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Posts posted by Oliversmum

  1. My rabbit was desexed and still urinated everywhere (outside bunny). Not sure why desexing would stop urination?

    It doesn't stop unination so to speak, but, as Rabbits are extremely territorial, they tend to scent mark everywhere not only with their chin glands but with urine also. much like a Tom Cat, they will spray...I have found that desexing tends to reduce the territorial behaviour albeit not completely. My boy will use his litter tray now instead of weeing on anything that I own...YUK!!

  2. beautiful photo's I love the 3rd one as well..the look on the face is a classic

    your dogs are just gorgeous :(

    Thanks.....he is the terrorist of the family :confused:

    I'm starting to take more photos...gee I wish I could take them as well as you....I love your photos.

    I thought I should start taking more piccies of old Junior...he is getting on and his health is starting to decline just little, he's been a wonderful companion and a true ambassador for his breed...a gentleman through and through...

  3. Hi

    I thought I'd post some updated piccies of the gang. I keep forgetting to include my old ACD - Junior - who is a very spritely 15 years old and none too impressed with the young wipper snapper who insists on trying to start games with him constantly.

    Boerboel looks terrified of the Frenchie :(




    Only a mother could love this face....gooby ointment eyes and all that drool!!!


    Who's cookin' ????


    My big girls.......


    My little man.....


    My old boy....15 years young!!!!


    My darling girl Kip....In her brand new crate...thanks for the link secretkei


  4. I really don't think this is something you can or should have to deal with yourself. My only advice would be to seek the help of a behaviorist. Both yourself and your housemate need to be involved and it needs to be managed professionally. In the meantime, I wouldn't go trying to dominate this dog or confront him in anyway. I would keep yourself and your young dog out of harms way until the situation can be resolved with professional help. Good luck. :laugh:

  5. The thing that kept jumping out at me during Goofy's comments, or should I say during the earlier comments was the fact that she on a couple of occasions unashamedly admitted she was in it for the money....profit.....sales. ....nothing more, nothing less. Not once did she say she did it for love/passion/heart for any breed. I interpreted what she said as she veiwed puppies as nothing more than a commodity and 'stock' on her shelves.

    The breeders that I know and many i don't but know, but know of, do it for the LOVE of the breed, the do it for the BETTERMENT of the breed, not to make $$$$$....and the ones who do it really well with passion & heart for their said breed don't make a dime....actually, I think most of the time they'd be lucky to break even.

    I'll never support, condone the selling of ANY animal in pet shops, no matter how bloody rosey people want to make it sound!!!

  6. Hi Chazey,

    I understand how frightening and confusing this can be but please, you must take this very seriously. You have a large breed, male dog (I know he is desexed) who is starting to show guarding aggression toward not just other people but children. Trust me, you will never forgive yourself if something were to happen. I agree that a behaviourist needs to be consulted asap and you must manage this situation extremely carefully. It only takes one snap from a large breed dog to do catastrophic damage to a child.

    I own large breed, dominant dogs and when we chose to own this breed we drew a line in the sand and if any dog crossed that line, for whatever reason, for the sake of all involved (including the reputation of the breed etc) that we wouldn't hesitate to do what we had to do. I'm sorry to sound so harsh, believe me, it is heartbreaking and soul destroying, but, how often have we heard a dog has bitten someone and done damage and the owner says that the dog has never shown any aggresive behaviour in the past. When we have these types of warnings or forsight, we must take them seriously.

    Get professional help straight away and micro manage his contact with people & children until you can get to the bottom of this. Even with professional help, you will always need to watch him. Please be careful.

    Best of luck & take care.


  7. My Asali has a terrible chicken allergy. If she ingests even a small amount, she will break out in hives and a rash. We thought she had a thyroid problem but ruled that out. She also suffers from awful yeast infections with her ears which need regular treatment and cleaning. I forgot to add that she also suffers from flea dermititis. One flea and her skin breaks out and can take weeks for me to sort out.

  8. I was stating the obvious after having read Mr. Linke's statement as I read it to be very hypocritical and simply trying to defend his breed of choice. When is it okay to imply that the attack on poor Harry COULD have been carried out by a staffie or a mastiff or crossbreeds and yet not okay to imply a pitbull? Yes, I too, am in fairness for all breed of dogs and NOT just the pitbull!

    You didn't even mention him in your first post, you were just outraged that people could believe it wasn't a pitbull.

    I know where you're coming from it happens all the time on here, like you said people jumping to defend them, but history has proven them right time and again.

