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Posts posted by 3dogsnight

  1. I had a dog who use to get car sick all the time. This is what I did. Took her for a walk before the trip. I gave her 3 ginger biscuits 1/2 an hour before the trip, 500mg capsules work as well. I opened the car window a little and also played soft music. Ginger is very good for settling the stomach and it certainly helped her. :rofl:

  2. You could try the mashed pumpkin, carrot, apple, sardines in oil and psyllium. I blend the apple and carrot. These are suppose to be effective. Drinking water is very important too. These are things that have worked for my dog when she was constipated. Just a thought though. I would see what other opinions are, more experienced than I. If you feel worried, and you have a good vet, you could phone and ask their advice. Good luck.

  3. Only a thought, I am sure you will get many more people replying with lots more experience but what about cooked chicken? I had a dog that did not really respond to treats and I found that cooked chicken was the best for her. I would walk past her nose with it in my hand and I would then call her, she would come and I would make a big fuss of her and give her a tiny bit of the chicken. I think it was the praise and pats as well as the chicken that helped. I also made a game of it and would hide a bit in the yard. I would rub it in the grass and she would find it. Also when found lots of hugs and praise as well as the chicken. Good luck :thumbsup:

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