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Posts posted by murmarstaffs

  1. I hope Im asking in the right place if not I will ask for it to be moved to the right spot.

    Seperation anxiety.

    My young girl Ginger is 9 months old and her and bella have been best mates since ginger was 5 weeks old, and as some know bella is due tomorrow and I have had to seperate the 2 as they play too rough.

    Now ginger squeals like a bush pig and barks and carries on like a pork chop and it goes on all day untill she goes to sleep.

    Ive tried barking collars one @ $170 which she distroyed and then I got one slightly cheaper and it has stopped the barking but not the whinging. She is not alone all day as I swap the 2 over to rotate and spend time with them sepratley but when I put her back in her yard it starts all over again, I have spoken to my neighbours about her and they are fine as they have dogs and understand why she is like this but it needs to stop as when the puppies do venture outside I know it will start again as she is a sook and just loves babies.

    Does anyone know a tecnique i can use that has worked for them, if not a GREAT TRAINER in Brisbane or Gold Coast.

    Regards Millie

  2. I have staffordshire bull terriers and as they are not yet on the LIST but my vet loves my girls and has never questioned them. My girl bella is due to whelp in 3 days and when i took her in for her scan he was all excited and wanted to know if i would give him 1st choice in a pup as he loves bella because she is not a standard bitch size, 18" 19kg (quite a large girl)

    Some people look at me funny when I take her for a walk and some ask if she is "amstaff" and when i correct them they give a weird look and walk the other way.

    I dont care of others negative opions of my dogs, i have the proof of what they are and love them no matter what and if judgemental people cant see that through rose coloured glasses well i dont care.

    Sorry if i sound a bit ignorant but im sick of people judging the breed and the breed's owners on why they own that particular breed.


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