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Posts posted by rivergem

  1. I love my labs & my cocker pup more than anything in the world, but brode was and always will be my heart dog. He could look into my soul, and he gave everything of himself in love and devotion. I went through so much with him and he knew me through and through. When I lost him it was devastating, it still is. I don't know how to explain it except when he gave cuddles we sort of melted into one and he was always by my side. He made me want to be a better person and showed me the importance of unconditional love. I can still feel his wet nose nudging my cheek when I cried, listen to him howling along with me, feel his head resting on my foot, and just feel peace knowing that he knew I loved him to bits. It makes me so sad still, but so happy that I had the chance to know him, my heart dog x

  2. Gemmy is the most advanced in getting her 'needs' communicated:

    FOOD: brings food bowl and drops at feet with a clang, looks up expectantly;

    picks up bowl and drops with another clang (cos I might not of heard the first time)

    sits, looks at me expectantly, lifts paw to shake 'come on mum, you know you wanna!'

    lies down and nudges bowl with nose or rests paw on top,, just in case im not quite sure about what she wants yet

    rolls over with a silly grin on her face at which stage she forgets about the food request and will happily receive belly rubs

  3. My labs pretty much love playing with anyone who will play back, whether its chasies or wrestling (they love both!) I do notice when other dogs come over or stay for a bit that they tend to either hang a bit more around either gem or riv, they will all play together but its interesting to see how they sometimes have their 'preferable' buddies.

    Harper, my cocker pup is crazy and will play with the best of them and all of them, and when everyone else tires out after running around the paddock, he will do zoomie laps by himself, soo cute :)

  4. Breed(s): Labrador

    Age: 5 years / 28kg

    Food: was feeding eagle pack with rmb's but now more just on the rmb diet so anything chicken, lamb, kangaroo, turkey, beef, sardines/salmon once a week, eggs a couple times a week and offal a couple times a week. Supplement with O3's, yoghurt, ACV. Bought in bulk for the first time on monday so still working it out...

    Cost: Probably around $2 - $4 a day depending on what she gets so around $20 weekly

    Breed(s): Labrador

    Age: 2 years and a bit / 32kg

    Food: same as above; mostly feed once a day, sometimes twice, yesterday it was kangaroo mince, today kangaroo tail, tomorrow mince & offal

    Cost: Approx $3 - $5 a day so $30 weekly

    Breed(s): Cocker Spaniel

    Age: 7 months / 10kg ish

    Food: same as above

    Cost: $1 - $3 a day so $15 a week

    GRAND TOTAL: $65 give or take weekly

  5. Anyway I am looking forward to the other posts for this topic - good luck for you and your ridgies.

    Ah its good to hear I'm not alone! I didn't know about the carbs thing, I've only heard comments about overall energy value of the food and amount of protein. I understand what you are saying about growth rates - we spent a lot of time ensuring my youngest wasn't growing too fast.

    Donny (my RR with ED) has been on Joint Guard for ages and its been good, I think. There is a newer product on the market allegedly a bit better called Glyde, though I've not tried it myself and am only basing that on what my vet has told me.

    Did you do the whole Cartrophen injections thing?

    It seems we will both be waiting to see if anybody can offer specific nutritional advice! :confused: Here's hoping!

    I've definately noticed a difference with River on Joint Guard, he seems to be more playful and 'puppylike' which is how he should be at his age. From what I can see I think he doesn't seem to be in as much pain. I hate the fact that he has arthritus at such a young age, it breaks my heart.

    He hasn't had any Cartrophren injections. He seems to be doing well after the arthroscopic surgeries and then Joint Guard daily. I am trying to work out the best things to be feeding him, but its really all guess as you go. My main thoughts are to make sure I am doing the best for him so he will be as comfortable as possible for as long as possible. I want my wiggly bum to live into old age with grey whiskers :cry:

    I have been trying to take him to the beach for some swimming/wading/beach running every week but the weather has been crapola lately.

    I'm going to look into diet and arthritus more this week so will post anything I learn. One thing I will admit to is on feeding a totally raw diet, I was well aware of the importance of pups not growing too fast but maybe less aware of how hard it is to get the calcium:phos ratio correct (as nekhbet pointed out).

  6. Hi :rainbowbridge:

    I have two labradors, my younger one (14 months) who has ED - he has had operations (arthroscopy)(sp) on both his elbows to remove any fractured bits. He recovered really well, and I started him on Joint Guard as I thought it couldn't hurt, and maybe help.

