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    Registered Dog Breeder, Showing and Obedience.<br />Member Master Dog Breeders Academy
  1. "Farewell, Master, yet not farewell, Where I go, you too, shall dwell, I am gone, before your face, A moment's time, a little space. When you come where I have stepped You will wonder why you wept." AUTHOR UNKNOWN
  2. If it should be, that I grow frail and weak, And pain should keep me from my sleep, Then, you must do what must be done For this, the last battle, can't be won. You will be sad, I understand Don't let your grief then stay your hand, For this day, more than the rest, Your love and friendship stand the test. We've had so many happy years, What is to come can hold no fears, You'd not want me to suffer, so, When the time comes, please let me go, Take me where my needs they'll tend' Only, STAY WITH ME TO THE END, And hold me firm and speak to me, Until my eyes no londer see. AUTHOR UNKNOWN I know. in time you will see, It is a kindness you do to me Although my tail its kast has waved, From pain and suffering I've been saved. Don't grieve it should be you, Who decides this thing to do, We've been so close, we two, these years, Don't let you heart hold any tears. Smile, for we walked together, for a little while.
  3. To Wendy H, Thankyou for your kind words, in time I will forgive. Your babies look lovely, what are their names? Redwing
  4. Thanks Christie, The poem is beautiful, It is very sad to lose any four legged person. I am still missing Anjelica but I will see her one day again. Redwing
  5. Hi Salli, I'm so sorry for your loss of Tiger. Run Free Tiger :p Redwing
  6. Thanking you for your kind words, in time I will forgive, but it will take time. In her short life she was very well known she got her Title so fast and to get the Junior in Show the day she got her Title at the Setter Club of N.S.W, was a great achievement, as there were English Setters, Gordon Setters Irish Red & White Setters and Irish Setters. So many people approached me to tell me how lovely she was she is sadly missed by all who loved her. Thank you again for you kind words Redwing.
  7. Just a little remberance to a little Irish Girl I Bred, Anjelica was 13 months old when she got her Aust.Ch. Title, and at 14 months she died tragically in a dog trailer, she was put in there so she wouldn't bark, with another dog as well. It was a Classic Trailer both Inner and Outer doors were all shut, no water and it was 32 degrees in Sydney that day, the trailer was parked on concrete. The owner cae home and made some phonecalls, when realising she hadn't let the other dog out. She found my little girl in the rigormortis stage, and the other dog as well. I am still trying to deal with this loss as she was such a beautiful girl, full of life with such a great future, her last show that I saw her at she got her Title and Junior in Show. Her owner has been a breeder for over 30 years and is a Judge as well. Someone said oh these things happen . I'm Sorry but I cannot forgive this loss the pain she and the other dog must have gone through and the length of time they were locked up, in my opinion is Unforgivable, this person wants another girl from me, I Don't Think So. "Farewell Anjelica, Yet not Farewell, For Where you go, I too shall Dwell, A Moment's time, a little space, Although your tail it's last has waved, You will Always Be my Special Girl, And One Day you'll Come back to See, Just how special You Were To Me. :D
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