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  1. MaddieMoo


    RIP Asher. Bella, my heart goes out to you, you fought for your boy and did the best you could. Take care.
  2. ask them for a sample, they will send you some to try :rolleyes:
  3. Can I please have a new sig please? Pretty pink with maybe some roses in the background. Or a picture of maddie in the background in black n white or something similar. I will leave it in the capable hands of one of you please With the quote: "Take time to smell the roses" Thanks in advance
  4. Where can I buy these from? They have them on ebay is huge packs, but I only want a pack of ten or so???
  5. Im so so sorry for your loss.
  6. Im so so very sorry for your loss of your beautiful boy.
  7. I emailed POTP and asked for samples, which they were only too happy to provide, I havent used them yet (got them this morning) but they are decent sized little bottles to try, not scabby little sachets.
  8. when i was grooing we would put the cat in a travel cage and just turn the water on gentle and hose through the cage. The cat would move around enough to get all parts of its body with the hose.
  9. can anyone post a link on sites that sell this shampoo?
  10. oh ok, well i wont worry now. I lost a cat a few years back due to liver failure, she was 14 mths old. Im so petrified if even my dog sneezes now
  11. OH tells me it was foul smelling, is anal gland fluid coloured?
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