    No, it's not right to imply innocent dogs, but when is it right to imply any dog attack as a pitbull, which more often than not is exactly what happens.

    I feel you took Mr Linkes comments out of context, and that is your perspective, whereas I feel he was merely explaining what happens at nearly every dog attack where a pitbull has been implicated.

    He didn't say it couldn't have been a pitty, just that people are mistaken when it comes to breed ID. It's the same with SWF's I couldn't pick one of them or their crosses, they're all SWF's to me, i'd be glad to have someone like Mr Linke point out what it could've been.

    Well put Geo, I agree with you whole heartedly.

    Moselle, as I said, I also understand where your coming from, I respect your right to an opinion, I just happen to disagree and that's OK. I guess we all interpret things differently hey. :) Just curiously, you asked me previously what breed I owned and referred to the dog in my avatar. Was there any reason for this or where you just clarifying? :hug:

    Yes, I was only trying to clarify. I haven't been here on this forum for all that long, that is all. From memory, you mentioned that people often confuse your dog for a pitbull (apologies if I am mistaken) and the picture on your avatar looks nothing like a pitbull. I do respect the fact that you have chosen to disagree, I dont hold grudges simply because people interpret things differently. Cheers.

    Precisely. He is a South African Boerboel or South African Mastiff as some call them, and yes, my smaller bitch has been called a Pittbull before. This is why I understand why Mr Linke made the statement. Not to attack the mastiff, but to point out that many mistakes can be made regarding ID IMO. Anyway, I fully support and applaud anyone willing to take a stand against the constant and unfair wrap the the Pittbull gets from both media and public. :)

  9. I was stating the obvious after having read Mr. Linke's statement as I read it to be very hypocritical and simply trying to defend his breed of choice. When is it okay to imply that the attack on poor Harry COULD have been carried out by a staffie or a mastiff or crossbreeds and yet not okay to imply a pitbull? Yes, I too, am in fairness for all breed of dogs and NOT just the pitbull!

    You didn't even mention him in your first post, you were just outraged that people could believe it wasn't a pitbull.

    I know where you're coming from it happens all the time on here, like you said people jumping to defend them, but history has proven them right time and again.

    No, it's not right to imply innocent dogs, but when is it right to imply any dog attack as a pitbull, which more often than not is exactly what happens.

    I feel you took Mr Linkes comments out of context, and that is your perspective, whereas I feel he was merely explaining what happens at nearly every dog attack where a pitbull has been implicated.

    He didn't say it couldn't have been a pitty, just that people are mistaken when it comes to breed ID. It's the same with SWF's I couldn't pick one of them or their crosses, they're all SWF's to me, i'd be glad to have someone like Mr Linke point out what it could've been.

    Well put Geo, I agree with you whole heartedly.

    Moselle, as I said, I also understand where your coming from, I respect your right to an opinion, I just happen to disagree and that's OK. I guess we all interpret things differently hey. :) Just curiously, you asked me previously what breed I owned and referred to the dog in my avatar. Was there any reason for this or where you just clarifying? :hug:

  10. One other thing, you are saying that I am wrongly taking a reporter's view of what Mr. Linke said as gospel....I could turn that around and say "how do you know that it was a reporter's view?" Can you actually confirm that it was indeed the reporter who turned things around? Given that Mr. Linke supposedly came on here and said his piece, I would have thought that if indeed his own wording had been misconstrued that he himself would have tried to correct this!

    How do I know? Because I've met Mr Linke and spent time specifically discussing the BSL issue with him. That leads me to conclude that I have a better informed view of where he stands on BSL than you do.


    And the chance that it was a Standard Poodle maquerading as an APBT is zilch!

    I dunno about that. :)


    :):( Oh PF...what a perfect way to end......love it!! If that doesn't sum this entire saga up, I don't know what does :p

    Ed: Cause I can't spell.

  11. Hi. Its Michael Linke here, CEO RSPCA ACT.

    Thanks for the support everyone. You are all pretty much on the ball. My comments were meant generically to point out breed and colour confusion, one reason (of many) why BSL fails. I am, as is current RSPCA national policy, opposed to BSL.

    "RSPCA ACT Chief executive, Michael Linke, who owns an american pit bull terrier, said it was a much maligned breed and that the dogs which attacked Harry could have been mastiffs, staffordshire bull terriers or cross breeds.

    Hello Mr. Linke (I will aim to email you via the RSPCA ACT website to confirm that this post is indeed from you, lol). I commend that you oppose BSL, an act that I am totally in agreeance with. I still insist that naming the staffy and mastiff is not exactly taking a "generic" route, is it? lol, it is actually naming the product, lol.

