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Posts posted by Mas1981

  1. I had some really nice photo's of my dog taken by a photographer 2 weeks ago and it has inspired me to want to learn more about photography and upgrade my camera - I currently have a Sony Cybershot DSC T2 which I have had for about 2 years now. Its a great camera as long as you dont have to zoom very far. I would like a camera that is not too expensive say maybe under $800. I am looking at the Nikon D3000 and the D3100 which does HD video and the Canon EOS 1000D. I am really undecided about these 3, I would like the D3100 as its the only 1 that has a video function but I dont want to miss out on another camera which is better just because the D3100 does video. I am totally new to this and would love some advice.

  2. Sheesh you lot can talk!! :cheer: I think Ive read about 6 pages to catch up!!

    First request - can you please all stop talking about Cleanrun...............I am determined NOT to go back to their site and buy lots of things I dont need............. :(

    Second request - no more cute-as-a-button puppy pictures please. I, like a few others her am getting extremely puppy-clucky but cannot at this time have a puppster!!

    Thankyou........ :(:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    Well after a week of Ridgeback Gastro, we now have Kelpie Gastro.....Yay!!! The only difference is Zola asks to go out - Wandy doesnt :(

    Thankfully though Ive been on nightshift, so havent had to clean up any mess... ;) :D

    The rug on the dining floor is getting nice and clean though!! Second wash in a week this morning....

    Poor kids - I like the way they get it a week after each other, every time!! Zola had ABs with hers, but given its a weekend in the sticks, poor Wandy will just have to make do with pumpkin and Peptosyl, which she loves.................not!

    We have had two bobtails visiting this week, and trying to dig a hole to who knows where right outside the front sliding door, much to Zolas disgust!! Hilarious dog, she is soooooo interested in the bobbies - let her out and she is just fascinated, follows them and jumps every time they move towards her!! I dont mind her having a "controlled look", wouldnt trust what she would she do if I want there though!!

    I have heard that sweet potato and turkey works wonders for an upset tummy - hope they are well soon

  3. I looked I just couldn't help it!

    I want all the Susan Salo DVD's but have no money for them :D

    I do however have something to save up for after I have finished saving for a new car ;)

    I am also so tempted to do another order but I am trying to save for a new camera....

  4. ooooh i miss my cat so much :) i couldn't get a cat now - Ari was brought up with our cat but i'd be worried about bringing another in with her around.

    Mason is really good with the cats, he only met them at 5 months as the cats were in quarantine. He only chases them if Socks ( the one in my profile pic) does crazy cat zoomies, Mason joins in and Socks does not appreciate it :D My ridgy's had the cats from the beginning and they never got over chasing them and they would try hurt them, they were never cat friendly, I tried me best to help them get along but i had no success.

  5. RSG just posted these in the Stafford thread. My little girl is getting cuter :D .
    Yoshimi, getting ready to come and get me


    Here I come


    Aww Tiggy she is too cute! I had a staff growing up and I just loved her.

    As for the Cool Coats, I maybe had rocks in my heard and ordered a 28" - but then again the front just fits and they dont adjust which I think is a bit odd..... the back is like 4 inches too long though - but his coat from City Farmers is a 26" and is too short down his back so I think these cool coats are a big generous in length.

    Wish I could see the obedience on sat night but I have so much on between now and Monday that I dont think I could fit it in, plus if I did come it would be without the black knight and that means he will be home alone all day and night between now and monday ....

  6. I think it is a lab thing as I have owned ridgebacks and staffys and they did not wag tails like this guy does. Although my one ridgy did this cool thing where she wagged her tail so hard that her but would be by her face, we would call her the donut :o but she only got so happy when we went out and came home again.

    Mason wags his tail in his sleep even - its so cute :laugh: I just love it!

    Monster does that! He gets called Mr Wiggles!

    I think its a ridgy thing because I have never seen any other breed do it, the butt its literally next to their faces, labs can wag and their butts do swing round but I think ridgy's must be double jointed!!

