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  1. Looking at purchasing a dog trailer from Sydney and wanted to know if anyone was coming to Brisbane in the next month or so that would be interested in towing the trailer up for me. I would pay fuel costs of course. Need to know ASAP.
  2. Looking at purchasing a dog trailer from Sydney and wanted to know if anyone was coming to Brisbane in the next month or so that would be interested in towing the trailer up for me. I would pay fuel costs of course. Need to know ASAP.
  3. I have had my girl to the vet on 2 occassions to be prog tested to evaluate the best time to introduce the dog to her. Day 3 of her season she was 3.1 nmol - Saturday Day 7 of her season she was 7.2 nmol - Wednesday (yesterday) The vet informs me that I should be mating her this weekend as her levels are slowly increasing and she should peek on the weekend. Just wondering when other breeders are mating their bitches and at what prog levels they are using as a rough guide. This vet that has done the tests is not very in the know when it comes to levels and optimal mating times, and he is only going off the report that came back with the prog test results. I know we should trust our vets as they are meant to know what they are talking about but I was not feeling very comfortable after have a discussion with him regarding the above. Just wanted other breeders opinions and advice as I feel that the people doing the breeding are sometimes more informative than our 'trusty' vets. Going to another vet is not viable due to my geographical location. I also only have a 'window' to breed the bitch as I am travelling to the stud dog and cannot extend my stay away from home due to work commitments. I am travelling tomorrow and need to be home on Tuesday night at the latest. I have Kathryn Hedburgs book and have studied the prog testing and levels section but as I said - I would appreciate advice from other breeders too please.
  4. I have been trying to locate a distributor for this kibble in SE QLD without any luck. If any one in QLD is feeding Artemis, could they please let me know where they get it from, size of the bags and cost. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I currently feed EP but would like to change to a more cost effective kibble.
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