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Posts posted by megan_

  1. I know nothing of this case but I HATE it when rescue groups say that someone gave up/ palmed off the dog when it got too hard. If you don't have the skills and resources to cope with a fear aggressive dog then giving it up is the right thing to do. What else do you want this person to do ? I have a fear aggressive dog and I love her to bits . She has cost me a lot of $ and time though. I'm single so I can cope but if I had kids she would have gone to heaven a long time ago. It is also a big drama to have people over and requires planning. It is really hard not to be able to have a friend just pop over for coffee . I wouldn't be able to have a relationship either as she randomly attacks on her territory. This is NOT the life that rescue groups should give people when they adopt a dog, and then have the nerve to say that ithe adopter is requirements giving up when it is too hard. A FA dog needs to go to a known expert (someone that you know and trust) or go to heaven. There are no other responsible options. None.


    Pets Haven is responsible? All about moving animals to make money? Please be careful with your choice of words. I'd love to know where all the money is - I have been a PH volunteer for 4 years and know first hand about money - THERE IS NONE. They struggle every day. This animal was taken from a horrendous situation and rehomed to an adopter that was very obviously dishonest about it's potential living situation. Then palmed it off when it all got too hard. They were also well aware of the dogs history and requirements for a full and happy life.

    Well Pets Haven is irresponsible to say the least, its all about moving animals through their shop to make money. And your story is one of many

  2. Michelle at dogs in motion is fantastic and actually qualified ( many chirps and physios have nonspecific dog qualifications). A warning about the cost so you don't keel over.... I believe anninitial consult is about $180. You will get a long , thorough consult and a written up plan thougET: when I hurt my back my physio said it was better not to manilulate it until it calmed down a bit as even touching made me yelp.

  3. They have breached the law. Dogs off lead are REQUIRED to be under effective voice control. That means that if someone says "call your dog away from mine " you have to do it immediately and your dog must come immediately .

    Personally I would have left before it hot to this. Which is easier said than done when the other fog follows you and continues to harass your dogs .

  4. I am super, super cautious about leaving a dog in a car, because sometimes the unexplainable happens. I left 2 big dogs in my car, windows partly down, in an undercover carpark on an overcast, not hot day. When I came back one dog was totally fine, the other was foaming at the mouth, greatly distressed,wobbly and I feared for his life. He was taken directly to the vet's, across the road, cooled down and examined but no cause was determined.He had no known health issues and never had any further issues with overheating.I would never have forgiven myself if he hadn't recovered fully.

    Could it be that the dog foaming at the mouth was in an anxious state therefore distressing him?

    Could be for on monoxide poisoning? It actually fills up small places like cars and pushes oxygen out. Small amounts can cause poisoning. Lots of idiots in car parks who leave their cars on to warm up the engine etc when you really should exit ASAP to prevent a build up

  5. mine arrived yesterday and the box was crushed and torn. A foot long gash along one side. I picked it up and lots of stuff started falling out, I rodered lots of quite small sized things. shoved it all back and carried it carefully out to the car. I am lucky, nothing was missing but I don't know how it stayed in there with a hole that big.

    That apparently happened with our group order including lots of small items, just roaming around in this flimsy, torn cardboard box with gaping holes :( Lucky we didn't lose anything, either.

    Had customs opened it? Because they always rip the boxes open and don't seal them properly.

    My GoDog got confiscated :-(.

  6. Or set up a chain spot. A lot cheaper than a kennel run and just as safe.

    Nope. Dogs have hung themselves this way, got themselves caught up etc.

    Also, it often just builds up frustration in the dog. Not nice for the dog and not safe either.

    ETA: To the OP, I would keep her inside while unsupervised until you can secure the yard. This is a short-term option and may mean some pee in the house and some chewed stuff, but it is much safer for her. I'm not suggesting that she stays locked-up indoors for the long term though.

  7. lay concrete pavers along your fence line so that it is physically impossible for her to dig out. Also, how high are your fences? An Amstaff could clear a 6 ft fence pretty easily and as pers says, once they get the "reward" of escaping it is hard to "train" them to want to stay - you need to make it physically impossible to stray.

    You own an Amstaff in Victoria so I would make very, very sure that she could never escape. Being picked up by the council could be the death of her.

  8. I'm not a giant breed expert but all the ones I have spoken to say you want growth to be slow. If they grow too fast they put pressure on their still forming, still soft bones. I wouldn't worry at all. Aren't they meant to take about 2 years to get to their adult size?

  9. My own animals and rescue animals are on the same account, and I pay all the fees! If I'm lucky, adoption fees will cover the rescue animals costs but usually not.

    Yes - that is the reality of it. They are just charging a fee and instead of you paying the money directly to the rescuer you pay the money into the vets account (as that is where a lot of rescue money lands up anyway). What they then do with the money is their business and the vet has no right to tell anyone.

    As touchy-feely as we like to make rescue, rescuers are just selling something (a dog in this case). What they do with the proceeds of that sale is up to them (as long as they're not misleading anyone). We use feelgood words like "adopt" and "donation" but in reality you are buying a dog and paying a fee for it. No one questions a breeder what they're going to do with the money when they buy a pup.

    I really wish people would stop making ambit claims about rescues that they refuse to name. It puts all rescuers under suspicion and starts the "ooh, I wonder who did that?" game. Not productive. If you're going to make a claim that someone has done something wrong, name them and back it up with facts.

  10. Also, where is the food? If it's on you or delivery is predictable your dog will understandably switch off if you don't carry food or you suddenly start to reward differently.

    Yes this! Don't let the sight of food or a food pouch become a sign to your dog that you are going to be working or rewarding her. Keeping reward delivery unpredictable is really important.

    I went to a uta bindel seminar and she had the food in her mouth so the dog had no idea it was there. She was using steak though and not schmakos!

    In terms of when you're ready, I think it depends on your goals . All the top competitors I have spoken to train their dogs to the highest level and only then start competing in novice . They then get titles over very few trials . They areng trialling week in and out chasing titles.

  11. If their cat was in their yard I would pay all the bills that are due to the injury.

    However if their cat was not in their yard I wouldn't be so willing.

    In most councils cats are legally allowed to roam but dogs aren't . Unfair, but that is the law,

    I would agree to costs, including surgery and a certain number of follow ups. I wouldn't just pay for all vet care from here on in.

  12. Amazing how many people on a dog forum think it is ok to leave a baby puppy alone all day by itself.

    How caring. Says some special things about a lot of you, doesn 't it? Some very special things!!

    You have made an assumption that if someone works full time the pup is alone all day. I paid someone to visit my pup while I was at work. Simple. Assumptions don't benefit anyone.

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