    I am a huge advocate of raw feeding, although I am very wary of the damage that can be done especially with large breeds in the growth phases when they are not receiving the balance they need for proper growth. At the moment I am feeding thru what I have left of Orijen and also raw being chicken wings, necks, mince, lamb necks and flaps, beef necks, kangaroo meat and tails, salmon, sardines, eggs, sometimes dinner leftovers small amounts. He seems to be going really well on this diet - altho I am always looking for info which means I can adapt anything so he is better of in light of ED and already formed arthritis.

    A popular notion (and by notion, I mean I need to do more reading on this myself - but I have come across it numerous times before when I was doing some research) is that for dogs with arthritis, a diet low or with no carbs can be beneficial.

    Anyway I am looking forward to the other posts for this topic - good luck for you and your ridgies.

    ETA cos I can't spell

  7. I have posted about river before, when he went lame in one of his back legs for a couple of days. This led to me taking him for x-rays which showed elbow dysplasia (he has had arthroscopy performed on both his elbows now).

    Something I read about in a book prompted me to do some more searching which lead me to wobblers syndrome. Some of the early signs of this that river has is

    *scuffing his back feet across the floor when he walks

    *downward flexed neck (when standing or sitting he holds his head considerably lower then gem, my other lab

    *hesistancy to change positions, i.e. he always takes longer to sit when I ask him, again, compared to other dogs I have known

    *when he is excited (which is when this is most obvious to me) he doesn't seem to have total control of his back legs, he doesn't fall down or anything, but they kind of flick about in a weird way

    Can someone please recommend who I can take him to (I live on the Central Coast in NSW), an orthopedic vet/practitioner? Someone who has been involved with Gold Bead Therapy would be good, as if it turns out he is in the early symptoms, this is something I would serisouly consider getting done for him.

    Any advice, past experience, help greatly appreciated!!

  8. Another point to be aware of is elbow dysplasia. River, my black labby was exactly the same as you describe... he was good at heeling, sitting, staying, recall etc etc but for some reason could never get him to drop, even with food in front of his face. A little further down the track due to a slight limp in one of his back legs, I took him to a Specialist and xrays showed bilateral elbow dysplasia. Hopefully this is not the case for you - but I thought it worth noting.

  9. Thanks to everyone who sends a prayer to brode for me. They say that time heals, yet only the thought of him still brings a well of tears. I look at photos of him and try to will him back by my side. I feel numbed and empty that he's gone, he was a huge part of my life and my heart and I keep expecting him to run in and jump up next to me for a cuddle like he used to.. or wait patiently at my feet for a hug...

    acting as a head rest for gemmy girl


    his curls after the beach


    brode was the best big bro ever to fatty booms gemmy


    my womby bear in much need of a clip... :rofl:


    brodie's last christmas :kissbetter::hug::hug:


  10. Thanks for your post woody2shoes... My 11 month old black lab has just had both his elbows operated on (arthroscopy) as he had bilaterial elbow dysplasia (fragmented coronoid process). In his xrays he also has a weird hip socket so we need to xray again near xmas. River had his op on one elbow and then 2 weeks later on his other elbow. I found the op was extremely non-invasive, he pretty much came away walking and wanting to get up to all his usual puppy trouble. I actually kept him at a different place then mine, so he wouldn't hurt himself playing with my other lab. He has been back home for just over a week (a month since his first op) and life is as usual. He was really good in that he didn't get any swelling, although I am really careful to keep an eye out just in case.

    Have just started him on Joint Guard, although is too early to see if it helping him at all. The cartlidge around his elbow is not the white smooth stuff it should be so I am trying everything to help his joints now. Riv also has fish oil tablets every couple of days.

    I am really happy so far and hope that through having the op on both his elbows, together with ongoing treatmeant (JointGuard etc) that Riv will hardly notice any difference - apart from yes, his slightly swaltering gait.

  11. I miss you my baby boy - after going missing on Friday night, and 4 full on days looking for you and following leads and coming so close - I receive news that you have followed a road to the freeway and have been hit. This wasn't the way it was supposed to end... you should have been in my arms my beautiful boy. My eyes flood and my heart aches for you. A nightmare that I cannot accept.. yet have to.

    Brode my baby boy

    Always in my arms

    Now my angel boy

    In my heart forever

    December 1997- 2nd September 2008









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