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Everything posted by lee67

  1. Get to the Vet, I purchased a pure bred dachshound from a reputable registered breeder and he was profoundly deaf several days after breeder had apparently had him vet checked!! , 3 weeks after getting him we took him for his 2nd immunisation and check with the vet and was advised that he had ear mites which he would have got soon after birth and that sets off a second yeast/thrush type infection which is the brown stuff that you can see, unfortunately in the 3 weeks we had him he gave the ear mites to that other dachy and the cat so everyone had to be treated. we are still trying to get the gunk out and he may need to have his ears cleaned under sedation, this has been a very expensive and annoying process and we are just hoping that he has no residual effects and that his hearing returns.
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