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perfect partners

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Posts posted by perfect partners

  1. And if you wish I shall give you my PAYPAL account and you may deposit any monies via there......


    I actually like the stuff you post about dog training.

    I also recommend trainers I've seen linked from here - most of them don't post here at all. I keep a list mostly based on customer recommendations... and those customers - they have to be regular posters here, and I have to like what they say about training too.

    And from time to time I update the list I've got based on what people say and what I've experienced. I don't know all of them face to face, but I know some of them face to face.

    This particular company - there's no customers posting about them here, the website isn't real clear on what training methods they use. Alpha connected with dog training does put me off some - eg Alpha dog roll - is just a good way to get bitten. A dog volunteers submission - if you force it - you haven't got it

    But it would also be a clever way to get in all the Alpha top dog fans in and retrain them with the "new" better ways of doing things.

    Not sure about Mellymoo - comes here and posts once every three months - what is going on?

    I was a customer and I replied to the OP via PM.

  2. Hi All Just wondering ..Do any of you know if Meloxicam for dogs is available wholesale? Just paid $120.00 for a 100ml tube at the Vet.

    My (large breed), much loved, 13 year old has developed stiffness in rear knees & will be on it for the rest of her life. Thank you!!

    Have a look at the Turmeric Users Group on facebook - a lot of people swear by 'golden paste' for arthritis in themselves and their dogs. I have a 7 yr old Newf who had a tplo and meniscus removed a few years ago and Augustine's Superboost has seemed to make a difference to her (it also has turmeric in it). She's also on Natural Animal Solutions Joint and Ligament Support, their Vitamin C and Omega Oil. A lot of people swear by Rosehip Vital too. I would try some of these things and see if they help. There's also another product called Glycan Aid, I think. It's available here under another name, which I can't remember, but you could email them and ask if you google it.

  3. I'm actually quite excited about the new Rally signs and titles! Spins, distance control and recall to heel all sound like fun.

    Obedience review has been a complete waste of time and money IMHO, every review dumbs it down

    Everyone seems pretty excited about the new rally rules, judging from comments on facebook and here. It will be fun to have some new challenges. However it does seem like such a waste of time and effort for the few minor changes to the obedience rules. I'm curious as to where you consider it has been 'dumbed down' though.

  4. Okay, I got out the two guinea dogs and tested out their ramp.

    It is light and easy to carry. Almost feels filmsy as it is so light and nothing 'holds' the telescopic bit together.

    So I put it on the front porch as we have a couple of steps going down.

    Got the first guinea dog. She was fine. Paraded happily up and down as though she was a catwalk model. At one stage, she sat on the middle part of the ramp. It looked and felt sturdy extended to a metre. But as the anti skid material is very much like sand paper, she left scratch marks in the first 2 minutes!! The original color is a dark grey, now I have white scratch marks. It also holds fur well as it sticks to the 'sand paper'. Might need to look at covering it with an anti skid rubber down the track.

    Second guinea dog isn't a fan of ramps but humored me. The ramp sits well and doesn't wobble. So, so far, so good :)

    Mine has scratch marks on it too, but I think they become less noticeable with more use. I have Newfoundlands and a Border Collie but haven't noticed fur sticking to it. I have a few wooden steps up to a verandah, so I put the ramp onto the first step and rewarded them walking up and down, then the next step and so on and then they were fine going in and out of the car (an X Trail).

  5. Hi Everyone. I haven't been here in ages and ages. Its good to be back. I need a dog ramp for my elderly Kelpie. She is 14, has weak hips and rear legs, loves life :) I have a 4WD/SUV type car. I'd like something sturdy enough that she feels safe to walk up and down it, and something light enough that it won't hurt my back using it.

    I have found the the Solvit Deluxe Telescopic Pet Ramp which seems good. and I can pick one up here in Melbourne in Moorabin which is good.

    Does anyone have experience with this ramp, or can recommend a ramp?