    You may not have set out to directly blame the staffy or mastiff but it could easily be interpreted as such by the public. You specifically stated that THE DOGS WHICH ATTACKED HARRY COULD HAVE BEEN MASTIFF, STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIERS OR CROSSBREEDS. Did you find it absolutely imperative to name names?

    Well yes because the Pitt bull was named outright with no consideration whether it had been correctly identified, therefor, one might state the other breeds that it commonly gets confused with. I don't see it as dropping these breeds in the s!&t, simply pointing out that these dogs have possibly been incorrectly and unfairly labled Pitt Bulls when in fact they could have another breed or breeds that are commonly labled the same, including crossbreds. JMHO :laugh:

  12. You agree that most people cannot identify a Pitbull.

    You agree that more often than not the reports involving alleged Pitbulls are innacurate.

    Do you disagree that Mastiff breeds, Staffordshire BT's, and cross breeds are often mis identified as Pitbulls ?

    On occasion, I wouldnt be surprised if the odd individual may mistake a staffy for a pitbull but there hasnt been a furore over this, has there? No, I dont think that mastiffs are often mistaken for pitties. Crossbreeds mistaken for a pitbull? yes, quite likely.


    This is where I stongly dispute your argument. My purebred has been mistaken for a pitty by someone who ovbiously has no idea of either breeds physical appearance. I understand what your trying to say, you are saying that simply by stating the other breeds that the offending dogs could have been is passing the buck so to speak onto other breeds other than the pitt bull. But, I say, why should the pitt bull breed get the finger pointed immediately at them when infact, not many people can correctly identify a pitt bull from a mixed breed - hell, in my experience, from another purebreed. I get it, but, I say it is not fair to immediately blame a pitt bull when infact no one can be sure what breed the dogs where. Gee, go and have a look at other threads where a Boston x Lab was confiscated from it's elderly owner because it was wrongly identified as a pitt bull!!! And for the record, I am not offended by Michael Linke's statement as all he was stating is fact.

    What breed is your purebreed dog? is it the one pictured on the avatar?

    I am glad that you actually understood what I have been trying to say and I agree totally, as I have said earlier, that most people have no real idea what a purebred pittie actually looks like. I so hate what had transpired in QLD with the wrong identification of dogs and the subsequent destruction of them simply because they were deemed to be "pitbulls." I also despise the fact that too many so-called "pitbulls" have been sent to their deaths through no wrong doing whatsoever! Even purebred pitbulls that have committed no crime have a right to live out their lives without being destroyed!

    Having said all this, I still maintain that mr. linke was trying to sway people's way of thinking much to the dismay of staffy or mastiff owners. :confused:

    My Breed is a South African Boerboel. Yes the one in the avatar, he was only 4 months old then.

    I get what your trying to say, I really do, but as far the media jumping on another breed, well, I think they never miss an opportunity any which way. Many, many years ago I used to breed Australian Cattle Dogs under the "Peppertree" prefix and way back then, there was plenty of bashing...trust me on that. Our resident favourite gardener made sure he had plenty to sprout about when it came to them.

    I understand where your coming from, I really do but I guess I just have a different opinion to you. :rofl:

  13. You agree that most people cannot identify a Pitbull.

    You agree that more often than not the reports involving alleged Pitbulls are innacurate.

    Do you disagree that Mastiff breeds, Staffordshire BT's, and cross breeds are often mis identified as Pitbulls ?

    On occasion, I wouldnt be surprised if the odd individual may mistake a staffy for a pitbull but there hasnt been a furore over this, has there? No, I dont think that mastiffs are often mistaken for pitties. Crossbreeds mistaken for a pitbull? yes, quite likely.


    This is where I stongly dispute your argument. My purebred has been mistaken for a pitty by someone who ovbiously has no idea of either breeds physical appearance. I understand what your trying to say, you are saying that simply by stating the other breeds that the offending dogs could have been is passing the buck so to speak onto other breeds other than the pitt bull. But, I say, why should the pitt bull breed get the finger pointed immediately at them when infact, not many people can correctly identify a pitt bull from a mixed breed - hell, in my experience, from another purebreed. I get it, but, I say it is not fair to immediately blame a pitt bull when infact no one can be sure what breed the dogs where. Gee, go and have a look at other threads where a Boston x Lab was confiscated from it's elderly owner because it was wrongly identified as a pitt bull!!! And for the record, I am not offended by Michael Linke's statement as all he was stating is fact.

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