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  1. Yes I suppose that is true, can't expect them to all be fantastic. We're in Blackburn South but I'm in Mornington on holidays at the moment. If you're not sure of any in our area I will post a new thread and ask around. Thanks for all your advice!
  2. Thanks Bully! We always drive her to the beach and it's sand rather than pavement either at night or in the morning when it's not hot. She's been on the lead so hasn't been running just walking through the water and swimming. Tried the paw paw today so will see how she goes.
  3. Thankyou for the advice and suggestions! PS. Her weight is excellent, very lean.
  4. Thanks for the info, wonder why the vet didn't advise me of any of this?? Advised that beach woulde be good for her! I've kept her indoors all day today because of the heat and it does seem a little better, limp not as obvious which is good. Can you recommend any good muscle manipulators in Melbourne?
  5. Great advice, thankyou! Do you know of any reputable ones in Melbourne?
  6. Yet another really good use for crate training. How much ball playing and retrieving does she normally do? Hard stops to get a ball can be very wearing on pads and joints. What's her weight like? We really don't do any ball playing with her at all ie we throw and she retrieves, maybe once a week 2 or 3 throws just in the back yard. I'm very wary of the joint problems that can develop so avoid doing too much of this. She's a perfect weight, very lean.
  7. Mmm....we rinse her thoroughly when we get home including her paws but you might be onto something there. Will give the beach a rest. The vet said she wanted to leave it a week before exploring any treatment options but if the paw paw ointment worked for you, I will go and get some from the chemist tomorrow and give it a go. Thanks so much for the suggestion, cross my fingers and hope it works!!
  8. Hi Tily, yeah she does run around a lot at home, even if we aren't with her, she's very active apart from the time she is sleeping. I asked the vet if I should remove all her toys for this reason and she said no.
  9. Hi Gretel, I did ask the vet about that and she suggested that it was probably the best surface for her right now, just advised to stay away from ashphalt, concrete, dirt tracks etc. Now that you mention it though, it did seem to be worse when we returned from the beach tonight. Think I will rest her completely in the backyard til Thurs and see how she goes. It's the jumping that is also concerning me, even if we ignore her she still jumps. Thanks for your reply!
  10. Hi, I have a 7 month old Labrador, pedigree. A week ago I noticed her limping favouring right front leg. After a few days of no improvement I took her to the vet last Thurs. She advised me that Misha has worn paw pads on all 4 paws particularly front left paw to the point it was weeping. Seemed to think she may also have sore left elbow. After examination couldn't ascertain cause or any particular issues for concern. Advised me to stop all retrieving activities which we hadn't been doing much of anyway and to rest for a week. We are currently holidaying at our beach house however she hasn't been anymore active than usual. We don't walk her on hard surfaces much at all and as we are very cautious about joint issues in the first 12 months we don't walk her for any more than 20 minutes or so every 2nd to 3rd day. She has longer walks when at the beach to have a swim and to socialise but apart from 2 short walks to the milk bar all activity has been in back yard or at beach. She's been in the back yard a lot as we have been painting the house and apart from her toys and a pile of sticks and branches in the backyard there isn't anything lying around to cause an issue. Vet assured me there was nothing stuck in paw etc. As all puppies are active it's difficult to get them to rest and not jump. We did our research on breeders and purchased her from a highly respected and sought after breeder. I would be very concerned if she develops joint problems as a result. Hip and elbow scores of parents were excellent. Can anyone suggest possible causes and treatments if you have experienced the same problem, I've been advised to go back to the vet if it doesn't improve by the end of the week. So far two swims at he beach and walking in the salt water over the last few days have not improved the situation.
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