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Posts posted by Jetty

  1. Are you sure it's distress and not excitement? If she is drooling too it would be a sign she is stressed, and Sky_Mel's advice is pretty good - break the car experience down into baby steps and reward calmness at each stage. If it is actual car sickness there are herbal things which can help, including ginger, but you'd need more info than I have about them.

    But one of mine 'sings' the whole time we are going somewhere in the car. Sound like a humpback whale doing kareoke and drives me nuts, but it's her being happy. Anyone else listening would think she was in pain.

    Same, I have a singer and a spewer. :thumbsup: Cars trips are great fun LOL.

    Window open works well for the spewer. Only ear plugs work with the singer. :(

    LOL ;)

    If you do have the window down though First Timer make sure your pup has a doggy seatbelt or just the window down slightly, Unfortunately I have seen dogs leap from the car open windows :rofl: I trust my girl now but she always has her doggy seatbelt on when we are driving - call me paranoid :)

    Oh dear we have had a dog do that before. Its horrible :) Luckly she didnt have any serious injurys.

  2. I feed Jet the other day on the way to my parents (A 30 minute drive) and I didnt decide til after I feed him to bring him So he was laying on my lap and then all of a sudden he threw up all over me and my new car. :thumbsup:

    Lucky I had some clothes at my parents place!

  3. Hi I have a puppy who is now 7 months I hardly had him in the car except for vet trips to start of with and this stressed him out and he started to get car sick. Take him to places that he enjoys in the car. I advise you not to feed him as this may make him car sick. have the window down if possible for the fresh air. Also try to avoid curvy roads.

    Hope this helps

    Just incase you mistook what I said about feeding, I was not advised to feed her and drive around with her, just work on getting her used to the car and sounds etc :thumbsup:

    Oh no I understood what you meant :( Just if it is that he is getting nervous he may get car sick so feeding can actually make him sick.

    First Timer - You need to figure out if he is getting stressed or liek other have said excited.

  4. Hi I have a puppy who is now 7 months I hardly had him in the car except for vet trips to start of with and this stressed him out and he started to get car sick. Take him to places that he enjoys in the car. I advise you not to feed him as this may make him car sick. have the window down if possible for the fresh air. Also try to avoid curvy roads.

    Hope this helps

  5. 1. I was feeding Jet on advanced puppy but recently switched to Purina Pro Plan Puppy this week

    2. I like to feed Jet chicken necks for breakfast or for treats, I also sometimes mix pet mince. Pig Ears & Feet are good to keep him entertained as well.

    3. I use sentinel tablets monthly. and also use a shampoo with flea treatment in it.

    4. Jet has a stuffed toy which he loves to play with. He loves playing with tennis balls and big bouncy balls. He also has some rubber toys.

    5. Playing Fetch. If I could last for hours no doubt he could too!

    6. Jet is only still young but if i had advice for a new puppy owner, I would tell them to definately crate train! Jet loves his crate and he sleeps in it. It is the best!

    ETA: I only just took a look at your pictures, he is adorable. I want a puppy beagle now. lol

  6. My puppy had a limp from play to rough. The vet took an xray and it came up clean however he said with crate rest he should improve. and he has he has fully recovered. We kept him in the crate for a week. We have also been using joint guard in his food. The vet was great and just said that sometimes they can hurt there muscle in the joint.

  7. brown rice is good. Is he on a kibble or are you raw dieting? If your dog already has kibble there is no need to give extra cereals in the diet, raw meaty bones are a better option

    He is on advanced usually sometime i will give him some cooked pasta with beef or chicken & veggies.

    I don't agree that puppies need cereals but the reality is that a lot of people are going to feed their pups on commercial (cereal based) foods through their life so once they're eating meat properly I give them cereals of all sorts - commercial food included.

    I believe that if they aren't introduced to these things early it can contribute to allergy/sensitivity issues later. I wean them on to 100% meat and introduce what I consider to be "unnatural" things to them about 6 weeks. Rice, weetbix, pasta, commercial food, a bit of bread - all stuff the average owner is likely to give the dog.

