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Posts posted by DerRottweiler

  1. Rotties are naturally aloof towards strangers. 


    The fact that his head was lowered indicates fear as opposed to dominance to me. A dominant Rottie stands tall and strong when triggered by the relevant drives (puppy is too young for those drives to be active as well). 


    Socialise him more with guests and teach him that strangers in your company are to be tolerated and not feared (he doesn't need to like them, but he should not growl at them either). 


    Some Rotties are more wary of strangers than others. My previous Rottie was fine with everyone. Current male completely dislikes anyone foreign. Current female is like a cat and loves anyone and anything. They're all different. 

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  2. Certain breeds are more susceptible to certain diseases, that's a given.

    For example, Rottweilers often get cancer, if you look at the Rottweiler thread, most on DOL have been lost to cancer (my dog included).

    Unfortunately that's just part and parcel with dog ownership for some breeds.

    With cancer in particular, I find it worrying that the disease shows up in dogs usually when they are middle aged or senior dogs. But we breed them when they are quite young, so there is almost no way to control or limit lines that do have cancer.

  3. This is very sad.

    The incident should not have occurred, it doesn't matter about breed, size of dog etc. Was the dog properly contained? Was the child being supervised? etc.

    Shocking story. Poor little boy

    There is NO place for aggressive dogs in our society and owners of dogs that attack should be sent to jail.

    Depending on context of course.

    For example:

    Poor child :(

    I wish they'd report the whole story including the dog's background and the events leading up to the attack.


    Why? So we can excuse the dog and blame the parents for not supervising the toddler?

    I am almost 70. I have a 2yo grandson. This story is horrific.

    I have also owned a dog (a dalmation) that attacked. My dog was on lead and the boy attacked was on a skateboard. My dog was given its wings the next day. The boy's photo featured in the local paper that week under the heading Another Dog Attack.

    I have also lived next door to a couple of large dogs that were especially trained as guard dogs to protect the houseowners' marijhuana crop. My 8yo son went over the fence to retrieve a ball and he was attacked. Not seriously thankfully.

    I love dogs. Our society must be a safe one for children to grow up.

    I'm glad your child wasn't hurt seriously, however....

    In this situation, I would blame the child for poor judgement and yourself for poor parenting.

    You shouldn't let your child trespass, especially if you KNOW your neighbours are drug users and have dangerous dogs.....the dog was just doing what dogs do in that situation. It is the job of parents to make sure their children don't come into harms way.

  4. We have had him on heaps of different supplements over the years and one by one they seemed to stop working. The only thing that was still giving some relief was cartrophen injections but even that was limited. I haven't tried the Rosehip though- what form does it take? The other complication for him is that if you try to put different things in his food he won't eat it so it needs to be something he will like to eat or a tablet we can wrestle into him.

    I understand what the ortho is saying- i guess the problem is when is enough enough? How many surgeries and confinements can you put them through before it becomes too detrimental to be fair/ kind? That is the question i keep wrestling with and i can't find the answer.. I don't want my selfish desire to have Dex for as long as possible to end up being to his detriment if you know what i mean.

    Hope your dog is doing well.

    It seems you've done the right and fair thing for the dog. Don't stress.

  5. The best we can do is try to influence the show in a positive manner as opposed to calling it awful and calling the host an idiot etc.

    You guys really need to come to terms with the fact that not everyone is well educated in the context of pets and yes, people do exist outside our little DOL bubble.

    Maybe Lorem can have a positive influence by facilitating the provision of 'a basket of puppies'. Best of luck with the idea, it has great potential if run well. :)

    I wasn't criticising the show, or the host, *because* of the 'basket of puppies' idea... The show seems bad enough in its own right and the host has a reputation for making irresponsible comments. And I think it's perfectly normal and valid for DOLers to have a strong reaction to the idea... I'm a bit surprised by your reply, to be honest; you sound a bit naive.

    The producers, including Lorem's friend, know exactly what they're doing. And if she was my friend, I would be completely honest with her about how stupid and irresponsible an idea it is :mad That is the first time I have ever used a mad face on DOL.

    It is fine to have a strong reaction to the idea, but it is another thing to venture off on a tangent about how bad the show is or how bad the host is etc. If you are unhappy about something, the best you can do is to try and influence it in a positive manner in the hope of rectifying the wrongs that you appear to have observed. Lorem and her friend are potentially that very influence.

    Please note, that my comment was not aimed at yourself specifically, I was making a general comment about the omnipresent DOL bubble. You seem to have taken it personally, please don't. :)

  6. The best we can do is try to influence the show in a positive manner as opposed to calling it awful and calling the host an idiot etc.

    You guys really need to come to terms with the fact that not everyone is well educated in the context of pets and yes, people do exist outside our little DOL bubble.

    Maybe Lorem can have a positive influence by facilitating the provision of 'a basket of puppies'. Best of luck with the idea, it has great potential if run well. :)

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