is happy right? You have to look at the position of his ears and eyes as well. His tail is up and wagging... his ears are pinned back and his eyes were wide and intense. He didnt look directly at me to warn me, he showed teeth and looked out the corner of his eye. His hackles never came up. His family has a hard time with it because he does not appear to them to be a nasty dog. They think because he wags his tail that he is being friendly. Then they dont understand why he bites. This dog couldnt care less about his family. He owns them. He will do anything to get to a female. He was looking over to the right all the time because my 12week old desexed bitch was over there. When he meets a bitch he goes straight to the vulva and has a good lick for a minute and then mounts her and will not stop humping unless he falls off when they move away (in that case he chases and humps on the move anyway!!!!). The bitch can turn and snap and he pays no attention. His behaviour is really disgusting. So I have to disagree... desexing him will make a difference! Its not the solution, but it will help, especially with focus. I really feel its hopeless though, they probably think I am a nutcase telling them they cant have him on the bed or lounge anymore and the kids cant play chase!!
  15. I am uploading the third as we speak. I think it is the most interesting, though I am miffed about it because my partner missed a chunk of it because he want paying attention. But anyway, its a good example.
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