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Everything posted by dogon

  1. I feed Rodney Eukanuba twice daily and a chicken wing each morning. Sometimes we mix in sardines or an egg with his dry food. We also use a chicken treat for cats as rewards because they are soft and he doesnt seem to like crunchy rewards. The vet said that we should cut out sardines, eggs and the cat treats for a while and just stick to dry food and the chicken wing. She also suggested raw meat for treats instead eg chuck steak. Bones are the best so we must be doing something right! The vet 'emptied' him but he didn't have much juice left. This suggests that he had emptied himself out about the same time that I got home - hence the stench.
  2. Thanks guys Yes, his poos have been quite runny for about a week and a half now. Claireybell, I could do that. A friend told me that I can do it myself. This she tells me right after she graphically described her husbands attempt to empty their pug and anal juice squirted into his eye That really put me off! So, is it possible that Rodney has an infection? He's been chasing his bum and rubbing it on the ground for about two weeks now. Naughty doggy mummy
  3. So sorry for this topic. I know it's positively material. I came home today to a very smelly Rodney...fishy and gross. I know it's his anal glands because the vet has emptied them before. So my question is this: Is this a chronic problem for some dogs? I don't want to be spending $60 bucks a month to get them emptied if I can help it. I guess I'm interested to know what people have experienced before I go to the vet and take their views and solutions as gospel (operation, medicine etc) So is it reasonable to expect that Rodney has a chronic problem? can it be fixed through diet? or will he need an op. OR should I do none of this? OMG the stench!!!! Excuse me while I get this dog outside, NOW Thanks in advance for advice
  4. I'd guess that your little darling has very little respect for your brother and sees him as a play mate. This is something we're enduring at the moment too. My pup won't bite my legs but he loves my OH as if he were a tasty bone! Your brother will just need to continue to be firm. It should get better with persistence. Good luck.
  5. Phew....I was beginning to feel like a Eukanuba looser! :rolleyes: Great to know Kavik.
  6. :rolleyes: methinks that day has come!! Thanks guys. OH has read this thread and, while not exactly hanging his head in shame, has conceded to being a bit tougher. My son is 11 and sometimes gets too excited and needs to be reminded NOT to be that way around the dog. Very frustrating but par for the course I'm guessing if kids are involved. Kavik: my son does most of the roughhousing and when pup is in the crazy zone ignoring will not work. OH never roughhouses now - although he did, much to my chagrin, and pup will just go at his feet relentlessly making ignoring him impossible. What we do is this: stern NO and use OFF command, briefly walk out of room, briefly put him in pen or outside, distract with a toy after waiting 30 sec for no misbehaviour. Nothing works. We don't do the crate thing since it's getting small (I have ordered a larger one) and I'm trying to avoid making the crate a punishment space. ....having said all that Rodney does know what to do and will sit, drop, stay, spin, shake, roll, leave and take on command for any of us if we ask. Usually he's perfect at it with treats and 60-70% compliant without. I think we're doing pretty well. And Cockerlover, you are right, these cockers sure do have a strong will! I love that term 'snack attack' btw. Spot on!
  7. me three My dog hates his kibble but he loves it when I spice it up - eggs, sardines, stock etc. I'm keeping him on it until he's fully grown because that way I'll know he's getting the right balance. I'm NOT a nutritionist so I'd be doing more harm than good IMHO if I chose raw. A bit of balance helps. Thanks for posting crisovar.
  8. The dog training club I'll be attending puts you in a group for pups and then you work your way up according to age and skill. I'm fairly sure they keep the age and therefore concentration level into consideration. Are you talking about the cheaper local volunteer clubs? That's what I've enrolled Rodney into. Like claireybell, I'm going for the educational benefits I'll gain too.
  9. as usual, Luke tells it straight! Tyra20007 what's with the 'dry food is lazy food' sermon? grrrrrrr That's NOT cool. Each to their own and a bit of balance never hurt.