    I have this ramp for my Newfoundlands and it's great. I stand it up behind the passenger seat and attach it to the head rest with a velcro strap.

  6. I have a beautiful pure-bred male English Pointer. He's a solid 39kg and has just turned 10. A year ago he seemed to be tightening up in his movements; the vet suggested arthritis. He also suggested Cartrophen Vet treatment by injection, once a week for four weeks, then monthly. There was an immediate, wonderful improvement, and he has been great. Until his 10th monthly injection (May 2015). About 15 minutes after the injection, at home, he collapsed, seemed to be in a stupor, and his breathing was almost imperceptable. Before I could get help, he recovered in 15 minutes, and was quickly normal. Off to the vet, who said there was any number of reasons for this happening, and to try again next month. That was today. I gave him his injection. He was fine and chipper for about 15 minutes, then suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, and fell over when he tried to walk. Exactly as before, barely breathing, in a stupor. Expecting a quick recovery, I kept him warm and talked to him. But after 20 minutes of dread and no change I started CPR and massage. I don't think it helped. At 30 minutes I said a little prayer to the doggie gods, and suddenly he perked up and lay more upright, supporting himself. His breathing slowly improved, as did his awareness. He stood gingerly at 50 minutes, walked unsteadily to his nearby bed and lay there for an hour. At 1hr 30min he showed a passing interest in food, slowly taking a treat. At 2 hours he was back up, but a bit shaken.

    Now I feel guilty for believing my vet of ten years knew all there was to know about Cartrophen. I know now that he should have recognised these symptoms.

    Today I did what I should have done a year ago, and searched for contradictions. I was shocked to find plenty of a serious kind.

    That's what I suggest everyone should do before risking catastrophe for their beloved pet.

    Have a look at the Turmeric User Group on facebook. A lot of people seem to be getting great results with golden paste - a mixture of turmeric, coconut oil and black pepper.

  7. Thanks so much for your reply. Is there anything in particular I should look for when choosing a dog life jacket . in my quick look online they seem to vary hugely in price.

    name='DiscoDobe' timestamp='1423280241' post='6644055']

    My dog used to swim that way too - bottom down and feet up splashing a lot (which would panic her a bit and make her get out).

    I work at a hydrotherapy clinic, so I got Elsie swimming properly in the pool there, using a life jacket and supporting her rear in the water. Lots of practice and she swims beautifully now, very little splashing and can swim forever!

    I have the Ruff Wear ones for my dogs. They are probably the most expensive but they are really good quality and fit well.

  8. Hey folks

    Before I drop a bundle on Amazon, I'd like to ask what you'd recommend as the best books on 'reading' your dog - written for someone who can understand big words, but often falls asleep in the middle of them. Illustrations would be a bonus - and something written in the last 10 years, I think.


    Edited to say:

    I'm not looking for a training manual but more insight into how dogs communicate and what they are saying. And I'm not a huge fan of dominance theory, though it has its place.

    'On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals' by Turid Rugaas. The book is very good and easy to read. She also has a DVD and I think has a clip from that on You Tube. Search 'canine body language' and you will probably fine it and more. Sarah Kalnajs two DVD set 'The language of Dogs' is also very good.

  9. As stated, I am looking for pointers for dvd's, videos, webpages etc etc for pointers on teaching a dog a collection command.

    I have never needed one on a dog before and now I need it for Lewis but more so for Wilson. They get their whippet on and lengthen out when doing agility. It is great to have the speed but they sometimes overshoot jumps etc as they do hugely long jumps or huge strides when they need to be shortening up.

    Susan Salo's 'Foundation Jumping' and 'Advanced Jumping' DVD sets are very good. They teach dogs to read distances and to lengthen and shorten stride as needed. She runs workshops at Susan Garrett's place.

  10. Yes I don't think my Leah quite grasped the life saving bit. When she was young she pushed my son underwater. It was like she knew she had to do something..... :rofl: He was not impressed! She wasn't much of a drooler.

