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  1. Custard is 12 months old. We feed her morning and night but on training day, we don't feed her in the morning. We've tried dired liver, kabana and roast chicken and other dog treats (like smackos and others) that we can get her to do anything at home for. She doesn't even want to sniff it at training to eat it. She's not stressed, the opposite, she's way too happy and excited. We've tried her favourite ball, which gets her focus but she's almost too focused on the ball and just wants to play, so she'll keep sitting in front of me, wanting me to throw the ball, which doesn't help when we're trying to heal. Thanks for all of your suggestions, I think I'll try hot dogs and cheese this weekend.
  2. I'm doing obedience class with my Golden Retriever. She is more interested in the other people and dogs and not interested in food during training. Does anyone have any recommendations on the best food to train with to get her focus back on me and the training?
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