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Posts posted by Kyra

  1. My shih tzu has a horrible smell coming from his behind, no, he's not farting :love: and it doesn't seem to be getting any better, he has his tail down and seems to be walking like something is bothering him however everything looks normal.

    Anyone have any idea what it could be? im able to take him to the vet in the morning if it doesn't improve.

  2. I have a crappy Kodak C813 and I can't get any close to decent photos off it :D They come up OKAY on "auto" outside but inside the house all i get is blurs and terrible lighting.

    Does anyone know how i can attempt to get some better photos off it? I won't be able to update my camera for atleast a few months yet and this one is driving me nuts! My closest friend is having a baby in a few weeks and I'd love to get some half decent photos of her when she's born without blinding her or them turning out like crap.

    She doesn't have a camera herself so won't be able to send me any pics of her.

    I'd also like to get some decent pics of the dogs. Any help would be awesome :D

  3. I don't see a problem with feeding chicken necks to pups, all mine have had them since young with no issues, if you're worried, supervise them while they eat.

    Royal Canin does a dry formula for Rotties that you could try if you wanted, Eagle Pack is what we feed here and all our dogs look very healthy.

    If the breeder only fed diced liver that's a very poor diet. :)

  4. My issue with pets in the house is the shedding of hair, dirt they carry in and that general pet smell.

    I have 4 dogs who come and go as they please, our carpets get professionally cleaned every 3 months, floors are mopped every second day, scented candles get burned every night and you can still notice dogs are allowed inside. There's not one outfit we wear that doesn't have some dog hair on it and there's nearly always stray dog hairs all over the house, there's dirty doggy footprints all over my glass back doors every 2-3 days & i'm sure theres more. :p

    There's no way you're gonna have a perfectly clean house with a dog around, but we wouldn't have it any other way, these are things you have to deal with when you decide to get a pet.

    If some pet hair and a bit of doggy smell is gunna be the end of the world at your place, a dog definitely isn't a good idea.

  5. You say you want your kids to grow up with a dog, but are you considering the dogs best interest first? there's no point getting a dog just for your childrens entertainment if it's going to be bored and miserable locked outside.

    I grew up with an american pitbull and a stafford together and both of them never wanted to leave the family's side, they would cry, scratch at the door & destroy their beds if left outside on their own. Staffords are the biggest sooks and need to feel wanted, you don't know what your in for if your dog gets bored and starts to destroy everything.

    Not to mention pound fees if he/she escapes.


    Just my 2 cents worth.

  6. Have they met any new dogs or stayed in kennels? A dog doesn't need to be displaying symptoms of the disease to be spreading it.

    Not really, only thing i can think of is when my fences broke down and Brodie ended up in the pound (he has no symptoms though) or a few weeks ago when the neighbours kelpie got into our block.

    Little dude doesn't look too good at the moment, I'm about to feed him, wonder if he'll eat.

    Tyson is definitely coping better, little dude is wheezing aswell. :laugh:

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