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Posts posted by Jetty

  1. Is she digging in the same places as the poo or in another place altogether?

    hmm... Jet usually does holes when he is bored or he is trying to put a bone in it :thumbsup:

  2. They give you the treats? Hmm. I would totally recommend trying cabanossi or roast chicken or something, you'll be amazed at the difference it'd make. If you stuffed a muesli bar into my mouth while another kid next to me had chocolate i'd spit it out too.

    The training club is done at VIP Pet Foods so I guess since they make the food they provide it. :confused:

    Grace I would try the cheese too! The dogs love it.

  3. That's awesome to hear!!

    If you really want cheap.. Reject shops are selling clickers and treat bags now too!

    I have a spare clicker at home... if you want it, I'll be happy to send it over to you :)

    Oh are they! I need to go there so I will head there tonight. Need to stock up and replace the toys Jet has destroyed :rofl:

    You will might need that clicker for your new pup! thanks for the offer :D

  4. Can someone please point me in the right direction for a website that sells clickers and treat bags at a reasonable price?

    Thanks :rofl:

    Just would like to also share my success. Jet is Fear Aggressive. Earlier this year I saw a behaviourist. He would growl, bark and lung at other dogs. After two sessions with the behaviourist and some training as well as entering a new obedience club he now has minimum reactions. We are working on focus at the moment which is being great when he is about to react. I am just so happy with how he has come along.

  5. :( Oh dear. Jet has been a chewer in the past. Chewed the cord to my expensive stereo, to the bug zapper! He has now been working on my parents outdoor dining table chair cushions :o I don't know how to stop that one. I can't block him off from the patio coz then he has no shelter. I have tried numurous things. I left a plastic bucket outside yesterday on the table and 30 minutes later I caught Jet with it all chewed up!

    I couldnt imagine a car though! I would get murdered :(

  6. I walk three dogs and try to stay away from other people.

    Yesterday Im walking them and a women sees me and comes towards me to go to the park with her dog.

    I stop and wait till she goes into the park.

    She sees me waiting and walks straight towards me, so i turn around and go back more.

    Obviously she cant hear me when i say dont come too close.

    Because she walks straight at me with her bloody dog.

    She laughs and says, Ive changed my mind, I want to go this way.

    There is another bloke who walks a Stafford and an Amstaff, along the creek were i go, my dogs are always on leeds, his are never on leeds.

    It gets to me.

    what an idiot? that lady is just asking for trouble.

    Jet is fear aggressive to certain dogs normally larger ones. So if I am walking him I will usually try to avoid the path of any other dogs. I use the footpaths but sometimes I will have to not use it when I see another dog coming from the other direction.

  7. I feed Advance.

    One girl I have here does not like the large kibble, so she gets small breed. The others are on just normal adult. There is also Turkey/Rice as well as Chicken.

    For picky eaters, a half teaspoon of vegemite mixed with water and pour over the kibble. I have also used gravy style tinned food, about a dessert spoon mixed through the kibble. I personally do not like tinned food, but have resorted to it when I have had really finicky eaters.

    Well you see she is my parents dog and has always been feed on the tinned foods from the supermarket. She gobbles them down but I have been trying to improve her diet with better dry food and chicken necks. She will eat the chicken necks but only a little bit of the dry food. I will try the gravy or vegemite!

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