  7. My first litter was a chocolate theme hence Choc Chip, Top Deck (Dekka).... and the second litter had to have Classic in the name (god only knows why - I think I wanted Ptolomy Western Classic which was disallowed - so we had to go back to the drawing board! I suck at coming up with names :o

    Anything with chocolate is a-ok with me!! Best choice in theme I could ever think of! :(

    Love Strauss' "Dancing Pirate"!! :laugh:

    Love Dancing Pirate, that is a lovely name!!

  8. Hi my name is Mason and I am a chronic tail wagger :rofl:

    I think it is a lab thing as I have owned ridgebacks and staffys and they did not wag tails like this guy does. Although my one ridgy did this cool thing where she wagged her tail so hard that her but would be by her face, we would call her the donut :rofl: but she only got so happy when we went out and came home again.

    Mason wags his tail in his sleep even - its so cute :D I just love it!

  9. I don't think I would like free range to choose a name, I would get awfully confused as I am very indecisive! But I would love to be given a theme or something to work from and then come up with something. Or at the bare minimum, have a few from the breeder to choose from :D I know it's superficial but I don't want something really horrible! Ruby's is pretty boring as it is :rofl:

    I had a few to choose from, the other one I could have chosen had the word Amber in it and it just did not suit so we got Freeman :rofl::o

    Is that why Mason was called Mason? (Fremasons? )

    It's a 1kg bag :) and I think it's about $25 with your discount. I usually get the 5kg bag though :D .

    Thank you, I was being lazy and couldn't be bothered going to look at the bag :rofl:

    No I had his name all picked out when he was like 5 weeks, his registered name came after :)

  10. Is there anyplace in WA to buy Ziwipeak? :D

    I've ordered it from Better Pets and Gardens in Midland :rofl: .

    Did it take long?

    ETA and how much?

    I takes about 10 days/two weeks which it usually takes from Pookinuk to. It's cheaper than Pookinuk and you get your 10% discount to.

    I might have to invest in some, maybe next payday, I am just putting together all the pics I want and there are like 20 i want plus I want 2 metallic enlargements.

  11. Lincoln's litter was a cowboy theme and my shortlist was 23 names! :rofl: Lucky I managed to choose one! But his Dad is Silver Bullet, his grandsire Remington Steele (a type of gun) and his half sister is Hit The Mark. :D SO I went Western and Guns theme :rofl:

    Whats his registered name?

  12. I don't think I would like free range to choose a name, I would get awfully confused as I am very indecisive! But I would love to be given a theme or something to work from and then come up with something. Or at the bare minimum, have a few from the breeder to choose from :D I know it's superficial but I don't want something really horrible! Ruby's is pretty boring as it is :rofl:

    I had a few to choose from, the other one I could have chosen had the word Amber in it and it just did not suit so we got Freeman :rofl::rofl:

  13. Is there anyplace in WA to buy Ziwipeak? ;)

    Yes, I have bought it a few times from Better Pets..... Osborne Park branch and they had to order it in for me. I use it as treats which makes it healthy and not expensive. :laugh:

    Yeah I want it for treats too! I had some and it ran out but it's sooooooo convinient! :cry:

    If nobody actually keeps it in stock I might just order from Pookinuk again. :)

    How much is it per bag? I could use the lamb one for Mason...

  14. I have noticed for the past few days that my labrador has peeling skin in his groin/tummy area where he does not grow fur, I am beginning to wonder if he is not getting sunburnt? Or maybe it has to do with his allergies, but I am leaning towards sunburn as it is very weird that it is just in the area that he has no fur!!

    Edited to add that it does not seem to be bothering him an its a very light peel, its not cracked, crusty etc.

  15. I had a vet in the past that refused to refer me to a dermatologist even though my dog was suffering with terrible allergies, they also would not listen when I told them my dog was sensitive to certain meds and tried to fool me by injecting my dog with a drug that contained cortisone even though I specifically told them that he is sensitive to it. After all of this happened I had a good long think about it, phoned them a few days and asked for a referral again and told them the food they put my dog on was making him sick.... their answer, no referral and 'keep trying' the new food. I then took my dog to the vet closest to me who was recommended to me by someone from this site, I have never looked back or regretted changing vets. My new vet listens and is patient and does not force you into stuff that you dont want to do, and he referred me to a derm the very first time we saw him :(

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