  10. Thanks CL. I've done this; when OH is not around though, so usually when he's going berserko around my son. OH forbids it I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does this. The way OH carries on I feel like some kind of animal torturer. I try not to do it often though because once - when he was really razzed - he growled and snapped at me . (Doggy, not hubby) Anyhoo, the little monster is snuggled on my foot atm. Butter wouldn't melt Ok...so just reassure me; it's just a stage. Right?
  11. I have the dog fairly under control even given that he's going through a monster period (15 weeks - bring on adulthood ) but omg I can't believe the will power this dog has for ignoring all 'off' commands etc when it comes to biting feet, hands, clothes - even nearly the gooly area of my OH. Nothing is working. quite simply Rodney goes nutso for the OH! (and also my son for that matter) I need a refresher course here - some tips for OH perhaps. I know he knows the rules with me. Is this just a phase or will OH need to try something new? I'm guessing that Rodney lacks either respect for OH or quite simply views him as a plaything. So....in a nutshell HEEEEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP!!!
  12. Hi. Wish I had some advice. We're are going through a horror time atm with Rodney and are trying a bit of everything mentioned here I believe it's all about waiting this period out BUT sometimes I do wonder when it'll end. Good luck to you, wish us luck too
  13. I bought two packs too I lock it with electrical tape which works well. I did use velcro strips but he wised up eventually and ripped them off - lucky I had reinforced with the tape or I would have had a shredded house
  14. Thanks Tilly, yes, this is exactly what we do and will have to put up with it until he gets his act together Only thing is that nobody brings the car home - I have to go back and get it :rofl:a fascicle situation!!!! Yes, he walks perfectly on lead when heading home (except the final stretch when he pulls), and at the park. I try to get him off lead at the park as I've been told that dogs can become a bit of a target to other dogs if they're on lead. I learn something new everyday!
  15. Great idea Maximum. Thanks for that
  16. oops, didnt make that clear did I He loves to run around at the park (not much sitting and running) but if we just wanted to walk somewhere from our house that's when he displays the sitting on the bum routine. I'm always putting him through short training sessions (practising old things and introducing new skills) before and after work to burn off some mental energy. Can't say that he's a particularly hyper dog either (lucky me, hope it lasts ) so it's not absolutely imperative that we walk him everyday. I'm just interseted to know if this fear stage (I agree, Maximum, that it's the traffic) is something that may get him into a bad habit of being a 'picky' walker. We have switched to an easy walk harness because he was pulling like crazy on the return journey ( think he's trying to tell us something). It's a great harness and he walks well on it when he feels like it (at the park). I spent the whole 8 -12 week period running him about the yard with the lead to get him used to the whole walking process so when it came to being out and about he'd be comfortable. That lasted a week and a bit and now this! vjb: My instinct is to just leave him until his confidence grows too so it's good to know that others, like yourself, have a dog that now loves a walk. cheers all.
  17. Hi all, Rodney (14 weeks) Will happily run around in the dog park BUT only if we drive him there ;) If we try to walk him (something he has done happily before) he'll just sit on his bum and refuse to move. I do try to lure him with little treats but it's painful for all concerned. I'm guessing he's going through a fear period (he hates the noise of traffic at present) and my instinct is to leave it off for a while and continue driving him to the park. Am I right? If I do let him ease into it will I be pandering to his demands therefore reinforcing a bad habit? What tactics (if any) do people use. A quick walk around the block (10 min - just to burn some energy for him) would be ideal before we go to work followed by a romp in the park in the arvo. Maybe we'll have to wait a bit for this. (We don't walk him for very long and are very aware of his growing bones. Also, please don't tell me I'm walking him too early btw, I know that some here believe that people should wait until the 16 week shot, but we have chosen not to wait. Thanks )
  18. dogon

