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Posts posted by BCPuppy

  1. I steam pumpkin and sweet potato , chop up everthing else and throw it all in the food processor, blender works too, mix it all together,it is usually quite sloppy. I freeze in about 100g blocks in small plastic containers, when frozen turn them out into plastic bags. I usually make around enought for a month at a time, take a block out when I get her bones out and defrost in a small container.

  2. I am retiring before Christmas, so already have mine! She is one of those couch potato BCs, when I brought her back from our walk this morning she went right back to bed :rolleyes: I would love to have another dog, something medium sized, thinking of fostering or rescue :shhh: dont tell OH

  3. Yeah brown ticks are a nuicance more than anything, have never seen one on mine, but then she is in the ocean most days so probably drowns them before they get hold ;) But I do remember a friends very old dog that was covered in them constantly and they seemed to suck all her vitality out poor thing. We have the yard treated yearly for whiteants and all sorts of other bugs and guess it keeps them away, and she doesnt get to go bush often.

    Funnily enough we had friends stay here a couple of months ago from Sydney and they thought prices were pretty reasonable, cheaper in some cases, except for beer and soft drinks anyway. I must admit I do shop online a lot, some companies have good postal rates, others can be outrageous, its a case of learning to anticipate future needs as nothing gets here very quickly :)

  4. :D Hi Koda, and welcome to remote WA. I live about 5 hours down the road from Karratha and find shopping on line for meds and treats is really easy, lots of bargains to be had!

    I think you feed some raw so you will be fine with Coles and Woolies and there is a Leonards chicken too, lucky you! Heartworm treatment is a must, I use monthly tablets, but that is your personal choice, the tabs cover fleas and ticks too.

    We only have one supermarket here (IGA) but we have lots of freezer room and generally do shopping trips to Perth or Geraldton a couple of times a year and stock up big on offal and bones in particular, it sometimes seems we bring back more for the dog than for the humans :) The one thing we do have in abundance locally is fish, works for me as well as the dog! We have a friend who does feed kibble as well as raw and we bring a couple of large bags back from our shopping trips for him too he stores it in a large sealable bin (gotta watch the weavels)

    Yes the vet can be expensive, but i figure it is just another price to pay for living in paradise ;)

    I hope you enjoy karratha, it is a beautiful area to explore, and great if you love the beach, fishing, diving, boating like my dog does :laugh:

  5. :rofl: i sometimes wish Marlin WOULD make some noise, she is the quietest dog I have ever know, she even startles herself if she barks :laugh:

    maybe I should be careful what I wish for though ;)

  6. The reaction of the ignorant public is really worrying.

    Pitbulls are banned in Northern Ireland, and the council can come and seize your dog purely based on type - and the establishment of that type is arbitrary in the extreme. A case in point is pitbull mix Bruce, a dog who never did a day's wrong in his life, yet was seized from his family because the measurement of his head placed him in the pitbull category. He was kept in solitary confinement for years while supporters sought to have him freed.

    A rescue organisation that specialises in bull breeds finally won the day and Bruce was handed over to them. The highly experienced dog handler who runs that rescue assessed Bruce's temperament, and not only was he not a remotely vicious dog, but he showed surprisingly few affects from his years in solitary confinement, where he had been allowed become ill, wounds had been left to become infected and he was generally mistreated.

    Currently also imprisoned in Belfast is Lennox:


    I'm terrified that this country will go in the same direction, and much loved, gentle and well cared for family pets will be seized arbitrarily in a kneejerk response to a tragedy that was apparently very little to do with breed, and everything to do with irresponsible dog ownership.

    Belfast Council should be reported for keeping an animal in those terrible conditions! They are disgracing the Irish nation with their inhumane treatment of an innocent animal.

    I agree it is a terrfifying prospect that the same could happen here a combination of lack of education and puplic hysteria and probable witchhunts could result in many innocent animals being siezed.

  7. The only thing I've come across that Vulcan has seemed genuinely scared of was a concrete sheep (sculpture) in the main street of Berry NSW :rolleyes:

    :laugh: I had forgotten the dog statue collecting box for Dogs for the Blind, Marlin didnt see it until the last minute and absolutely bolted, from then on whenever we got near it she would walk at full length of the lead as far away as she could, not taking her eyes off it in case it chased her :laugh: .

