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Posts posted by rivergem

  1. Hi :)

    My labby girl is over 5 years old and she is a similar build and always has been (apart from the chubba puppy stage). She has muscle tone and is a fit dog, just does not have the extra weight you see with a lot of labs. She has always been in great health and have never had any problems with her that are common to the labs.

  2. Comfortis all the way!!!

    I was having a huge problem with fleas and spending heaps on Frontline, Revolution etc that seemed to do nothing. At the advice of DOLers I bought Comfortis off Ebay (its worked out SO much cheaper too) and the day after treatment, no fleas!! A couple weeks later, and still not a flea to be seen.

    I had also bombed the house at the beginning of Summer, but didn't help with the fleas on my dogs.

    The tablets are pretty big but I just put them in the bowl with their biscuits and the gobbled them right up :thumbsup:

  3. I have 3 dogs at the moment, and am looking to add another to the pack in a year or so...

    Definately agree with whatever it suitable for the person, keeping in mind time able to be spent with the dogs, financial abilities, needs of the pack (exercise, food requirements, special care) etc

    We had 5 dogs when I was growing up and I was in heaven :champagne:

    I am a full time student at the moment and starting a couple of courses surrounding canines this year, as I want to move into working with dogs - so I definately see the pack getting bigger in years to come...

    Being on 5 acres definately helps, lots of space to romp and explore! And I rent, but it's my Dad's place, so that helps :laugh:

  4. I bought Comfortis off Ebay as I found that was the cheapest :laugh:

    Have been struggling with fleas all Summer - gave it to my 3 yesterday and today, no fleas!!! YAY! I am so so so impressed with this product.

    None of my dogs have had any side effects so far, no vomiting etc and seem their usual happy selfs (minus the fleas!)

  5. Hi

    I have a 16 month old cocker spaniel and he used to be a little fussy - would walk away with food still in his bowl...

    I've recently switched to Black Hawk and find he is eating all of his breakfast, all of the time!! Which makes me happy cos I still think he's got some filling out to do - he's a very high energy dog, but already after a week has put on weight with the new food.

    I think how the biscuits smell is a huge factor, if they smell irresistable, usually means empty bowl (unless other issues involved)...

    I've found that both with my previous cocker, and my boy now - it takes them a little longer to fill out (hope so, Harpy's got scrawny legs too!) but that's just my experience.

    Hope that helps a bit :laugh:

  6. Just rang a couple of my local vets the other day to enquire on the cost for titre testing.

    One clinic - was confused at what titre testing even was (at least the girl who answered the phone, and even after asking couldn't really come back to me with a proper answer)

    The clinic I usually go to quoted over $400 for each dog!!! Being a student and with 3 dogs, there was no way I can pay that amount.

    $85 yay :thumbsup: I am on the Central Coast but will look at making appointments for my 3 in the next few weeks - can't beat good value!

  7. I partially completed a human Bowen course. The course was run by Bowtech. Bowtech claims to be the original Bowen technique as it has been formulated by Oswald & Elaine Rentsch who were both friends & students of Tom Bowen for many years. Tom was a very private man, wrote nothing down, but allowed the Rentsch's to formulate his technique so that others could learn his skills.

    There are many versions of Bowen, but having researched widely before undertaking the course, I sincerely believe that Bowtech is the best model & closest to Tom Bowen's technique.

    Ccmrt is the small animal version of Bowtech. Details of courses etc are on the Equine muscle release therapy website here.

    Unfortunately I was unable to finish the course due to time restraints. The prac work is quite demanding with many hours needing to be clocked up. At some stage I will go back & finish - Bowen has certainly given myself & partner much relief, & although only partially trained in the human stuff, I have also tried moves on our pets & horses. Our foals, in particular the newborns, have benefited greatly.

    This is some similar advice I have heard - that the Ccmrt is most closely linked with what Tom Bowen was practising for humans. I have had a look through the websites and emailed for more info.

    It can be a bit confusing sometimes to know the best path to follow - but the more research I do, the clearer it seems to be :(

  8. My old girl (who is 14) has been having bowen for the last 5 or 6 years - every 8 weeks to begin with and every 6 weeks now. She loves it - gets so excited when we turn off the main road heading towards the house. However, she has been extra lame of late and at her last treatment we discussed the fact that bowen may no longer be helpful.

