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oh my dog

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  1. Thank you all for your suggestions (and well wishes). There is some interesting stuff to work with there and I'll also act on the suggestion to post on the training thread. Thanks again :D
  2. Hi, We have just taken on a lovely 5 month old puppy from a family whose child was allergic to him. We've had him for nearly 3 weeks. He is a mongral but I hope that I can get some general advice from the collective wisdom at this site to help with this situation...? In the first week we had him I was able to take a lot of time off work to help him settle in a bit and he seemd ok. He is inside in the day and sleeps outside at night (which is what he did in his last home), and he settles into his bed and is quiet through the night. Our neighbour has let us know that after the last person in our household leaves in the morning, he whines, scratches at the back door and barks intermittently for about an hour.... I'm really concerned about him and also the neighbours. I closed him outside well before I left this morning so I could watch what he does and he was ok but perhaps he could still hear me. The neighbour said it seems to be when the car pulls away that he starts. He has lots of toys including two types of kongs which he loves. Do you think it would help him to settle if we put him outside, drove away, parked up the street and then came home again to help break tha association with the car going? I have seen the mention of Patricia's COnnell's book on separation anxiety and will order that. Perhaps someone has some insight into the car departure? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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