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Everything posted by johnnybegood

  1. I found this forum because I googled "rat bait dogs". My 5 month old pup (Kelpie X Bull Mastif) ate 3 trays worth (a lot!) of 2nd generation rat bait 2 1/2 weeks ago from the farm next door. It was 24 hours before I knew he had eaten the bait, which I knew because his scat was bright green. I took him to the vet and they put him on a course of Vitamin K. It was only because I could confirm he had eaten the rat bait that the vet didn't need to do a blood clot test. In any case, even if you suspect rat bait poisoning it's better to be safe than sorry as Vitamin K is completely non-toxic to healthy dogs. A few days ago the vet upped his dosage to 2 tablets twice a day just to be safe...and gave him a booster injection. Initially, when this happened I was pretty mad that the rat bait wasn't better hidden away to stop dogs getting at it. In my case all the responsibility ultimately falls on my shoulders for not keeping the dog better contained. The owners of the farm can always just say "he shouldn't have been there". I would like to be able to send the vet bills (currently over $350) to the farm owners but it's really my responsibility. It was certainly an expensive lesson to learn!! In the case of "mirajam", the circumstances are entirely different. If I was the B&B I would very quickly pay your vet bills so that you aren't forced to "name and shame" their so called "pet friendly" establishment. I hope your pup is fine and stays out of trouble. The way the vet was talking; it's highly unlikely that a dog will die from eating rat bait if they are given treatment before they have a bleed-out. I really wish the company that makes rat baits would also sell little enclosures that are "dog proof" but obviously not "rat proof". Dog poisoning by rat bait could so easily be eliminated if people just used some common sense when they were baiting. Just sticking it in an upside down wire cage or plastic crate or something would certainly help us dog owners avoid ludicrous pet bills! Hmmmmm, I wonder if the same people who make rat bait also make vitamin K1. I'm so cynical.
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