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Posts posted by SBT101

  1. Redkinsmum, sorry about Elle :laugh: i know exactly how you feel.

    I have been talking to a couple of people and I have decided to put Kimba on the 'fertility mix for bitches' from Robert McDowels. I had a good talk with a lady there and she suggested to start Kimba on this now. I have also cut her food back just a little and increased her exercise so she is in prime condition also. Even though I wouldn't of called her fat before, I can easily see that she is becoming fitter, healthier and happier :)

  2. My vet told me the complete opposite. And I also have breeder friends who have told me the same thing. I give folate tablets right through their pregnancy, and for calcium during pregnancy, always give them plenty of meaty bones, minced chicken carcusses. My friends also advised me to give sandoz after every whelping do bring calcium levels up. My girl ended up having a c-section so didn't need to. I did give it to her afterwoods though and always have it on hand just in case she needed it. I know lack of calcium is quite bad and can lead to the dam getting aggressive, and in worst cases even killing and eating puppies.

  3. I feed my lot all raw. No biscuits allowed i this house as no matter which biscuits i use, at least 1 of the staffords will get allergies. And since I have been feeding raw, they have never looked healthier. They get, donkey, little bit of goat, raw vegies, offal mix, minced chicken carcusses, lamb off cuts, chicken wings and necks, roo bones, any bones really except for ones that splinter.

  4. You'll never keep up with her 101. You'll need to teach her to work at a distance. :)

    Thats the plan eventually. But at the moment I have to start to retrain her using a ball instead of treats. And that in itself is going to be a mission :rofl: She is extremely obedient and catches on with the drop of a hat, BUT, show her a boy, toy etc and all that training just goes out the window :D

  5. Sorry to hear that Cavalblaze but I fully understand how you feel. It gets quite upsetting when you plan a litter and it just doesn't go according to plan.

    I'm going to go the whole hog next time to with Kimba and Ody. Im coning to put Kimba on 'Boost ya bitch' and do the progetrone testing to get it right. I have heard of one of our vets that will do an ai and is quite good so I might even go for that. Still got a while to think about it, but better to be all prepared.....

  6. I have recently started doing agility with my little girl Kimba. She is quite a compact, small little girl who just loves it. The height of the jumps in agility all depends on the height of your dog ie: Kimba only needs to jump 300 - 400mm (i haven't got her officially measured yet so we are just roughing it). She hoons around the course. Its actually me who has to try and keep up and show her where to go. There are a few staffords in agility in Western Australia and they are doing quite well :(

  7. It seems that I have bred a broken Stafford. Little toad seems to have some kind of anatomical attachment between her front and back feet. Place a front foot, the corresponding back foot moves with it. Place a back foot, the corresponding front foot leaves the ground.

    AND then just when you get the feet right and try to lift the head......the whole damned thing collapses in the middle! :laugh:

    OMG so I haven't the only broken stafford :rofl: Phina does the exact same and everyone ringside seems to think it is so funny :rofl:

    Congratulations again Ellz :laugh:

    Oh, and if you find a way to cure your broken stafford I would love to know :o

  8. Off the top of my head i can't think of anyone called Ros...but you know my brain only contains about 1 and a 1/2 brains cells at the moment so that's not suprising!

    They'll be 3 weeks tomorrow, so new piccies then! I am going to attempt to get some of them standing now they are up and about :rofl:

    :laugh: Good luck Hannah. Make sure youo have your camera setting on 'motion' :laugh: as I bet they dont stand still.....

  9. :thumbsup: Congratulations on your new arrivals Jacobite :laugh:

    I must tell you all that I am now officially puppy clucky :laugh: I have been halping my friend today with her little and OMG, they are absolutely gorgeous. I could have easily tucked 1 or 2 under my shirt and walked out quite comfotably :eek:

    I am definately repeating the mating of Kimba and Ody on her next season.

    Does anyone give their bitches anything prior to mating to increase their chances of a successful mating? And also during her pregnancy? I have heard about 'rasberry leaf' and I am planning on giving her that in her last week of her gestation ( if all things go to plan that is) and apparently you also give them 'marshmellow' ?. I have something here somewhere that I wrote about it and what it is for but......

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