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Everything posted by lexa

  1. Thank you Palane. I just ordered LL products. My water used to be well (hard) but now we are required to have city water and the plant is so small that they are having to chlorinate it. You can almost always smell the chlorine and sometimes the tub water looks almost bluish like a swimming pool. This can't be good for the afghan coat. I'm hoping the LL will help. About everything they suggest for an afghan coat is coming so it will be fun trying it out. Coat handler doesn't have the lanolin. Hopefully it will soften his coat. Right now his head has the right silky feeling and parts of his legs but not much else. My boy is mostly cream with some red brindle on one side and the other is silver, grey, and cream on the other and his saddle and unmasked face part are tiger coloring. Which LL color tint would you suggest? Do you still think mahogany? I think you should be their sales rep too! I started a topic earlier and thought I was going to the afghan thread but it ended up elsewhere (I think) duh. But have you ever had a problem with any of your afghans marking in the house? uuuaaggghhh I know but there it is. I have never had a dog do this. He will be 2 in June and just started this about 6 weeks ago. Like his stealing of food he is very fast and sneaky about it. Food grabbing is kind of funny, especially since it's their instinct but the marking instinct is yuck. Any suggestions? My first afghan was a relative of Sunny Shay's Shirkhan of Grandeur and he looked alot like the "Lion on the leash" that is pictured in the afghan thread. He wasn't show quality but he was a great dog for a teenager. The dog I have now is but is almost 2 too old to start showing him? I notice all of his liter mates are listed and pointing in many shows in my area. I would also have to get a handler for him due to business and kids. I've also heard handlers can have them for quite awhile. Would miss the rascle. Sorry for all the questions. I'm kind of thinking out loud (in post) here. lexa
  2. Hi all, I'm new to this forum and have enjoyed reading it. I have an almost two year old brindle male afghan. Currently, I'm using coat handler shampoo and conditioner and "the stuff" plus ice on ice for damp/brushing. However, I've stumbled upon the laser lite and plush puppy sites and am interested in using their products. Have any of you used both and prefer one over the other? Do afghan coats get kind of used to a product (like our hair) and then do you switch products? kind of a crazy ? but have to ask.. Does anyone know if the laser lites "wow detangler" leave the coat feeling yuck or looking clumped? I've also noticed that most product sites emphasize that you MUST use only their products in combination to acheive the best results.. but does anyone combine products and if you do would you please tell me which ones you have found to be the best. I probably have a bizillion more ?'s but hopefully you all will have some advice from your experience. I would hugely appreciate any and all suggestions. And there is no such thing as toooo much info. So plz bring it on! Thank you.
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