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Posts posted by ~*Shell*~

  1. Yep, Monday nights. New people start any Monday, so just rock up at 630pm on your first night. I think it's $30 to join and then $4/week. Class starts at 7pm, finishes at 8pm.

    It's down the back of the showground, not on the main field - I've found this place the best near me (i had a look at a couple of places when i was looking for a club, and i liked this one the best) and it's a pretty easy going club too.

  2. Woah - beautiful signatures! I really love pavlova's! I would love to be able to make one like that. Alas, I am photoshop and paintshop-less atm so can't! I had the idea of having "You had me at awoooo" or "You wouldn't understand, it's a husky thing" written on it with the main focus on Zero but with my cat and birds on it. I had a bunch of photos to choose from but no good software to use!!!

    If anyone has any time (and expertise) would you be able to make one for me please?

    A selection of Zero photos (the first is with his best friend Donkey):











  3. I'm looking at getting a forced air dryer too - hair dryers don't work on Zero.

    A forced air drier literally uses a stream of air to blow the water off the coat whereas a hair dryer uses a smaller amount of air and heat to do it. Because dogs hair doesn't move around as much as ours does when we dry it with a hair drier and because it's thicker than ours, hair driers don't work as well which is why it's taking so long.

    If you don't want to spend a lot of money, try ebay (or clipperworld - they'll sell you quality rather than something cheap, even if it costs a little more).

  4. There's a place called "regal doggie boutique" in carlingford. Zero loves it there and the guy is fantastic with every breed I've seen him with. Zero is a sibe, but my mum's friend's 2 standard poodles go there and always look beautiful. He doesn't charge an arm and a leg either.

    Living in epping though, you can get a mobile groomer - I live in carlingford and some groomers won't come to me, they only go as far as epping!

  5. I was always told that bathing them too often is bad for their skin - i would say it probably is if you use some of the crazy things that people use (washing powder, washing up liquid or even sard wonder soap flakes! :rofl: ) but if you use a good shampoo and make sure you rinse rinse rinse, i'm sure you won't have a problem!

    I can't wait to get my hydrobath so it'll be easier to bath Zero every couple of weeks!

  6. There really are some great photos in that lot! I really like the one of the ridgy lunging at Zero with him just sitting there - I sent it to his breeder (when she found out i had rescued him from a pound she offered to take him back since he had behavioural issues) to show how far he'd come and she was completely shocked! There are some beautiful photos of Trixie in there too!

    Thanks again for organising it Bridget!! And to Steve for being an amazing teacher!

  7. Hey Nikki,

    I don't have much advice - the swimming idea was a great one though. It tires Zero out like all hell! He's not a pup though so I have a feeling it would take a lot more to tire boh out.

    Have you tried freezing things in ice? Zero will work for hours to try and get whatever i freeze in an icecream container (even better if it's a 4 litre one that has fish in it) and he's usually pretty tired after it, especially if i freeze whatever it is in the deep freezer!

    I really feel for you! I know how hard it is to think of things to occupy Zero's mind - and he's able to learn all the "sit" based commands. Good luck with Boh! If it makes you feel any better, he's gorgeous!

  8. Hi all,

    we're just about to run out of all wormer tablets and i was wondering which is the best one to get. I don't trust anything from the supermarket (the same way i don't trust the supermarket's flea medicine!) but it's been so long since i threw out the actual bottle these tablets came in (lid on it broke when the cat knocked it off the side) that I don't remember what these ones were!

    Any suggestions?

  9. Titre tests test the dog's immunity to some of the things that vaccinations usually cover. There is no point in vaccinating a dog if they're already immune to something. I can't remember which things it is but i'm pretty sure it's parvo, distemper, coronavirus and Lyme (though Dr Dodds think the last two aren't worth testing for).

    I personally haven't had it done but I know a lot of people who have and who don't vaccinate their dogs any more.

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