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Everything posted by Sianie

  1. Sorry, but I am wondering a couple of things. Did the dog start acting out of character soon after your mother passed? They do grieve, just as we do. Also, is the time of day significant? Everyone is looking at the surrounding areas, but have you thought about it outside the box? Did your mother do anything between those times? Was there something he used to do between those times which has suddenly ceased? I would personally look at these possibilities. Also, if it were me, I would look at either bush or bach flower essences- these are brilliant, especially when you get the absolutely correct one. Anyway, just a thought. Also, I think the thought of bringing him inside was to comfort him, not that he was lonely or was left alone too often. Good idea, as I think it might be comfort that he needs. Hey ArtyFarty, We've never had him inside and have never considered it as there was no problem occuring with him being outside, he has spent most of his life outside and shows no signs of having any issues with it except for you know what. But obviously now maybe we need to consider letting him inside but its still taking a bit far as after 8 am he acts normal and still loves being in his back yard in the sun etc chasing birds hehe but yeah its always an option if no solution can be found. As for being warm, its not as cold as it can get for him and when it does hit peak coldness we give him a blanket etc into his carpeted kennel so he is pretty warm till he decides to rip out the blanket and have sex with it haha.. Cheers
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