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Posts posted by SBT101

  1. Just gorgeous Underfoot :thumbsup:

    I think Cynda was just going through the 'getting ready' motions yesterday. She slept most of the afternoon and all through the night. Her temp is normal this morning..Looks like she is going to hold on for at least a few more days :D

  2. Cyn has had a bit of a discharge for a week or so now. Thanks for the info Allerzeit. She is eating lots of grass but is not throwing up. she is snoring her head off atm, so I might take the opportunity to have a bit if a nap too :)

  3. :love: Just lovely Jetpoint. And the little black one looking at the camera, sooooooooooooo cute :heart:

    Cyn has done a few poos and is now sound asleep. So not know if she is getting ready or she just has the shits. She doesn't want me to leave her side though...

  4. I did get my dates wrong Allerzeit, she is not due until the 30th from first mating and 1st August from second mating. Hopefully whe will hold out for another few days at least. I did put newspaper and towels in her whelping box this morning and apart from a little disarrangement of the towels, no real nesting as yet. She might just have another upset stomach but she is driving me barmey wanting to go out every 10 or so mins :mad for more grass.

  5. I wend to bed early last night and paid for it. Wide awake at 2.30 AM :eek: Decided to stay up...Cynda acting awefully suspicious :confused: Wanted to go out at 3am. Did a wee, and a crap...Have been going out every 15mins or so since, having a little grass, looking around, then back in again. Took her temp at 4am, 37.2(my thermometer about 1degree lower so temp ok), have just taken temp again at 5.30, now down to 36.5 :eek: She is not really due until this coming weekend at the earliest, should I be worried? She has no milk as yet either....

  6. Ok, thats great. I have heard of alot of vets that will do this but sadly, our vets are not one of them :(

    I feel like crap. Been up all night with indigestion/belly ache and it is driving me insane. Have had about 2 hours sleep, and we haven't even got puppies yet. On the good side, I will be used to not having any sleep when they do arrive :laugh:

  7. A shot of oxytocin for a retained placenta and she shot out 2 more big girls...

    7 boys 4 girls.. Now the fun starts.

    OMG, I bet that was a pleasant suprise :thumbsup: Do you have your own oxytocin or did you take her to the vets?

  8. She is looking quite swell now isn't she Allerzeit :laugh: Cynda is a bit better. She has just had a play around with my daughter. Am thinking she has just got the shits with me for making her be in this state yet again :laugh:

    The posite has just dropped off my puppy feeding bowl that I odered. I was just about to send them a email stating that they have sent me the wrong ones as I ordered the 'slow feeders' ones. But.............is helps if you hold them up the right way :doh: Took me about 5minutes to work it out too,haha

  9. Bloody hell, these girls sure do get us worried. She hasn't had much to eat all all this morning. She is walking around with her head quite low like she is going to vomit, but nothing. Then she wants to play with her ball, then she wants to mope around again. She is getting me a tad worried :confused: I did take her temp and it is normal so hopefully she is just feeling a bit 'overit' and will be better later :crossfingers:

  10. Underfoot, congratulations :thumbsup: and hope you get your girls :crossfingers:

    Cynda is a bit off this morning :( Her belly is making heaps of gurgling sounds and she is not looking very happy at all. Was getting a bit worried. So got out her ball and as soon as she saw tht she livened up straight away :) Freaky girl, knows how to get me worried!

  11. Alyosha, my how they have grown, getting big alright :thumbsup:

    Cynda is going OK. Still hand feeding her but at least she is eating. Alot of moans and groans going on now. Doesn't like being on her back at all so hates it when I bring the doppler out for a listen :laugh:

    We had a flood here last down with the down pour. Our enclosed patio had a good size pool in it so had to get the bucket out. I would of bucketed at least 200liters easy :mad Will have to get my bro to come and do the gutters for me as I dont like heights :o

  12. Yes well we wont go there atm Underfoot :mad Cynda is driving me barmey, although she is getting a little taste for her dry. I give her a biscuit one by one, until she has had about 10, then I will try to up it to 2, then to 5, until she has had a small handful. She is still eating her barf, still handfed mind you, and i have to let her lick my hands first a few times until she gets the taste for it. I am still adding nutrigel and yoghurt to every meal. One good about thing hand feeding her, I haven't wanted to bite my nails for ages and they are getting quite long :rofl:

  13. Just had a talk to my vet. She thinks that when we did the iltrasound, Cynda may not of been 4weeks yet so we maybe going to go into August :(

    We have to wait even longer. I am taking Cynda to the vets this arvo as vet wants to suss out the 'doppler' so will see what she reakons today..

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