    I have since tried accupuncture with her and I believe this is helping, but because of her age - it will never be a cure just something to help her get around for as long as possible.

    I tried bowen on one of my young kids many years ago (same lady who treats my oldie) however his injury was fairly bad and bowen didn't provide any relief or help. From memory we had 4 or 5 treatments.

    It is great to get first hand feedback/experiences so thanks :cry: Hope your old girl goes well with the acupuncture into the future.

    I have booked my 2 year old Lab in for his first Bowen session next week and am excited to see how it goes. I have read through quite a lot of info on it so far and whilst I understand it can not be looked at as a miracle cure type thing - I believe there is so much possibilty and capacity within the therapy for healing and health, and have also read a lot of successful case studies.

  9. You could try Robyn.

    I recently did a Bowen course, along with Robyn, which was run by a lady in Melbourne.

    Robyn can give you some info about its effectiveness and some of the recommended trainers.

    Robyn Larson-Shelton

    Equine Miracle and Pet Miracle

    Restoring Movement and Health to All Animals

    0431 387 787


    Thanks for this info Raelene!! I googled and found her website so am looking through it now. Will send her an email :cry:

    How did you find the course?

  10. Thanks for your comments jensgreys and others!

    I don't just treat when I remember - I mark it on the calender, on which when I checked the cats are due next week - was just too lazy to go check at the time of writing the post.

    I also am aware that you need to treat as per directions for any one product - I have been using Frontline for the past few years, although found it's efficy this Summer to be almost at 0.

    Thank you for the tip re: the heartworm - I will take them to the vets to be tested before I will use the Advocate.

    @MarieC - I have heard of Comfortis, although not too sure of the specifics, here's a link :cry:


  11. Hi,

    I am currently researching different Bowen technique/therapy courses as I am looking to start a course later in the year (gathering after all my research I still want to invest in the course - which I'm sure I will :o

    Does anyone have any advice - either those that have studied and/or practised Bowen or those that have booked it for their pets and have feedback on it's effectiveness.

    I am just wanting to make sure I have looked at all options to ensure I make the right choice.

    Any replies would be greatly appreciated :)

    Edited for spelling

  12. My 3 are a few weeks through a bag of Coprice - before that they were getting Eagle Pack.

    Brekky is the biscuits and dinner is a RMB - also get occasional eggs, yoghurt and supp with Apple Cider Vinegar.

    I have found that their coats are not where I want them - and the output is huge compared to what I'm used to.

    I chose Coprice due to financial reasons - although found that I am needing to feed more of it to keep the weight on.

    For their next bag I will definately go for Black Hawk (so many good reviews, and am interested to see how my lot go on it).

    I would love to feed all raw but find that it works out more expensive for me. I will get there one day soon.

    Edited: for outcome on feeding cheaply - whilst Coprice does the trick - I think if you can go for something with less fillers (ie less output) than you are feeding less anyway so doesn't work out as expensive as you would think. For example, 20kg bag coprice cost me $35 whilst a 20kg bag of Black Hawk will cost me $85 - $50 difference but over the period of a month - I think it will be well worth the increased cost :D

  13. At the moment, fleas are driving both me, and my 3 dogs crazy!!

    I have 2 labradors and a cocker spaniel (also have 2 cats) and live on 5 acres - making it difficult to treat the surrounding environment.

    I have tried numerous ways to get rid of - and keep rid of - fleas this summer.... but I'm yet to find something to work :D

    When they first became crazy, I flea-bombed the house, treated all the dogs with Frontline Spray and washed all their bedding.

    This worked for a little while - but they are back in droves. I have used Capstar (works for a day maybe, fleas just jump back on). I washed all 3 thoroughly yesterday where many dead fleas came up. Today they are back (especially for my poor Cocker Spaniel boy).

    I regularly vacuum and use a flea brush on all the dogs but it seems to no avail.

    Can anyone please advise on products they have used for fleas this Summer and found to be effective? And any other tips at all would be greatly appreciated.

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