    To start with, they often swim out to you but then get worried and try to get on top of you. You have to teach them to swim around you.

    My first two didn't drool much and neither does my older one, but the young one drools a lot more. Still not as bad as some though. You have to be prepared for the worst!

  11. Hi everyone, my names Ingrid and I'm new to the site and just getting into the world of Newfoundlands. As of today I've put myself on a waiting list for a pup and I'm looking for as much information and first hand experiences as I can gather. I've already done a lot of research on them but I'm sure there's more others can add.

    Also if anyone can give me information on the Tasmanian Newfie breeder Yesallaw or has gotten a puppy from them, I would love to hear from you.

    Hi Ingrid. Great choice of breed! I have two Newfies - a black 7 year old girl and a 19 month old Landseer boy. I have also had two others previously. They are great dogs but don't be fooled by the quiet gentle description as not all of them are like that, especially as puppies. Like any other dog they need good training to become well behaved dogs, and this is even more important when they will end up weighing as much or more than you! Some still have the natural lifesaving instinct, but as that is not something breeders strive for, not a lot seem to have it these days. Most of them like to swim to varying degrees but some don't. We do water rescue training with the Newfoundland Club of Victoria and there is a lot of variation in the dogs' interest in swimming and rescue. I hope you enjoy doing a lot of grooming and don't mind dealing with slobber - some slobber more than others, but some slobber A LOT! There are several Newfoundland facebook pages - The Newfoundland Club of Victoria , Australian Newfoundland Dog Owners, Newfoundland Dog owners Forum and The Holistic Newfoundland Dog. Feel free to ask any questions here, or ask to join the fb pages and ask there. Plenty of Newfie people happy to give advice.

  12. Hi! I'm wanting to take my dog to a chiropractor / joint specialist somewhere within a few hours of Melbourne. She has been having problems with her back legs / hips / lower spine and I really need her to be examined and possibly x-rayed by someone. We do agility, so it would be preferable for her to see someone with a some understanding of the sport.

    So does anyone know of a good dog chiro / specialist near Melbourne?

    All help will be much appreciated. thank you!

    Kate Haines at La Trobe Veterinary Group - Morwell and Traralgon.

  13. We have a toy poodle puppy arriving next Sunday and I want to enrol him in a good well run puppy class, I am in Seaford, Vic can someone tell me where the best place would be, happy to travel 1/2 hour and I can go any day/evening except Saturdays.

    Kingston Veterinary Hospital at Mentone. Classes are run by an NDTF accredited trainer, not just a vet nurse.

  14. We have discovered the exciting activity of water rescue in conjunction with the Newfoundland Club of Victoria.

    The dogs love it. It is a combination of two of their great loves: water/swimming and retrieving.

    What are some of the more unusual activities that you do with your dogs?









    Great photos. It was perfect weather up there today.
  15. STEVE AUSTIN FLYER 2014.doc

    Hi everyone, Skye Branch GSDCV are pleased to announce our annual training seminar is now open for bookings. Please see flyer attached for details. Those who have attended our past seminars will know we always put on a well organised and enjoyable day at a vary reasonable cost. We hope to see you there, please spread the word among your friends.


    Hi folks, have replaced original version of the flyer, as dates were not correct. Please see updated version.

    I had it down as the 18th October, from the original flyer posted on here. The new flyer says the same. Is that still the correct date?

  16. You could get Kymythy Schultz's book 'Natural Nutrition for Dogs and Cats - the Ultimate Diet'. She's a Newfoundland breeder and nutritionist. Also Ian Billinghurst's 'B.A.R.F. books. Also have a look at 'The Holistic Newfoundland' facebook page. I also googled 'Newfoundlands Raw Feeding' and found a few breeders in the US who have their diets on their websites. You could try the same for St. Bernards. All the best with your puppy.

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