  8. The vacuum cleaner, I only have to open the cuboard and she bolts, have found her stuck behind the lounge and inside cuboards after vacuuming have tried desensitising and changed machine, but given up now.

    Ironing, just takes herself outside

    dogs bigger than her and horses, scardey cat hides behind me.

    Now brooms and mops and hoses are a different matter, they are to be played with and dragged around with :)

  9. :laugh: Photos! Gee not sure if I am ready for that yet, will think about it. I am fortunate to be able to go out and catch my own fish so can guarantee freshness!

    I agree about size and value Jules, will make different sizes I think. Markets would definately be the go, unfortunately I am a bit remote. We do have a small weekly market where I would have no competition, but main focus would be online, unfortunately that does add to cost with post, it is something I will have to deal with. I will make the effort to attend larger seasonal markets and shows once things are running smoothly. Little steps :)

    I can imagine a tasting table would be very popular, I have an image of every dog for miles queing up for treats :laugh:

  10. I am collecting a veritable library of recipes for dog treats, there are so many out there! Did a little baking on the weekend one disaster but two successes :laugh:

    Fresh mackerel air dried came out better than expected and biscuits I made up as I went from chicken, pumpkin and oats, looked yummy except for the strange shapes I ended up with as the piping bag broke :o I was tempted to taste test myself but resisted and let the dogs do the judging, there were no complaints :D Must find some fussy eaters to taste test though, I have a feeling that the dogs I know of them would eat anything! Mind you they didnt like the sweet potato I dried much.

    Off to find those books!

  11. :madPoor dog, silly owner.

    My mother lives in a retirement village and her neighbour tripped and fell over a dog running loose and ended up in hospital for almost 5 months with a broken leg, this was a fit and agile 78 year old , people just dont heal so quickly at that age. Dogs owner STILL lets the dog off leash in the area despite numerous complaints, dog is a bouncy young medium sized friendly dog, owner is being irresponsible and will eventually loose the right to have a dog in the complex.

    Unfortunately there seem to be lots of neighbour disputes in these retirement areas.

  12. A couple of months ago with friends at a bbq, lots of yummy ribs, dog being fed the cooked bones, on voicing caution to dog owners was told 'oh he always has cooked bones and never had a problem'. Later that night a five hour dash to the nearest emergency vet, no fun on country roads with lots of large wildlife and dog in agony, dog was pts later next day with unrepairable internal damage. Beautiful 3 yr old dog lost his life through sheer stupidity imo. Made me angry.:mad

  13. :rofl:

    Standard joke in our house is dog has a bed or two in every room. She has a grooming collection to the envy of top models, more brushes and combs than I have owned in a lifetime, scissors my daughter (hairdresser ) covets and I pay ridiculous amounts for shampoo and conditioner whilst our bathroom has black and gold on the shelf :o

  14. :thanks: Great ideas! Keep em coming guys.

    Liver jerky is good, I allready do that for mine as she wouldnt eat 'real' liver but loved jerky. that is a definate for the list.

    I have noticed that wheat free is hard to come by, and also not too many cat treats out there, good tip about no garlic btw I am not a cat person so know nothing of their tastes :shrug: Allthough my brother has volunteered his kitty as taste tester :D

    Puddles if you find that book I would be interested in title/author and see if I can get it, there are thousands of recipes out there when you start looking, but finding ones tried and tested by DOLers are a bonus! Single meat flavours, a definate too, must be a nightmare having to check everything to see what is in it, especially as so many manufacturers do not list everything.

    Lots of research and kitchen work, have lots of volunteers for testing, the disasters will go to the local rescue group :grimace:

    Doesnt matter what is in our oven, the dog is allways there when it gets opened, can see the next few months being torture for her as testing gets underway :laugh:

  15. Find myself being made redundant at the end of the year :) I was tossing around ideas for a home based business and OH suggested making bisucits for the furry ones as I have done so for mine and can dehydrate and make jerky too, so thought I would pick the brains of DOLers :D

    What do you look for when buying treats/biscuits?

    Are there any flavours that are realy hard to get?

    What are your pets all time favourites?

    My thoughts so far are:

    Preservative free

    additive free

    colour free

    wheat free range

    natural only

    no sugar




    human grade meats only

    some for cats too

    dont expect to make my fortune but enough for the odd bottle of wine would be nice :laugh:

    All comments, ideas, jokes, would be appreciated!

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