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Everything posted by meglet

  1. CEA in Australian working border collies – can you help? Results coming from recent testing for Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) in Australian working Border Collies by a small group of people in NSW have suggested there may be a higher incidence of carriers for this gene than the expected. As the sample size is relatively small across only three lines with some common ancestors we are now trying to extend our range of tested dogs to establish which lines may benefit from further testing with a view to mapping the incidence of CEA in the Australian Working Border Collie. As testing has only fairly recently become available and, it is relatively expensive, it is unlikely that there will have been extensive testing done In view of this I would like to collaborate with others who have tested their working BCs (with known parentage; preferably registered with their state working sheep dog body but not necessary) to include their test results on a data base of CEA test results in Australia that we are developing so that we can all benefit from this in making breeding decisions and selecting pups from breeders. If you would like to help I would welcome being provided a copy of your results showing the status of your dogs and their pedigree if you have one, to build up a database. While I would prefer DNA results, results of eye tests by a canine opthalmologist would be welcome too. My own experience is that from three dogs of mine I have one carrier (DNA tested), one carrier by parentage, and one that could be either a carrier or affected based on parent’s results. These are from two quite different lines. So from three dogs, I have no clears which makes selecting mates challenging, if not impossible for me, as I will not risk having pups affected with CEA. Testing by others in NSW has identified only one clear dog from ten dogs tested by DNA screening, 3 of which are affected, and from a litter of 6 pups tested by physical eye tests four have normal eyes but would be carriers by parentage and the other two are affected. Please contact me privately if you would like to contribute either to email below or PM DOL acct. Permission to distribute email in it’s entirety to other lists or groups of interest. I will post results of the 10 dogs listed soon. Regards Karen [email protected]
  2. haha ... i've got one who thinks he definitely should be in the driver's seat yes, denise was trying to get ISDS trials going. I hear there is talk that others may be resurrecting this - Merrilyn wallace in Vic and Gary Telford - not sure where he's from. I plan to contact them soon to see where they're at. They are planning on using the South African model as it worked for them when they made the switch to ISDS. There is a very good progression through the classes with the first level being a drive walking behind your dog - not sure if there is even a pen. Denise at one stage was rying to get ISDS type trials up and running wasn't she?
  3. also forgot to mention, Denise teaches all her dogs to drive as well.
  4. If any of you lucky people get a chance to train with Denise jump at it - i only wish i wasn't so far away in NSW. She came up once to do a school that i organised and i have spent some time with her at her place. She is one of the most gifted trainers and teachers i have worked with and has the ability to think out of the box. Some of the exercises she showed us have been invaluable to me in training my dogs. karen (NSW)
  5. Saw this thread quite by accident as i dont usually look past urgent rescues. I am familiar with many of the working BC lines and have good contacts with more knowledge of individual dogs than I. With Crowsdale in there I am guessing you are in Qld. Ids you pup from a 3-sheep or cattle person. Many of these dogs in Qld are renowed "cattle" dogs too. I have a trial dog (3-sheep) out of a very talented Crowsdale daughter (from Qld). If you send me the pedigree via PM i can tell you more about the lines. cheers
  6. has anyone had experience with stem cell therapy? be interested to hear your comments and experience. Am seriously considering it for my 11.5yo BC with HD (1 hip) and quite bad arthritis in other hock and front feet. She is doing very well on supplements incl glucosamine/chond/MSM and most importantly acupuncture which has made a significant difference. thanks karen
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