    New Puppy

    re: fleas - I'm using sentinal spectrum along with advantage. The sentinal renders the fleas infertile so they won't breed endless cycles of flealets Not sure if it works as he's only just had one dose. Others might know. Also, make sure pup isnt around when the spraying gets done
  19. dogon

    New Puppy

    Pig's ears are My pup swallowed a chicken neck and it scared the @#$% out of me.He was ok, thankfully. Chop the necks up into little pieces instead.
  20. dogon

    New Puppy

    Casper really wants to be with you. He's only a wee pup after all. To my way of thinking he's probably a bit sad that he can't just come in and sleep on your foot! Cockers just want to be with their humans I agree that dogs inside can seem to be a handful if you're not used to it, but it's really the best time NOW for you to let him and teach him to be calm and settled when he's inside and with you. Just because a dog is inside does not mean it can just roam around and destroy the place. Plenty of people can have calm, well behaved inside dogs. You just have to train them Good luck with it. He's worth it
  21. dogon

    New Puppy

    Hi C&D. Congrats you're in for a real treat with your new baby. Call me biased but cockers are the most excellent dogs. Our cocker boy is 13 and a half weeks old and an absolute delight! Naughty too ;) I did A LOT of research before bringing Rodney home and had all the same concerns as you. I had six weeks of holidays to get him settled in before returning to work but I did make sure I left him each day to get him used to things. The neighbours told me that he would cry for a while and then stop. You'll find that he'll sleep most of the day away so don't fret too much :D Having said this there is a member on this forum who owns a golden cocker who settled in straight away while her owners went straight back to work. So it can be done! We have Rodney in a puppy pen which is in the kitchen dining area. I wouldn't leave a pup outside (I think that's what your planing- sorry if I misunderstood, only just skimmed) Our boy is still quite leary of sounds etc that go on outside. Can you leave him in during the day, in a puppy pen? I think this is better than a laundry since he can see things around him. We also leave a radio on for him as it helps to mask scary noises. It's important to give your pup lots of other toys (for when he isnt asleep- to keep him busy, as others here have said. One thing I do, to save money, is to use stuff from around the house. As good chew toys that double as treat dispensers fill old water bottles (remove lid and plastic ring) and egg cartons with treats and let him dig them out. The water bottle makes a bloody racket but at least you know pup is entertained. Another really good idea (a puppy school gem ) is to take a square of material (hanky size or a bit bigger) place a tasty treat in the centre (ie. cheese, chicken, liver, whatever) and tie two opposite corners loosly over the treat. Next tie the other corners so that you have a little pouch. Stuff all the spaces in between and under the knot with his kibble. It's a real hit with our pup!. Better than his kong which he barely touches. The best thing about these things is that your pup will get his nutrients- you can even feed his breakfast to him this way if you want. Cockerlover is right about these dogs needing company. My boy isn't really happy unless he's asleep on my foot. I have to rush - last puppy school night tonight - so goodluck with your new pup! Oh, and post a pic too! p.s Sorry if this has already been mentioned; get yourself to www.dogstardaily.com and download a copy of Before you get your puppy' and 'After you get your puppy' (this one was free in January, not sure if it still is) These are essential reading IMO.
  22. Funny you should mention this fbaudry. I found a lone flea on Rodney the other day. This was after the vet declared him flea free even -she couldnt find any flea poo in his fur but said this might not indicate their absence. I am using sentinel spectrum (which is supposed to sterilize them) and advantage now. Thank god for Priceless Pets He hasnt been near the wandering dew for days and is still scratching. Methinks he is sensitive to fleas, even if there's been only one or two
  23. Yup. A cocker for a pic see the pics of your bubba thread in this forum - page 30. He's a cute handful- to say the least
  24. Hiya BTP. My OH went away for three weeks and pup, now nearly 13 weeks remembered and ran to him tail wagging furiously. Pup doesnt usually do that to strangers - rather likes to hang back a bit and suss out before approaching.
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