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Posts posted by betsy

  1. Great photos Wuffles, 'specially the last one :o . I love the way Aussies play so rough. I look out for labs at the beach for Ziggy to play with as they seem to handle it well......

    Have just been for a walk with The Lunging One, tried the front harness, worked well. I am trying to get Ziggy to run on lead, but it seems that he thinks that means jumping around like a lunatic. And biting his lead :hug: We also played with the frisbee, and I can confidently say that catching it mid air yesterday was not a fluke!

    EFS :laugh:

  2. Awesome stuff with the frisbee!! Is this something that is teachable, if so how did you teach Ziggy? Mars likes to catch balls, but always seems to wait for the frisbee to drop before attempting to grab it.

    Not sure I really taught it but I do throw his treats up in the air for him to catch most of the time, so maybe that has made him a bit more co-ordinated?

    Hope the shanks were good!

    Wizzle - my dog has a snout and we are still struggling with shy. He seems to just swipe his nose! Dead mice/multiple mice in lanes sounds gross :thumbsup:

    Training went ok. Really like the trainers so it makes a difference. However they have recommended going back to the harness so guess I will try that again. :thumbsup:

  3. HI All :( Have been reading but not posting, as been busy at work lately...

    KTB - good work with all that help and support you are giving rescue. The subforum makes me too sad to regularly read.

    Sounds like Elbie and Hoover are getting some intense K9Pro style training from you and OH. I will be interested in hearing how it all goes. I have my suspicions that Ziggy is a bit like Elbie (and not at all like Hoover). However not as focused as Elbie. He is nearly 30kg and it is very hard to control him if he gets too excited. However he is getting better, not worse, and I think I am a little bit stricter when we are out. My theory will be tested at training tonight as we missed last week...

    Lilli_star - hope the fridge is fixed soon! Don't you hate it when appliances break down with no warning :( .

    Clastic - waiting to hear how yummy the lamb shanks are.

    Ravenau1 - Astrid sounds like she is going along well, although the early mornings/late mornings sound a bit hard! I am known to enjoy an afternoon nanna nap at times too :(

    Wuffles - hope you are having a lovely holiday with the doggies in tow!

    On a bit of other news, Ziggy caught the frisbee midair tonight at least three times. I never thought it would happen, I just thought he was not co-ordinated enough! He was pleased with himself. He also then just had an attack of the crazies, waded in the pool, did laps of the yard, then attempted drying himself on the lounge :) .

    I have also been trying to teach the "shy" and "dead" trick, however at times he blends them together, neither particularly good efforts, and looks like a slightly bashful cockroach. Maybe I should just rename the trick :) !

  4. Hi Everyone

    I've been lurking for a while and I've decided that yes, this thread is a lovely place to come and see gorgeous photos and to have a giggle. You're all very welcoming to noobs too, which is a relief!

    I've not got a dog.... yet. I'm going to see my puppy on Monday, he's a 6 week old miniature schnauzer, and in another couple of weeks he will be coming to live with me. I'm so excited and a tad nervous. I've never had a dog before, to date I've been a mad cat lady. In fact my black and white "moo cat" Tamika is snoring blissfully beside me as I type.

    I know I've got a lot to learn and a lot of sleepless nights ahead of me, but I can't wait.

    I hope to have some photos of my boy after I go visit on Monday, so for now this is me saying hello to you all.

    Fen :(

    Welcome Fenstar

    How exciting - I will be looking forward to cute puppy pictures soon!

  5. Using Mars to elevate her legs...


    ;) :rofl::laugh:

    What is it with LLW? :) Is there a global dog conspiracy to make owners feel like such failures?????

    My boy has had a lovely run off lead at the beach, followed by a bath. I used special 'know knots' conditioner so hoping he is a bit easier to brush when he dries ;) .

    He has also been 'helping' me in the garden :heart:

  6. Welcome Lja- Oliver is very cute!

    Thanks KA and all for words of support in regard to random poor dog behaviour. :rofl:

    Well, after my rant about Ziggy at dog school yesterday, he was perfect at LLW on Friday. I still had a sore shoulder, so was less tolerant and a bit stricter, so I think that worked :thumbsup:

    I have just been at my friends house, who has doggies that Ziggy knows well. I was cuddling the smaller one and have just had a very big sniff-over from Ziggy when I got home. ;)

    Oh, in other sad news, I have heard from a number of people this weekend that they have purchased DD Oodles, from Pet Shops :laugh: . I was lost for words pretty much.

  7. :D at Elbie seeking devine intervention! So funny!!

    Did they end up enjoying the cake?

    Max#1 - look at you getting all posty in the forums :rofl: The fruits of your labour will be the ability to see how many disfunctional people are on this forum :eek:

    :rofl: also at Elbie looking for divine intervention. He always seems so plaintive - waiting and hoping! Did they eat the cake? What was the icing made out of?

    And don't laugh at me for posting!

    Last day of freedom...... *sigh*

    Max#1 - you can do it, only 35 posts needed. There are some great innocuous threads in general today. Post away!

  8. Well Done!

    I was sitting having lunch with work colleagues, a couple of them fairly new. Another colleague and I were talking about our dogs (Me -Aussie Shep, Him- Irish Setter, from breeders). The new work colleague is keen to get a dog (just bought house, finally settled in one place). He is still deciding on breed. Not sure exactly where to get one from. He was horrified when we informed him of puppy farms and where most pet shop puppies come from.

    I was a bit astonished he was unaware of this.

    I hope that when he decides to get his dog that he will go with a breeder!

  9. KTB - great birthday cake, what a good doggy mama you are! :rofl: (I didn't get around to it, I was thinking that carrot cake would be ok). Did the doglets like it? They are so well behaved and patient posing for all those photos!

    Max#1 - keep posting - you will get to 150 soon then you get to off topic. To be honest though, its not really that exciting. :D

  10. I just went swimming with Ziggy at the beach. Normally he tends to deep wade/splash about, but I thought it was warm enough for me to brave the water - so he followed me in. He's no Thorpey, but I think he was a little pleased with himself when he realised he could swim! It was sort of a belated birthday present for him.

    There were also enough other doggies at the beach for him to play with. Such a social butterfly!

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