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Everything posted by CP*

  1. I found the easiest and sure fire method for my Shelties' ears is chewing gum. Chew the gum first, then pull the fur back and put a wad in the centre of the tip of the ear (on the underside) and it will flop forward nicely. Less than one stick of gum (I use sugarfree extra) should do the trick for both ears. If you want to make it a little less noticeable you can flatten out the gum a bit by shaping it into a triangle inside the ear tip rather than leaving it as a blob shape. It may drop off after a few days the first times but should stay on for a month at a time and when you want it to all come off just use warm water. If you have other dogs who try to lick it off your pups ears you may need to dab on some tea tree oil occassionally (the water soluble kind) diluted in water to deter them. Caro
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