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Posts posted by Drumbeat

  1. Have you considered a house sitter? We have found sitters through the mind a home website for our last few trips and have been very happy with them as they look after the garden as well as the pets and are good security for the house. 

    They do not charge a fee but obviously you have to check references etc.

  2. I thought all GP's said you need to re-dose every ten years as the vaccine lose the effectiveness after that long. Plus some people say dog's saliva contain the tetanus bacteria which I'm unsure of. But yeah I haven't had the full vaccine and yet I'm still alive after countless cuts and scrapes I've endured during the past 16 years or so, some even without any first aid!

    What do you mean by you haven't had the full vaccine? If you had a shot when you were 16 you have had the full schedule.

  3. I couldn't resist having Stan and Maddie on the desk thumbsup1.gif

    Thank you DB, hope you and the family are well my friend :)

    It seems I've come out in sympathy with you and developed a form of arthritis HW stroke.gif, thankfully I'm currently pain free and hoping to stay that way crossfingers.gif

  4. Well Day one was a good one. Spice is quite settled and so far doing all of the things one would expect. Not much complaining about anything but I've been around long enough to know that tomorrow is another day and it will take her a few days to really settle. She is full of herself, a good trait for the show ring where I hope she will do her breeder and the breed proud, but at the same time quite prepared to relax.. Perhaps they go hand in hand.

    Here she is with her new mate Gus who is 12 and to date has pretty much ignored her other than to sniff her all over and try and clean up her food bowls.


    ETA For some reason the photo has turned itself around, any tips on how to fix that?

    Gus and Spice are both gorgeous, I have a terrible weakness for wire coated dogs smile.gif

  5. Is it's coming from a pet shop in Mt Lawley? They may say they don't source from puppy farms but I wouldn't believe it. The amount of puppies they have coming through that place is unreal! Please find a decent ethical breeder and don't give this pet shop your money as it will only encourage more byb/puppy farming :mad

    Oh my god they are famous, how did you know!? Don't tell the name here we don't want to have any legal problem.

    I worked it out just from the thread titleWA-Perth pet shop (Private owned)

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