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Everything posted by NotSureWhich

  1. Awwwwww so many adorable puppies, I want to pinch them all. LOL Good luck with this years shows everyone.
  2. My little doggy is 11 and has never had a dew claw injury. I do know early on his life I considered having them removed as they looked like an injury waiting to happen. However he's been fine. If my doggy was injurying them I wouldn't hestitate in having them removed.
  3. This photo was taken yesterday (8 Jan) at Colleges Crossing. I call it 'Adventure Playground' LOL I couldn't get over the huge log butted up against it. I'm pondering going out again tomorrow to see how much higher it is. The river was scary fast, I made sure I stayed well away from any sloping bits in case I slipped and fell in. Great shots everyone.
  4. I was laughing at first and then was sad....
  5. I really feel for you as it's an awful decision to have to make. I had my heart dog put to sleep earlier this year. I love/d her so dearly, had her for 14 years and didn't want to lose her. At the same time I didn't want to keep her here for my own feelings. She was having fits, wasn't herself and she just looked at me one day and I could see in her eyes that she wanted to go. It was hard as all hell and I still cry (am now) about not having her in my life. Dogs are usually pretty tough cookies, even when they are in pain etc. What is the saying? Better a day too early than a minute too late? If you aren't sure, be guided by your vet.
  6. She sure landed on her feet when you choose her... Beautiful dog, well both of them are and your photos are outstanding!!!
  7. That is awesome... LOL You should take him out on the streets begging. He could earn you a fortune, who could resist?
  8. Love the tail in the last shot. LOL
  9. LOL I was going to show you my idea but now I'm embarrassed by the other versions so will keep it hidden. I do have to ask though, you have a com.au web site but your email is just .com is there a reason for that or is it a typo?
  10. See I can see it with the words along the curves, does that make any sense? I'll see if I can do it, but I'm pretty sad at those kinds of things, I had to pay someone to do mine. LOL I was always wondering the one side vs two side.
  11. Lovely photos everyone, the GP is just sooooooooooo cute. Here is my first offering. I'm trying out all kinds of things this year. If you are really unlucky I might even have a bad star trail to share (never done one before). :D
  12. Oops, my other reply was for the dog photo thread, I'm such an idiot. LOL Ok, I'm in for the year. My topic will be "Anything Goes".
  13. That's just disgusting, I don't understand the human race at times. *shakes head*
  14. Thsi is a very highly emotive subject and it's one I sure do not hope to face one day. I'll be honest though and say human life is more sacred than animals. I would be far more upset if I lost my family or friends to a disaster than losing my pets or their pets. I'm still mourning for my girl I lost back in April this year, but the thought of losing my parents in a flood because they stayed behind for an animal would just about kill me. None of us can know what or how we'll react until the time comes. It's would be devastating for those who have had to leave beloved pets behind. But not everyone or everything can be saved. I'm sure there are a lot of large stock ie: much loved horses, sheep and cattle left behind and died. There would also be a massive back lash against rescue choppers etc if they evacuated animals over people and people died. If people want to stay behind with their pets and risk dying that is their choice and it should be honoured. Those who choose to go without their pets shouldn't be victimized.
  15. Dry dog food, stews I make up myself, they include pasta or rice, vegies and human meat. Usually a bit of gravy as well. And any scraps I think he might like. Chicken wings or carcasses from time to time as well.
  16. Check d-dphotographics as well, I bought a wide angle through B&H a few months ago, since then d-dphotographics have dropped their prices near what I can buy at B&H. So might be worth looking into for anyone who wants to buy from an aussie supplier. They are great and a lot of photographers use them.
  17. What a cutie and those first lot of photos are gorgeous!
  18. Sonys are very good cameras. I would have gone Sony myself but they just didn't feel comfortable in my hands. So I'm a Canon girl now, nice fit for me. You have some lovely photos, I love the one of the four dogs together the best. You will have a ball with your new camera.
  19. Wish I could join in this but my dog is terrified of the camera for some reason. Bugger. I will enjoy seeing others photos though.
  20. That one of your Nonno would make a sensational BW and with some burning/vignetting you can remove all the distractions around him. Lovely photos btw, it's great having a new camera.
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