    With our adults they will get bread when there's some going stale, rice pasta etc if there's left overs, commercial food if we're travelling but in the normal run of things no, not a lot of cereals in their diet.

    I was actually wondering if weetbix would be suitable for his morning meal.

  8. So, OP, I understand where you are coming from... as long as you give all the exercise, love and attention you can give to your pup, then your pup is going to be ok inside or out. As long, as the pup has a comfortable bed and it's warm, the pup will learn to adjust to stay outside :hug: Good Luck.

    As (multiple!) people have been trying to point out - this is simply not true if OP buys a SBT. IMO this isn't about should "all" dogs be inside or outside dogs - it's about whether or not a SBT can be an outside dog as this is the breed OP stated they are interested in.

    Please remember that the OP did state that this breed was not offical yet and he was just asking a questions in general. I am sure he will do a bit mroe research into some other breeds.

  9. sluggo, do not get to offended by other peoples opinions. they can be very judge mental and fire at you if you do something they would never do. They pamper there pets alot more, there is nothing wrong with that but they have no right saying some of the things they have.

    There is no problem with sleeping a dog outside. Some dogs will like it some won't. Its your dog, your choice.

  10. Thanks for a non-judgmental and informative reply, much appreciated.

    Didn't you wonder how much experience that poster had with SBTs Sluggo?

    If a SBT breeder (make that two now) suggests that there may be an issue with your proposed plan, don't you think it should carry more weight than that of a novice dog owner who's never placed pups in homes and who doesn't own your proposed breed of choice? :rofl:

    Or will you only thank those who tell you what you choose to hear? Oh well, if you are actually proposing to acquire your pup from a responsible registered breeder and not from some flybynighter who advertises in your local Trading Post, please don't be offended if you get refused a pup based on your proposed sleeping arrangements for it.

    It may well happen.

    Its down to personal choice and you try what you think is what you would like to do and see how it suits the puppy all puppies have there own personalities. In regards to him wondering off, it depends on the size of your back yard, fencing etc. If it is a rather basic medium sized yard he will have no problem finding his way back to bed.

    To a point I agree with you jettyjet - how we keep our dogs is a matter of personal choice, however OP is wanting to buy a breed which seriously does not do well if separated from their family. If they were wanting a more independent dog then that's fine, but the breed they are interested in is a people breed and is not suited to being an outside dog for temperament reasons and because of the cold intolerance factors.

    Just in a reply from the above. I have had no experience with a staffy my response was more for dogs in general and from my experience. Everyone has good points. I think maybe a bit more research into another breed by the sounds of everyone elses post is a good thing to do. My dogs are a smaller breed and are allowed inside a bit more when we are at home.

  11. I definately understand when you prefer an outside dog even to sleep outside at night thats how my family have always had there dogs. I now have my own puppy who I orginally wanted to sleep outside. So i did what you have mentioned and had him in the laundry in his bed for the first month or so then I moved him outside into a bed. (Living in sunny queensland there isnt much of an issue with the weather) We also at home have a household full of seven people so there is not alot of room for anyone else.

    Now recently he had an injury and I was told to sleep him in the crate. So since then he has stayed in his crate at night and now I prefer it to be that way, he does not make a mess, he can sleep through the night without needing a toilet break and he now even goes into the crate on his own without me putting him in there (originally he would whinge etc but not anymore)

    Its down to personal choice and you try what you think is what you would like to do and see how it suits the puppy all puppies have there own personalities. In regards to him wondering off, it depends on the size of your back yard, fencing etc. If it is a rather basic medium sized yard he will have no problem finding his way back to bed.

  12. ok so you all know I went through Parvo etc...

    Just wanted to hear peoples thoughts on baby vaccination schedules

    Two or 3 vaccinations?

    What age is best?

    Anyone else got Parvo after puppy being vaccinated?

    Anyone use just Parvac?

    C3 or C5?

    my latest litter was vaccinated with C3 (a diff vet to the one I used with Hef :( ) at 8 weeks.

    Thanks all :)

    My pup had 3 vacs. They were C5 i think.

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