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Posts posted by Tay.

  1. Soooo... who's going in 2016? :laugh:

    (Just realized my girl will be almost 9 by then, that's scary!)

    Havent seen you for ages where have you disappeared to lol

    Hahah, yep I did disappear for a while! I was travelling earlier this year, but hoping to actually make it to some trials soon! :)

  2. The earlier you become involved in the breeding process for a pup, the greater the chance of disappointment.

    Missed matings, no pups of the gender you wanted, singleton litters, no show quality...

    Something all breeders experience and if you are on a wait list for a breeding, something you might too. Be prepared.

    But also the earlier you become involved in the breeding process, the more likely you are to find what you're looking for. Life is full of disappointments, I think we all understand that, but they don't need to be focused on. :)

  3. Velociraptor works, You've got Cira (pronounced sirra) as a pretty shortening for a girl or Loci or Raptor which work well for a boy :)

    ETA an afterthought. Velicoraptor actually makes sense given they were actually feathered as are many dog breeds :D (The 'velociraptors' in movies llike Jurrasic Park are more like another closely related group Deinonychus.) This is information I learn from my daughter LOL

    Glad someone agrees with me lol!

    My boyfriend thought I was insane when I told him I'd found the perfect puppy name :p

  4. Yep I'll be hopefully going.. Team Lowchen and Lakie :D Have Ella and her bubba running and hopefully James will have Leo running.. hes training and learning in his own way and time.. and Amber well LOL we will see but her breeder would love to see her go!

    Gosh Smisch, if there was an award for least-mainstream agility dogs, you'd have it in the bag! :laugh:

  5. :laugh: I love how there are never two photos of Sid that are quite alike, such a character! Lovely photos, huga!

    Your crew are looking adorable as always, tlc!

    Awesome pics of Justice, Snook! :laugh: So cute!

    And oh my god, Murphy :love: :love: How adorable!

    I haven't gotten around to taking pics this year just yet, but here's a couple from 2012 :)


    IMG_5064 by Tay Stiles., on Flickr


    IMG_5105 by Tay Stiles., on Flickr


    IMG_5072 by Tay Stiles., on Flickr


    IMG_5000 by Tay Stiles., on Flickr


    IMG_5106 by Tay Stiles., on Flickr


  6. huga, every one of your photos is so lovely! I adore your 'style'.

    Love day 52, tlc, very cute :) What camera did you get?!

    (Note - this is ric rac ribbon. It's a really boring image but it makes me excited as this ribbon will make puppy collars for my litter this year. Plus I realised at bed time I had forgotten my picture. :o )

    Puppies! That's exciting! I look forward to many photos I hope :)

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