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Pretty Miss Emma

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Posts posted by Pretty Miss Emma

  1. I haven't read the story - I have too much going on at work this week to be crying myself to sleep and waking up with a headache!! I'll come back and read it when I can!

    But, I found out the background of my rescue dog some years ago. It was my beautiful Emma. She was just an old beautiful Border Collie at the RSPCA. She had to come home with me, that was all that mattered. I knew she'd been surrendered, I knew she hadn't had exercise outside of the back yard and ate crap. But that was it. After having her for 2 years I had someone ask me where she was from, obvious answer - RSPCA. But they insisted that she was a pedigree dog and for me to send them any information I knew about her and they would see if they could trace her back to anyone. Within a day of sending this information I had the name of her breeder and found out that she had been a show winning puppy (until her legs stopped growing while she was stil 2-3 inches below breed standard!).

    I was very happy to be able to take her to see her breeder again a few months before she (Emma) died. The breeder was very happy to see one of her dogs living with me (after letting the rage of one of her dogs ending up in a shelter subside!). And one of the best things about finding out all of this is that I have ended up with Hamish, as having found out where Emma came from I was able to see her pedigree and when Hamish's litter arrived saw that Emma's dad was behind Hamish - had to have him!!!!

    Will look forward to crying through the story you've posted when I have the emotional energy to do so!

  2. Can someone please tell me, general specials day how does it work? I'm guessing all the BOB are there and then BIG happens, then BIS. In group are they placed similarly to as happens in breed? And what else is awarded? Baby Puppy? Puppy (which ages is this or is it class 3)? I know it's not every class (it isn't is it?!), but I don't know what gets awarded because the only bit I do know is that it is different to a normal show!

  3. I was also going to say Diggers.

    I will say go do it!! We had an afternoon of herding at KK yesterday and I'm so excited about it! My dogs did great and it was just lovely to watch them do something that they're bred to do and for Hamish to pick it up so much more quickly than I thought he could do anything!! I'm finding it very rewarding for all of us!

  4. Playpen somewhere, laundry or bathroom. But make sure you've been getting the puppy used to spending time on it's own before then so it doesn't scream down the whole neighbourhood for the whole day! I don't really think babysitting is essential, reality is that at some point the dog is going to be on it's own for a long period so why get it used to having people around all the time if that isn't reality. But make sure you leave lots of fun stuff to keep him busy and if someone can pop in to take him out to the toilet and replenish the fun things (like kongs and chews and whatnot) then that would be a good break in the day. As long as he is somewhere secure with enough space but can't get in to trouble he will survive the day!

  5. Now that I am getting to know rough collies this just sounds like the exact opposite of what you'd expect from them (obviously a big generalisation, but they all seem to have such great temperaments).

    Is there a specific reason he is entire? And do you think desexing may help?

    I have learnt that collies are talkative breeds, so some of what he is doing in regards to the dog next door etc may be a bit of talkative-ness. In which case that's a training issue to settle and quiet him. I would also contemplate creating a fence within the fence so that he can't get to the fence where the other dog is, that may help with the barking at the other dog. Does the other dog bark? And if so can you work with the neighbour to keep both dogs happy and quieter?

    And I definitely agree, start teaching some tricks and pretty much doing any activity that gets his brain working!! I've found that the collies tend to not necessarily work for a long time but they work well intensively. So lots of short training sessions to get the brain going could do him the world of good. Seeing as though you're on acreage could you maybe make a few jumps and whatnot and do some backyard agility with him. Fun and brain work!!!

  6. Hi all. Roo seems just fine. She is a quiet dog so probably wasn't on the receiving end of any rage. Unlike to bulldog. It was horrible.

    I stupidly can't remember the name exactly, it had the word dog and the words Trust or Care in the title and the new signed were green and purple. I didn't realise it was important until pick up, and then i just wanted to get Roo away from there as quickly as possible.

    I had not thought about reporting to the RSPCA. Thank you. There were also at least 20 dogs there and only one staff member..... surely that isn't right? And it was 5.00pm on Saturday, their closing time, so they can't all have been daycare dogs? So where will they all sleep? So many questions

    I believe the relevant code states something like 1 staff member per 11 dogs and that there must be at least 1 staff member on the premises overnight (that's if they have approval from council for the dogs to stay in the facility overnight!. I'd definitely be reporting to council, because they may at least be able to ping her on staff members and when dogs are allowed to be left on premesis or something like that. She is a disgrace to animal care professions.

  7. I havent posted on here in such a long timebut came looking for some ideas for my pup on healing and couldnt help but notice this thread! SnT did an AWESOME job with this seminar, Frankie and I had a ball, and was nice to meet a few new people, Justrace, it must have been you with the Brit puppy I talked to a few times?!

    I've gotten a bunch of boxes from bunnings and the bottle shop and been doing it with all 3 dogs since, and they are having the best time, and its giving me a workout trying to think of new hidey spots too!

    I am crossing everything that Jen gets her visa and comes to melb :)

    Frankie was an absolute gun!!!!! If we could bottle her joy at searching those boxes imagine how happy the world would be!!!

  8. The concern here the way the 'evidence' was gathered was unlawful. If she does loose in court what sort of precedence does that set?

    Is the AA footage going to be used in court? and even if it isn't, has putting it on national television compromised the integrity of the jury?

    Any charges referred to the Courts by a council will be summary offences - will be in the Magistrates court, no jury. But rules of evidence still apply.

    I don't know about Vic, but in NSW I don't think that council officers are "authorised officers" under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. So if that was the case any charges referred by council would not be cruelty ones. DOes anyone in Vic know whether council officers are authorised under cruelty legislation down there? :confused:

    I believe that in Vic council officer are not "authorised officers".

  9. I did mean to say that SnT did a great job at organising everything. Lunch - OMG it was great!!!! And solving the technical issue - lifesaver!!!

    Yes it was very well run. As someone who owns a fearful/reactive dog, sometimes these events can be VERY stressful - this one wasn't.

    ETA: After you posted, I recalled Hamish and connected the dots. He is a beautiful boy. What a coat!

    He does have a great coat - literally every person who meets him mentions it! It is quite stunning!!! Thanks!

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