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Posts posted by Andowen

  1. i took this last night while Bear and Kaiser were watching a movie with us, Kaiser got annoyed at the flash on the camera, so he took it out on Bear hee hee

    This is Kaiser playing with the hose... he couldnt figured it out at the start, but when i started filming he was right into it.

  2. wouldnt it be better just to wipe the dogs feet yourself. seeing as the dog will only be really wiping its pads on the mat it wont be getting any further up the legs... it would be a cute trick to teach to show off to friends, but once the dog lays down or something its just going to get the rest of the mud and dirt off its legs everywhere... just a thought

  3. my dog is the champ of fence jumping, every night she is out. but because we live on the highway its not such a good thing. now i am thinking that alot of people are not going to like what i have to say next but its the best we could do, we tried chaining her up, she broke the chains, we tried a dog run, she either dug out or cut her legs open jumping out, we tried putting the fence higher, she still got over, we tried locking her in the shed, she broke the door... SO! my dad and i being the horsy people we are, we tried putting hobbles on her. and believe me if you will, it worked! she can still walk around freely, but she cant run and there is no way she can jump. so she still has the freedom in the yard, she just cant get over the fence. and as her reward i take her for long walks off lead (in the parks and away from the highway) in the mornings before work.

  4. Beause Bear was a rescue, i think the first thing i taught her was that its ok when we pick up the rake or a broom or any kind of stick, that she would not get beaten by it. though she still does sometimes cringe a little when i pick up a stick, even after 5 years. but at least she will come to me when i have it. poor baby. then i think after that she learnt sit. and to wait for her meal instead of knocking it out of my hand before i got it on the ground.

  5. i have some issues with Bear and going over jumps. she will run ahead of me to go over the jump but then i have to keep calling her back, that and she runs right in front of me sometimes and i just end up having to jump over her. i want to have her run next to me but i want to send her out to go over the jump. so i dont have to run right next to the jump and direct her over. she does it sometimes, but i think its a fluke. if anyone has any advice on this i will be very greatful to hear it!


  6. well this is only a little brag... but i have been doing agility training with Bear for about 4 weeks. and she is really a big sook of a dog. she was really scared of the tunnel, the A frame, the dog walk and the tire. but now it seems that it has finally clicked with her. training yesterday and coming up to the dog walk, the instructor and i were getting ready to hold her on both sides and we both had some food to coax her on, and she just did it. i had to run to catch up to her and tell her to slow down. i was soooo proud of her.and only last week she mastered the tunnel, she even goes in when it is curved and she cant see out the other end. i was just so happy and proud of her. i will have to get some photos of her strutting her stuff on the dog walk. just have to get her over the A-frame, and try the see-saw and we will be laughing. so yeah i just wanted to share that :D

  7. My old dog was a walking flea farm. no matter what we ever did for him, he would be covered, but this week the new treatment we have him on is finally working! i got Advocate for both our dogs and it worked. he has no fleas, no eggs, nothing. i dont think he can believe it. he is usally scratching all the time, but now he has nothing to do! so i recommend it. and our yard is filled with fleas. i washed all their blankets with normal clothes washing stuff and a bit of tea tree oil added in. worked a treat.

  8. i taught Bear with a squeeky toy. i just kept squeeking it and she would get so frustrated at it that she would bark. so i put a command with it. now i am trying to teach her to whisper cos her barks are so loud. i am teaching her with her ball, just keep telling her whisper and when i get a wimper or a growl i reward. tis fun...

  9. Uh yeah i'm really new here.

    And i cant figure out how to get my puppy oscar to lay down.

    There are lots of threads for more complicated stuff.. and i just want to get my puppy to lay down.

    He sits and i'm starting to clicker train him.

    I have him sit and then put the treat to his nose, then to the floor and say "lay."

    And he just kinda looks away..

    So i nudge his front feet forward and have him lay down.

    Clicker, treat, praise.

    But he doesnt ever seem to get it...

    Any advice?

    dont force him to do it. like nudging his feet forward, because that will send all kinds of messages to him, like you are putting him in the lay position then rewarding him, then he will only do if you put him there. you have to get a really really yummy treat, something that makes him drool from the smell, get him sitting, let him smell the treat and let him try to get at it. when he starts using his paws to dig at your hand then lower your hand to the ground. with luck he will still try digging at it, so move your hand slowly away from him, so he is digging and stratching at the same time. as soon as his chest hits the floor, click, food and heaps of praise. just make sure you have him wanting that treat really bad. hope this helps :cry: good luck.

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