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  1. wow, so many responses.... thanks to all. The breeds we are thinking about are Cavalier king charles as i had one as a child, a english cocker or a golden retriever. Please let me know if a cavvie would be inapropriate to have around my 2 boys aged 3 and 4....oooh we also have a cat and they are pretty good with her.
  2. thanks for that, that sounds like a great idea something the kids would love too.
  3. hi, new to all of this am hoping some lovely people can offer some great advice, My family and I are looking into obtaining a new family member. We have read a lot on the internet and asked family friends I have purchased books on raising a puppy for myself and my children to read. This is not for xmas and in fact may be months away before we make a purchase. Im so confused I read up on one breed only to see that maybe it wouldnt be the best choice. Maybe i should explain my situation and then someone could list any breeds that would fit in with our family. I am a stay at home mum who in the not so near future will return to part time work, hubby works and we have 4 lovely children, eldest 10 youngest 3, my partner and I have both owned dogs as children but that was quiet some time ago, ideally would like a robust, friendly, easy to train, must be totally kid proof, we are not sure if it is better to get a puppy or a mature dog? We would like a healthy dog from a registered breeder who has tested all parents. Ok im rambling sorry any advice or information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you jojo
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