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    I'm a dog lover who has a little Maltese called Delta and a big German Shepherd called Bronx. We love going to the park together and going to the beach.

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  1. That's awesome. I will definitely check them out and see if we can help them out! thanks very much for your reply!
  2. yeah he fits all those things. he's 35kg and vaccinated and wormed. I've read a vet in toowomba does it, but thats a 2 hour drive from where I am and i would prefer to not have to go that far. and they had the same requirements as what you said. contacting the uni is a very good idea. thanks for your reply! i'll see how i go and who else responds though as well and what they have to suggest.
  3. Hi Guys. I was wanting to know if there are any vets in Brisbane that need dogs blood. I have a beautiful big german shepherd that would be able to donate some. we just thought it might be a way we can give back to the community and save some dogs lives. I heard some vets take blood supplies but not all, so if anyone knows any that do. Let me know the details and I'll see if Bronx is a good candidate. Kind regards, Laura.
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