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Everything posted by 4ngi3

  1. Do you know if all white bulldogs will have more skin problems than normal? Or any issues that may arise with an all white dog? Don't know if this is a common misconception. What, if any issues are common with all white bulldogs compared to say a bulldog white and brindle like nelson? Nelson already has skin issues, with red eyes, itchy eyes and gets hives from time to time but some antihisthemines clear it up. there has only been one incident where we have had to take him to the hospital. any advice would be appreciated.
  2. We're looking a getting a new AB as a lil sis for Nelson and have been looking at a breeder who is about a 6 hour drive from where we live so we're essentially buying a pup by the pictures and what the breeder tells us. Anyways the breeder has recently informed us that the pup we chose has one blue eye and one black eye. They said that there is a 50% chance that she could loose all vision in her blue eye. What would you do? Our Nelson is 2 and has hip dysplasia and we had a really hard time dealing with that when we found out and there is ongoing care for his HD. Is it wise for us to get a dog that may very well be blind in one eye? Does it make much of a difference to how the dog behaves? I mean they still have the other eye. My husband and I are trying to decide if we should go with this blue eye baby or whether we should pick another pup from the litter. The breeder has told us that its ok if we change our mind as there are other people interested in her. the breeder has told us her temperment is very boisterous at the moment but she may settle down in a few weeks when their personalities start to shine thru. heres a couple of photos of the girl. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. x
  3. wow wasn't expecting such quick replies! Just checking out joint guard.. my AB is 45kg, how long will 400g of Joint Guard last him? I'm thinking perhaps I should buy bulk
  4. Hi, Thank you to the kind people who have replied with advice on the muzzle. Hi huski - Thanks for asking, I've spoken to Kathy McLeod and she was fantastic. We got some great advice from her and she said that there isn't really much we can do as you can't "train" an instinct out of a dog. So she has given us some tips to manage the situation. She said that these dogs are hunters and they do go for smaller animals like rabbits etc and there are thousands of people who have the same type of dog and every one of them have to manage the situation. so we've put extreme measures into place at home and everyone in the house is aware of the rules and we will need to be hyper vigilant with managing this situation and making sure she can't sneak out the front door again. making sure we know exactly where she is when the front door is to be opened. No excuses with letting a friend in thru the back gate "just this once". Its been great to get some professional advice from Kathy and Im so thankful for the people who have recommended her to me. And to the people who are accusing me of being a cruel owner and whatever, maybe you should read my other post before casting your negative comments! My fence IS high enough and she is ALWAYS walked on a lead, AND I AM taking the responsibility for my dog by getting help from a behaviour specialist, so don't go telling me i "don't care for my dog's well being" or "need to rehome my dog" because you haven't read my other post and you have concluded i'm a bad owner!!! I see you just like to tell everyone they're bad dog owners when they and their dog have gone thru a traumatic experience and are asking for help/advice from other dog owners.. and not your personal comments on what a horrible dog owner they are! I was asking for the muzzle so we can use it when she goes for walks ON HER LEAD!
  5. Hi, My American Bulldog, Nelson was diagnosed with hip dysplasia when he was 11 months. We have been taking him swimming to keep his muscles in his legs strong as we weren't able to afford the hip surgery when he was diagnosed. I used to buy Glycoflex III from a USA online company but now there are some problems with these tablets getting thru Australian customs. Can anyone please recommend something that can be bought online or in Australia that has no probs with customs here that is just as good. I researched a lot of tablets when Nelson was diagnosed and Glycoflex was the best at the time. Now I'm down to my last bottle of Glycoflex and need to get some more glucosamine, chrondotin tablets. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
  6. Hiya, We're looking for a good muzzle for our husky. she's got this little snout and a skinny head and every muzzle we've ever got her, she's been able to take off by herself. We've had some issues with her going after small dogs and we're looking at investing in a great and hopefully comfortable muzzle for her. not too fussed about how much it is as long as it fits, she can't get it off and its relatively comfortable for her to wear. Can anyone recommend a good brand or type? We went to a pet store and they gave us one that was leather and looked like one of those ones that greyhounds wear at the races but instead of the metal "cage" around the mouth, its all leather and she seemed to have some trouble breathing with it on. We have also tried a halti, which was so useless, she just wiggled her head and it was off! We also tried one of the nylon (i think its nylon) and it covers all around her mouth and just leaves a gap at the nose and tip of her mouth, but after a fwe mins in that one, she was out of it. All these wrap around the head and neck. Waht are we doing wrong? or are we using the wrong ones for a sibe?
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