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Posts posted by 3Woofs

  1. I used these too for when mine were pups and they were great. :rofl:

    I then had some landscaping done and used them to block off that area to let the grass grow but Missy my stafford decided the grass or lack of grass was greener on the other side and kept jumping over it. Funnily enough my amstaff who could easily jump it just stands up on it and cries to be on the same simde as Missy :eek:

  2. My dog has just turned 12 months and hasn't been a big eater since I brought her home at 8 weeks.

    I've tried to not give in but she often went for 3 days without eating, and then would only eat the smallest amount.

    Missy only wanted to play and not eat so over the past 3 months before I feed her I take all her toys away and after I put her food down I don't make any eye contact and ignore her until she has finished all her food. Then made a big fuss and played.

    When I started this it was with 1/4 cup of kibble, now she gobbles 1 1/2 cups morning and night because she knows I won't play with her until she's eaten it all.

  3. Seriously, if she has been in kennels then she is probably suffering from the Stafford "tuck n wag" syndrome. Most just don't like to sit on concrete and use their tail as a cushion.

    It looks very much like what my old boy used to get all the time. Unattractive but not sinister.

    Thanks.. I assumed it was just that since she had a perfect tail before going into the kennel and came back out a baldy.

    I'll definitely try the Vit E and hope it doesn't take too long for the hair to grow back.

  4. My stafford girl was in boarding for 4 days last october and when I picked her up she had a bald patch on her tail. I'm assuming it got rubbed out on the concrete floor.

    Well.... it's been nearly 4 months and the hair isn't growing back! It has grown back in the centre of the bald patch but the rest has nothing. The skin is rough on the bald patch and it looks really terrible.

    Does anyone know of anything that will help the hair grow back?

    She's had cuts on her face and the hair grew back straight away but not on her tail :D

  5. Lately whenever I let my 11 month old stafford in the house she jumps straight onto my bed and pee's on it!!!

    She was always allowed to jump on for snuggles but not anymore!

    Also when I'm playing fetch she'll go out of her way to go in her kennel and pee on her cushion before bringing the ball back.... soooo not happy with her right now!

  6. My little Buster has just graduated from puppy pre-school.

    It was held at a local vet and I found it to be really good for socialisation and overall a great experience.

    Puppies were on lead the whole time but allowed to play with each other if you wanted to.

    By the end of the 4 weeks all the puppies could walk on the lead, sit, drop, shake, come, and stay for 5 seconds.

    We were given a folder with lots of hand outs and a bag of goodies which included a name tag, heartworm tablets, frontline, a toy, a santa doggy stocking, discount vouchers, food samples, and a brush.

    We also painted the puppies feet and stamped their certificates.

    I've attached a couple of photos of Buster at pre-school.


  7. I thought they might be quite salty since he drinks a lot or water after chewing on them which = lots of puddles.

    Oh well now I know.

    He has mince in the morning, a chicken neck or wing for lunch, and pro plan bickies for dinner.

    I was going to introduce veggies anyway so I think I'll pop some carrot in there and pumpkin.

    He'll be with the big dogs during the day in a few weeks so won't need to be kept from boredom.

  8. ok thanks.

    I've only had him since sunday so luckily he hasn't had too many yet. I'll change it to once a week.

    I've been looking into kong filler recipes and might try some of those to get him more interested in it.

    Also he takes a whole of 2 minutes to eat a chicken wing so I might try the brisket bone instead and see if it takes him a little longer.

  9. Is it ok to give a pig ear everyday for a puppy to chew on or is that too often?

    My 8 week old new puppy has dent-a-bones, rawhide bones, stuffed kong, and pigs ears but he is only crazy about the pigs ears and will happily sit there chewing on it for hours. When he sees you coming towards him with one he gets so excited and starts jumping about.

    At the moment he demolishes one a day but I just want to make sure this is ok.

  10. Thanks guys for all your advice.

    Stocked up last night on lots of veggies and bought some lite dry food.

    I had trouble getting my puppy to eat her food because she just wanted the beagles' so I smooshed some mince in there and she skoffed it.

    I also spoke to my vet and we started a food and exercise program.

    Thanks again,


  11. hmmm ok.... maybe what I thought was a little amount wasn't so little after all.

    She was on Advance but is now eating Royal Canine puppy because she went burzerk trying to get to the staffy's food.

    She get's 2 cups split between 2 meals, 2 chicken necks every second day and a large bone on the weekend.

    I watch them eat because she will eat all her food and then the staffy's it not supervised.

    I actually didn't realise she has put on that much weight until last week when I took her for her vaccinations and weighed her. The vet said she is healthy at the moment but won't be for long unless I get the weight off.

    I don't give any treats except small pieces of dried liver during training and she almost mauls me to get to the treat like she is starving to death.

    I was going to start jogging to help her lose weight but is it a better idea to just walk further??

    Here is a not very clear pic of her, but you can see how fat she is.


  12. Hi Guys,

    I have a 3 yr old beagle (Bella) and a 6 month old staffordshire bull terrier(Missy).

    Since getting the pup, Bella has put on a huge ammount of weight... she weighs 18.5kg!! :)

    They get walked every day but it doesn't seem to make a difference to Bella's weight.

    I try to throw the ball for them for an hour a day but Bella just won't chase the ball or any other toy... much happier to just sit and wait for Missy to bring it back. They rough play all day but it seems that's not enough.

    She was 13.8kg this time last year and i'd say is getting more exercise now than before.

    Bella gets fed such a small amount of food compared to Missy but seems to be putting on more and more weight and has the table top back happening.

    I can't let her off lead outside of the yard as she just takes off.

    Any suggestions on how to get her interested in chasing toys?

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